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@CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

Take exception as much as you like..... I`ve already stated that this thread is not intended to be a "personal attack"... I used the last line which you quoted, as an indication, that it is easy for "managemen" to throw out  I`m sorry all over the place... but do not realise, because they have not experienced it, how much their mismanagement and failed promises affect situations, unless it has happened to them personally.
If your friend broke his leg... you would have sympathy for him. and say you are sorry about his pain... but you are not experiencing that pain, so you cannot understand what your friend is going through...
Perhaps your exception will be somewhat moderated now you have had an explanation. Your accusation of  "snyde" & "quasi abuse" are totally misplaced.  there is no snyde remark, nor is there any abuse...
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

it seems shutter is not a happy customer at all.
may i suggest a very simple solution? take your business elsewhere?
why would you keep paying a company for a service when it seems to make your life so miserable.
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

I have been, and still am, a happy customer..... however,.. incidents like this, show up from time to time... and I am within my rights to complain about them... especially when I have been told over 6 years ago to " Give us some time.... We`ll get there"... then when it happens again... am I supposed to just sit back and wait for another 6 years to see if it does... No... I won`t..  I will complain AGAIN..
Customer service is not all about the number of awards received,.............................................. but about MAINTAINING the quality of service applicable to those awards........................
if the level of customer service falls below expectations then the customer has the right to complain... I am exercising that right.
I could decide to just "walk away"... and take my business elsewhere...... but that won`t do PlusNet any good... nor the remaining customers.... Therefore,. It is best that I stay, and complain when I feel it right to do so, in the hope that  others will benefit from my complaint.
Your last line is a bit off centre, when you consider it in detail.... I pay the company for the service it provides... . i.e. the broadband for the internet connection...  as previously menitoned, if part of that service is below expectations, they should expect complaints... .....................but equally they should deliver solutions to those complaints.........................
. in the case of this, and my other SIX YEAR OLD thread, they have failed to deliver on promises made by Chris....  and I am highlighting that fact, by complaining about it...

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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

To simply say that Shutter should take his/her business elsewhere is avoiding the issue. Plusnet did advise that the issues in question would be resolved and they have not been resolved. Where is the accountability? To simply say the person chasing the accountability should change provider is, quite frankly, not helpful.
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

people aren't paying plusnet for the "greater good", they simply pay to receive the product and the level of service they want/expect.
why should i (or anyone else) care what someone else experiences if the service i pay for is good or bad.
if the service i received was not up to standard then i would simply take my business elsewhere - the service that leaves all the other subscribers with is of no relevance to me and would have no bearing on the decision to stay or go.
the accountability is whether i continue to pay for the service or not.
if plusnet made a promise to me (which they didn't in this instance) and they failed to follow it thru then the end-result should be to take your business elsewhere.
for me it's simply a case of put up or shut up.
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

I've binned a few posts, please keep it on topic and stop sniping at each other.
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

I agree with Shutters Stance , He is making the point that PN has promised to fix some issues but have FAILED to to do so after 6 years .
IT is about time that PN to stop just making excuses and too many sorry,s and took some action !!
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

Quote from: shutter
Perhaps your exception will be somewhat moderated now you have had an explanation. Your accusation of  "snyde" & "quasi abuse" are totally misplaced.  there is no snyde remark, nor is there any abuse...
Only minorly modified, if that, because I myself would feel abused, were I in Chris' position of an employee trying to help,but having to stay within company rules ( if only just).
You definitely have my sympathy about deafness. Mine is only age related, but my wife's sister is far worse; leads toa lot of misunderstanding. And we have an infant great nephew, who is profoundly deaf,
No one has to agree with my opinion, but in the time I have left a miracle would be nice.
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

I think making this thread about Chris is a bit unfair, after all he is only the messenger. I'm sure he believed things would get better, but the company have not only let customers down, but staff like Chris as well. However, they can only say what the company allows them to say. Have you not noticed how guarded they all are in recent weeks - when any of them appear on the forum that is? It's obvious Plusnet no longer care about good customer support.
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

Quote from: rongtw
I agree with Shutters Stance , He is making the point that PN has promised to fix some issues but have FAILED to to do so after 6 years .
IT is about time that PN to stop just making excuses and too many sorry,s and took some action !!

When I joined Plusnet (Force 9 as it was then for me), over a decade ago I was confident in their support and services.
Whilst my service has remained rock solid, from multiple locations, I despair at how the levels of support have declined.
I noticed it a few years ago, and I'd deliberately wait until the right person was monitoring twitter because I knew they had the knowledge and clout to respond to my request.
Now? I'm not sure I even see the DCT/CRT using twitter. I don't think I can recall the last time one of them identified themselves as they signed on.
I'm dreading the day I have to use PN's 'support' services and will be jumping to Zen (most likely) when my 18mo FTTC is up.
I understand that the stalwarts (Dave, Adam) must be being restricted in what they can do, but restricting their intervention when the underlying problems still exist ... Madness.
Let's look at the evidence...
Inflexible billing system - That's about to be replaced for years.
Errors with orders being placed - I refuse to believe that if an order to BT fails to be placed, the PN system isn't instantly aware of it. Unless it's a propriety protocol being used it has to be a SOAP system and the PN side can't handle the errors.
And of course, there is the unannounced departure of the head of DCT/CRT and the lack of announcement of his successor (unless I missed a post about Kelly's departure and the appointment of his successor, in which case I will concede this point).
I guess what I'm trying to say is cut the bullshit out, be honest. If you can't/won't pay for people to re-write your systems to talk to BT, admit it. If you can't/won't have a system in place where by an order was sent to BT and it wasn't monitored until it was completed, admit it.
Force 9 (Plusnet) was not a bargain basement ISP when I joined them, and I'm sad to see that they are now. I look forward to opening up my £20/yr e-mail account where they pay me £72.
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

@ Anotherone..... This thread is NOT about Chris, as a person.... it is about his promises that started SIX YEARS ago, that  "Give us time .... and we`ll get there"....and here we are, 21st century, and still waiting... LONGER than when I first complained.... so I think I am right to be forceful in bringing this to the fore again...
I like PlusNet as a broadband provider... it has been rock solid, and I have no complaints about that part of the service.... BUT.. when I have to wait on a phone to pay for something, because PlusNet is still in the late 20th century for accepting payment by card over the phone, in the 21st century,....... when 98% of on line retail accepts online card payments....  However, the paying by phone is only part of this... the main part is, that Chris, said they were working hard , recruiting and training more staff, they even got another building,  so give us some time.... we`ll get there. looked good for the future... instead, it has gone in deep decline...  that is what the thread is about....
I am fortunate that I have not had to experience this since my last posting on the previous thread, and so it came as a big shock to me when I had to wait so long, at that time of night, with only 3 or 4 calls, and then,... 2/3rds of a phone call being actioned.....
Put it another way......... "Give us time..... we`ll get there"..... and on the tv adverts..... "We`ll do you proud"......    is this current situation living up to those words ? 
If there had been "online" payment system .... then this situation would not have arisen, in my case....
As there is not.... and I DID have to use the phone... then the experience is not just limited to myself,... Often people will sit and wait on the phone, or give up and go away.. but when they do eventually get some service,.... they are so glad it is over that they forget about complaining about it, so it gets "accepted" that everything is hunky dory from the company point of view... 
Just because I am complaining, about failed promises, means that I am concerned that this is happening, and someone, somewhere should take responsibility to get it sorted.... From my earlier post, that person was (or seemed to be) Chris.... therefore it is to him that I address my complaint..... If he cannot handle it, then he should pass it on to his superiors.  even as far as the C.E.O.  who I hope will be made aware of this thread, and implement a course of action to rectify the problems....
Not applicable

Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

I have been reading this thread with interest and it would appear to me that some of the users posting simply do not get the point of the principle being made.
If shutter were to simply go elsewhere as suggested this serves no purpose what so ever, it simply allows PlusNet to continue in the same vain. By reminding everyone of  the aforementioned quote (from and on behalf of PlusNet as an authorised employee) was done to simply serve as a point of reference.
In my head what I understand shutter’s posting to mean can, at least for me, be condensed down to:- 
You (PlusNet) said that given time things would get better, this was some six years ago, now after my recent experience, and the high number of posts in these fora this does not appear to be the case, what do you have to say about it?

If I am wrong on this I will no doubt be corrected.
It is only by complaining that things will, or should, get done, moving to another ISP is not the answer. If enough people were to complain, and nothing was done then that would simply show the contempt PlusNet have for their customers and would open the gates for customers to leave. I believe that PN do need a poke with a metaphoric sharp stick regarding their customer service, but they do not need to be beaten with it.
Edit: Added quote blocks.
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

Absolutely right Mook.
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Re: @CHRIS.... Employ MORE people to answer the phones

Quote from: shutter
Just because I am complaining, about failed promises, means that I am concerned that this is happening, and someone, somewhere should take responsibility to get it sorted....

Nobody will dispute that.

From my earlier post, that person was (or seemed to be) Chris.... therefore it is to him that I address my complaint..... If he cannot handle it, then he should pass it on to his superiors.  even as far as the C.E.O.  who I hope will be made aware of this thread, and implement a course of action to rectify the problems....

That is where you go wrong. Have you ever worked in a junior management role in a large company? Particularly one where the CEO in post since December 2013 is determined to change the whole company. That's where Chris and all the Digital Care Team were before it was disbanded.
Chris, and possibly others in the replacement and very differently focussed Customer Relations Team, may have reported to their immediate line manager some of the points you have made. They probably haven't, as sufficient such reports will have been made several times about similar complaints over the last few months. They will have been told to shut up and get on with their job of PR, and not to get into discussions with people who are making a noise about something that isn't going to change.
Any peep from any of them that isn't in line with the instructions they have clearly been given relatively recently would almost certainly result in a formal warning. A first step towards dismissal.
Do you want him or any of them sacked? I hope not. So if you want to complain so bitterly, start sending emails to Andy Baker or even Gavin Patterson. You may get one courteous reply from each. Possibly two. But I doubt if anything will change because of what you, I, or anyone else on these forums says.
Maybe I'm wrong, and you might influence them. But they are the only two people who can change things, because it is they who have set the policy.