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Does anyone at Plusnet care about its customers?

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎19-08-2013

Does anyone at Plusnet care about its customers?

I've been trying to get an order for phone and fibre, that I placed on 9th July completed. Despite having now had various different dates when I'll allegedly get connected I'm still without phone or internet. I've spoken to multiple members of staff, one who blatantly lied to me about when the job would be done as it was what I wanted to hear. Another manager told me that he was going to take "personal ownership of the problem and monitor it ".  I've never dealt with such an unprofessional outfit in my life. I run a fairly successful business and if any of my staff acted the way Plusnet staff have I'd fire them simply because I'd have no business very quickly. I see that I'm not the only person to complain about the lack of service from Plusnet. If any members of senior management can actually be bothered to monitor this forum perhaps they might like to actually contact some of the many disgruntled customers and see what they can do to improve. I'd be real interested to hear from someone that actually gives a s**t.  
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

Hi there,
Really sorry to hear that, though I believe our provisioning team have this in hand? One of the team leaders is looking after this and I believe you've talked to one of our agents as well?
We've advised our suppliers that the lack of engineer on an expedited appointment is not acceptable as well as getting this rebooked for Wednesday morning.
Apologies that things have happened like this, hope things go smoothly from Wednesday onwards for you.
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎19-08-2013

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

Matt many thanks for the reply.  Do you consider the fact that Openreach have admitted that the fault was theirs last time and still haven't got their act together that a promised appointment of Wednesday is sufficient. What is different about the appointment on Wednesday to the broken appointment today? Also I'll only get Phones on Wednesday and not internet. I'l have to wait up to a further 5 days for that. Bearing in mind that this has been nothing short of an unmitigated disaster from start to finish do you not think that someone at Plusnet should have gone, or in fact should say now, "Openreach you've messed our client around enough already and as a gesture of goodwill and so as not to inconvenience the client further please install the phone and the fibre on the same day at the same time"? I choose Plusnet when I was looking at a new provider at my new property as they said they could move my existing phone number, which was a major factor in my decision making process. This was all supposed to be finished by the 31st July. I asked Plusnet the best way to achieve my end goal and followed the advise given to me by more than one agent to the letter.  Yet I doubt this could have gone more if you tried.  When will someone at Plusnet realise that apologising isn't enough? I don't want apologise I just want phone and internet. The problem is that if I try to walk away now and go with a different provider then I'll probably have to wait even longer to get the services I want. Plusnet and Openreach know this and abuse that.
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

I understand your frustration but all any ISP can do is apologise. Sad Nobody has any ability to MAKE Openreach do anything!. They have a monopoly over the last mile and until that changes and ISP's have the ability to put their business somewhere else when OR screw up then I'm afraid we're stuck with the situation. 

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

Quote from: MisterW
I understand your frustration but all any ISP can do is apologise.

They can do far more than that, and earlier this year I even began to think PN might take a lead on being more proactive when such situations occur and actively managing them, not to mention putting EXTREME pressure on another company in the same BT Group to behave better towards the end-user/customer.
If there's evidence that they're actually doing this it would be something positive to shout about...........  Lips_are_sealed
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

Yes, I agree, there's certainly more they could do to actively manage these situations but ultimately what pressure can anyone put on OR ? In normal business, if your supplier doesn't perform, you can apply pressure in various ways and you can usually take your business elsewhere if necessary. With OR that's not an option and they know it. It needs OFCOM to do something to make OR more responsive and we all know that isn't going to happen...

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎14-08-2009

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

you all want things mended tomorrow
you all want faults fully bottomed out and fixed properely.
you want substandard stuff ripped out and replaced with new - (just like you do on your own house of course?)
You want appointments kept  no matter what (so you actually want additional slack built into the scheduling)
But of course no one is ever prepared to sodding pay for it are you?
You pay peanuts and you are getting a pile of monkeys
You want a decent service go to the USA
20Mbps supply $64.95 plus taxes  (you do get the first few months 'cheap' at $35/month)
For those who want a 100Mbps service you pay $144/month - plus taxes.
Now that is what I call charging!

Posts: 336
Registered: ‎06-08-2007

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

Hi as I have said on here before I run a computer class and have many friends with computers and the problems with BT are so bad no one expects any thing but trouble.Where do they get such bad Engineers, they are a disgrace. Ted
Not applicable

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

Quote from: purleigh
[quote=Teds]I wonder where do they get their engineers from ?

from - BT to hire 1,000 fibre engineers
BT has created more than 1,000 engineering jobs at the company's infrastructure arm Openreach.
The vast majority of the roles will be installing broadband in customers' homes, BT said, with the roles being occupied by a mix of apprentices, ex-armed forces personnel and other candidates.
Four hundred apprenticeships will be offered, providing young people with a training scheme lasting two and a half years.
Openreach is to work alongside the Ministry of Defence and the Careers Transition Partnership to attract those who are due to leave the armed forces. It said than more than 1,000 staff from the armed forces have already been recruited and that its goal is to hire a further 200 in this latest initiative.
That leaves 400 roles which BT said it will fill "via other routes", claiming that it will focus on offering some of the roles to the long-term unemployed.

Are you reassured by knowing these sources of recruits for so called "engineers" coming into your home ?  Crazy
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Registered: ‎18-01-2013

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

I only noticed this thread because of the mistake (I assume) in the title  .........
But yes - Plusnet do seem to care about its customers, especially the staff who man the forums.
To the original poster - if you want to take the "tits" out of the title, just hit the edit button on your first post Wink
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Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about tits customers?

But yes - Plusnet do seem to care about its customers, especially the staff who man the forums.

Totally agree. I would also point out that as PN probably has several 100 thousand customers the percentage who come onto this excellent forum for a moan is considerably less than .00000001%. I think that most companies would be please with that sort of result.
However, I'm in no way trying to negate the concerns of those subscribers who are having problems with their service.
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎19-08-2013

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about its customers?

Thanks for the recent heads up on the typo in the title. I've noticed that I've had several replies, some saying how wonderful Plusnet are, others agreeing with me that service needs to be improved. Interestingly enough no further word from anyone at Plusnet either via the forum or any other form of contact to say "I understand that you are a disgruntled customer, what can we do to change your opinion". Maybe it's just me but if I had a customer who was openly bitching about my company on an internet forum or anywhere that I heard of I'd at least TRY and solve their problem or make an effort too. It seems that too many companies today simply think that saying sorry sorts everything out. It doesn't!!
Someone recently compared the prices of broadband here and in the States. I'm fortunate enough to have a place in the States and pay around $44 for a 30mb connection per month. This works out to roughly the same price as we are charged here, when you add in the line rental we have to pay. In the States if you don't want a phone you don't have to pay for line rental. Many peoples just use their mobiles. The BIG difference is the level of customer service you receive. Sure I've had problems with my connection out there too, but engineers come on time, as promised and fix the problem no matter what it is. None of this" I don't have the right order or piece of paper for the job you want done" crap that we constantly put up with here in the UK. Whether the problem is with Openreach or Plusnet, who are understand are all part of BT, it's about time that someone sorted it out. Looking at this and other forums it seems I'm not alone in the dissatisfaction at the service we receive, or rather don't.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: Does anyone at Plusnet care about its customers?

Hi Disillusioned,
I can see our provisioning team are on top of this for you and have booked another appointment for tomorrow. Really hope this one goes through for you. Please also advise if the manager doesn't get in touch and we'll chase it up for you.