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Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Posts: 10
Registered: ‎14-12-2015

Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

I'm fed up.  I was promised £75 when I signed up for PlusNet and I have received a cheque today for £50.  What's more, I recommended another household for PlusNet on the basis of the £75 deal and I assume they are about to be short-changed as well.  This is very embarrassing and a bad start to my time with PlusNet after switching as a result of the TalkTalk debacle.  Do I have another options for redress?  Has anyone else had this problem?  This shoddy behaviour turns what should have been a positive experience into a very negative one.
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Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Hi there,
I've just checked the offers we had on our website at the date you signed up, and the only cashback offer was the £50 one. Did you initially see this offer on a different site (Money Saving Expert or similar) but then sign up directly through our site?
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎14-12-2015

Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Hi Chris - Thanks for your quick reply.  I signed up through MoneySavingExpert.  The deal was definitely £75 Cashback because on the PlusNet sign up page it specifically said £75 which confirmed what MoneySavingExpert had claimed.  I would have noticed if it had said £50 - at no point, ever, was £50 mentioned.
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎14-12-2015

Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

... and I should add that the link from MoneySavingExpert took me directly through to the PlusNet website where the £75 offer was prominently displayed.  I did not click away from sign up at any point.  I certainly did not see the offer at MSE and then come back to PlusNet later.  It looks to me from your response, Chris, as if my discount was not tracked.
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎14-12-2015

Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Well - I'm guessing that I won't get any joy here.  I signed up for the £75 deal through MoneySavingExpert, arrived at the PlusNet sign up page which also advertised the £75 cashback, signed up immediately and have just received £50 cashback.
Two things
First of all, PlusNet never put the £75 cashback in writing to me on any of their emails nor did they ever specify the amount of cashback I would receive.  They need to tell new customers what deal exactly they have signed up for.
Second.  If you are ever signing up to a deal through a third party website you need to disable any security software you have.  It looks to me as if PlusNet have not tracked my journey from MoneySaving Expert because their tracking software has been blocked.  So although I saw the £75 offer on their sign up page, PlusNet did not see me.
I feel a bit cheated by this, I have to say. 
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Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Hi mariachin,  I assume this was the offer you signed up to,  see attachment.
If they do not give you,  what you signed up for,  they can not keep you to contract,  although I am sure they will sort it out
Although the offer was offer was through MSE, when you clicked the link, this  took you to a PN landing page to sign up,  with the offer displayed
Kind regards

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Posts: 10
Registered: ‎14-12-2015

Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Thanks so much, Mike.  Yes that's the one.  I've raised a ticket on this and will report back to this thread if/when the issue is resolved either way.
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Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

No problem Smiley hope you get it sorted

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Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Quote from: mariamachin
Well - I'm guessing that I won't get any joy here.

Hi Maria,
A warm welcome to the forums.
Just to manage expectations, this is not an instant response forum, so it may take a little while for PlusNet to come back to your additional information.  To be honest you've been lucky to get a near instant reply today.  It has been rather busy around here over recent days - there is a bit of a back-log to be worked through by the team at the moment!  Shocked Wink

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 10
Registered: ‎14-12-2015

Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Hi Kevin - Yes I was very impressed by the quick reply which probably raised my expectations a bit and made me expect a second quick response which didn't materialise.  At any rate, I raised a ticket as you probably read above and I'll wait patiently for PlusNet to get back to me.  I feel a bit aggrieved about this as you might imagine and it does seem odd that human ingenuity cannot devise a way of tracking an order (or a discount) from one place to another without getting lost on what is after all a simple path.  This is particularly the case when one actually lands on the discounted area of the retailer website (with the discount clearly displayed) only for it then to evaporate into something less.  Anyhow - rant over.  Thanks for your welcome and for your advice.  It's much appreciated.
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎14-12-2015

Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

OK - I raised a ticket with Plusnet and they came back two days later to tell me that the 'Raise a Question' option is no longer available.  So they suggest I either call them or go to online chat.  The online chat is currently unavailable and the last time I called Plusnet they took over an hour to answer,  I've only been with the company for a few weeks and the initial impression is not a good one.  Still no nearer to resolving this issue and getting the feeling that I'm being fobbed off in order to drop my query.
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Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Raise a complaint via the Help Assistant link in here

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 10
Registered: ‎14-12-2015

Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Thanks very much Mr W. 
I've raised the ticket through that link and will report back if and when resolved, whatever way it goes.
Posts: 10
Registered: ‎14-12-2015

Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

Just a quick note to those kind people on here who've been helpful to me.
I'm still awaiting a response from Plusnet regarding the underpaid cashback.
As I mentioned previously, they've asked me to get on Live Chat but this question requires the support team to look properly at the documentation that's provided on this discussion thread.  Moreover, the Live Chat is often unavailable when I look and the Call Centre was very slow to pick up when I contacted them last.
I'll update periodically for those who are interested.  In the meantime, for anyone signing up to a Cashback offer - beware any anti-virus software on your device.  It may cause the offer not to be tracked, even if the Cashback sum is prominently displayed on your screen when you sign the deal.
I have to say it is very misleading and I don't feel I should be having to go through all this wrangling.  It may be the case, of course, that with TalTalk presumably haemorrhaging customers as well as Plusnet offering attractive switches, the support staff are probably at their wits' end trying to cope with the volumes, so I have some sympathy.  But a resolution does not appear to be within sight as yet, and it can't be the first time they've had to deal with this sort of thing. 
Surely the software they use for offers like this can be modified to prevent this sort of thing happening in the first place.
Thanks again to those community members who've offered their support thus far.
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Cashback Cheque Less Than Promised

I'm still awaiting a response from Plusnet regarding the underpaid cashback.
Well the complaints Code of Prcatice requires that they investigate and respond within 5 working days. So you should expect something by next Thursday I guess...

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.