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Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

Hey @fran1925,

I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues contacting us. If you'd like to post further details here in the thread, I'd be happy to review this with you. Alternatively, if it's not something you'd like to discuss publicly, please feel free to send me a Private Message. (you may need to make a couple more posts before you're able to PM, due to anit-spam features we currently have in place)

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Alex H
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

I thought this was a feedback thread?

fran1925 is giving feedback about a message received allegedly from the   boss of PN customer service who it would seem is no longer in that position?

I would expect that if fran1925 wanted help on here it would be posted in other than feedback.

The Full Monty
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Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

@newagetraveller The OP did in fact mention the (possibly) incorrect position of Lisa Hardie, but if you read the rest of the topic, they later said that they were attempting to resolve an unspecified issue, which I suggested a couple of times may be possibly solved via the forum route.

They declined to elaborate on the issue.

Posts: 16
Registered: ‎05-11-2022

Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.


Community Gaffer
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Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

Which address is this auto-responser associated with?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

The Full Monty
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Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

@fran1925 Once again, you are missing the point - IMO - you claim you have an issue which needs resolving, we have offered to help with the issue, and advised the possible routes - complain via the official Code of Practice link at the foot of every page, or, if the issue itself is not directly account related, give us an idea on here, and we may be able to help. A number of the regular posters on here are retired, from various jobs which give them an insight into how many problems can be solved, or at least the quickest/easiest route to solving them.

I ask again - what was/is the issue you needed to contact the Head of Customer Relations actually about?

Posts: 16
Registered: ‎05-11-2022

Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

'm not too happy with your attitude, either. You have not read my post properly. I want to contact Lisa Hardie to get her to correct an auto-email.

As I said before, PlusNet are sending out an outdated automated email (copied below) from Lisa Hardie directing customers to their e-ticket service. But I have since discovered that this service was withdrawn 2 years ago. Lisa Hardie may not even work for PlusNet anymore and is impossible to contact. I'd like PlusNet to correct this message. No one in this community can do it. I'm not criticising the community, but they cannot do everything.


Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we don't pick up any emails sent to this address. That's because emails can easily be lost, misdirected or even deleted and we think it's better if this doesn't happen.
Depending on your enquiry you may find your answer conveniently online - either from our support pages, or through the Help Assistant.
We prefer electronic 'tickets' to emails, this means that you can always see what updates have been made and check back over previous tickets too.
If you do prefer to contact us by phone you can call our support line on 0800 432 0200 or 0345 140 0200. We're open 365 days a year.
If you're a new customer, and want to know more about Plusnet, you can send us a message from our website (use the sales link at the foot of the page) or call our Sales Team on 0800 432 0080
Kind regards,
Lisa Hardie
Head of Customer Service
The Full Monty
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Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

You have said (and deleted) that before. Why not answer the reply - and the question asked by @bobpullen as well?

Posts: 16
Registered: ‎05-11-2022

Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

I've explained the issue here several times. I'm not missing the point, but some of you are not reading my posts. And I don't appreciate the troll-like attitude.

How many times do I have to say. An auto-email from a Lisa Hardie needs to be corrected. And I wonder if the community know how to contact her or if she even exists.

I only want to do this to stop other customers receiving a misleading email that may waste their time.

But it's not worth the effort if people are more keen to insult me than to help.

PlusNet used to have a great e-ticket service. I've used it a number of times. It's a shame it has gone. Their phone service is excellent though, for technical help, but not for speaking to specific people such as the Head of Customer Services.


Posts: 16
Registered: ‎05-11-2022

Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.


The message is at least two years out of date. If it can be corrected then that would be great.


The Full Monty
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Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

Apart from that - do you actually need help?

Posts: 16
Registered: ‎05-11-2022

Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

No, I don't need help. I'm just trying to help others who are receiving an email that may make them hunt for the PlusNet e-ticket service that doesn't exist. I wish I hadn't bothered!

The Full Monty
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Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

OK. Just wondering why you clicked that initially?

Posts: 16
Registered: ‎05-11-2022

Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

Because it is a PlusNet Feedback thread, so I was hoping that someone from PlusNet would see it and take some action.

I think PlusNet have. It's not a community matter, I wasn't asking for technical help etc, though it seems from other threads that Lisa Hardie is really elusive, so some insight into this would be interesting.

The Full Monty
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Registered: ‎24-02-2012

Re: Does Lisa Hardie exist? Head of Customer Services, who is impossible to contact.

Still confused, but as Bob Pullen is now aware of the issue, I'll leave it to him.
