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Dropouts and line speed

Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Yes, router still plugged-in to test socket and left on 24/7.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Dropouts and line speed

I don't suppose there's any way you could run routerstats on your router?
It sounds like your connection *can* sync at a higher level, but then something is happening to force the levels down.
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Forgive my ignorance Jamseh, but I don't know what routerstats are. I can access the router config. utility and under the status tab it shows the following, if that's got anything to do with anything?
Connection Type : G.DMT 
Cable Status : No Defect 
Network Status : Connected
Connection Up Time : 6 hour, 51 min, 23 sec
MAC Address : 
Authentication & Security : AUTO
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
Preferred DNS Server :
Alternate DNS Server :

Wireless LAN 
Wireless Radio : ON
MAC Address : 02:1B:11:E1:8D:3B 
Network Name (SSID) : dlink 
Channel : 1 
Security Type : WPA

MAC Address : 00:1B:11:E1:8D:3B 
IP Address :
Subnet Mask : 
DHCP Server : ON
If I can do anything more in the config. utility, let me know. Router is D-Link DSL-2640B, but remember this problem was the same with my other router (Belkin F5D8635-4 v1)
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

I've now done a system check in the utuility, results are:-
Your router is capable of testing your DSL connection. The individual tests are listed below. If a test displays a fail status, click "Re-run Diagnostics Tests" at the bottom of this page to make sure fail status is consistent.

Virtual Circuits : 0
Test your Ethernet(1-4) Connection:  FAIL 
Test your Wireless Connection:  PASS 
Test ADSL Synchronization:  PASS 

Test PPP server session: PASS 
Test authentication:  PASS 
Test the assigned IP address:  PASS
Ping ISP Default Gateway:  PASS
Ping Preferred DNS server:  PASS

Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Jameseh, I wonder if this is what you want?
WAN Statistics 
Service VPI/VCI Protocol Received Transmitted
      Bytes Pkts Errs Drops Bytes Pkts Errs Drops
wizard_pvc 0/38 PPPoA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LAN Statistics 
Interface Received Transmitted
  Bytes Pkts Errs Drops Bytes Pkts Errs Drops
Ethernet 0 0 0 0 320 5 0 0
Wireless 216102256 485064 0 0 460727656 543751 68 0

ADSL Statistics 
Mode: G.DMT 
Type: Interleave 
Line Coding: Trellis Off 
Status: No Defect 
  Downstream Upstream
Rate (Kbps): 160  448 
SNR Margin (dB): 21.5  14.0 
Attenuation (dB): 62.0  31.5 
Output Power (dBm): 11.9  11.6 
Super Frames: 1692118  1692116 
Super Frame Errors: 4  0 
RS Words: 7191504  14382986 
RS Correctable Errors: 342  9 
RS Uncorrectable Errors: 7  N/A 
HEC Errors: 4  0 
OCD Errors: 0  0 
LCD Errors: 0  0 
Total Cells: 10855098  0 
Data Cells: 83569  0 
Bit Errors: 0  0 
Total ES: 6457  0 
Total SES: 427  0 
Total UAS: 4084  0 
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re:Dropouts and line speed

Hi birdman,
That looks like the stuff. The SNR looks quite high, that might have something to do with the low sync rate, but I'll point James in this direction in the morning so he can push the fault on for you.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Personally, I'd expect SNR to rocket when your connection drops to 160Kbps, so that's not really going to be the issue.
The issue is that your service can connect in the region of 1.5Mbps, but something is happening to force that connection back down to 160Kbps and then you see the higher levels of SNR.
There's 8 connection drops in the last 48 hours, which is suggesting that your connection is only happy remaining stable at 160Kbps and unable to hold onto the higher speed.  Let me know when you'll be free for an engineer next week and I'll get one booked for you.
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Hi Jameseh
I am available all day Monday 26th or, at a push, all day Tuesday.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Thank you.
As I mentioned, I managed to get hold of a Saturday slot for you.
We'll catch up on Monday.
Posts: 12,616
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Fixes: 20
Registered: ‎01-09-2007

Re: Dropouts and line speed

This particular router will run run with the routerstats-lite
You can also use DMT to hammer those noise margins down. Cheesy

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

The engineer arrived soon after 1.00pm on Saturday. He was not a TRC engineer as Jameseh had arranged,  and had the usual 2 hour time slot. I was so angry, I nearly turned him away, but decided to let him have a go as somehow he inspired some confidence.
I explained everything yet again emphasising the points specified by Jameseh. He tested the line from the BT socket, synced at 2Mb. He showed me on his laptop that the line was 'clean' and achieved a pass on all parameters, but as each engineer in turn has said, there were some errors. Then I pointed out that a neighbour had a similar problem a few months back and how it had been resolved, as I have informed PN and each successive engineer.  Coincidentally, this engineer was the one who resolved the neighbour's problem so he seemed to know exactly what he had to do. He went away to check at the green cabinet. Later, he phoned me saying that he had 'swapped a pair of wires from the exchange to the PCP' and had tried to contact the exchange to arrange for the profile to be manually adjusted but there was no-one there but he would pursue it. He seemed confident this would do the trick and I should give it two or three days and the speed should go up.
This morning I tested the speed on MBS and..... Yay...! this was the result:-
Date              Download Speed    Upload Speed 
Today 11:39 981 kbps (123kB/s) 281 kbps (35.1kB/s)

Whoaaaa! ...this is a faster download speed than I have ever recorded before as we only expect 500Kbps in this village. Curiously, the upload speed has dropped still further but I assume it will balance out in the fulness of time. Anyway, I am not going to 'rock the boat' as download speed is more important to me. It has taken 3 months to get to this point and I'm keeping everything crossed that it lasts.
Jameseh, please arrange for the question to remain open for a week or so just in case.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Great news Smiley
The ticket will get passed back to you and will remain open for 14 days for you to monitor the situation.
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Well, here we go again! After four days of good download speeds and apparent stability, I received a phone call from PN on Thursday to tell me that my connection had dropped six times in the previous three hours and that the measured speed was bouncing around between 135 and 950Kbps. Could I try yet more tests with a different router please?
To their credit, PN were clearly monitoring my connection, and were quick to contact me about it., and said that BT will probably want to send another engineer (the fifth one!).  I don't know if I can bear having to go through the same old rigmarole for the umpteenth time having to explain to the engineer what he has come for, and to see him carry out the same checks that have already been carried out four times previously, then to see him go away because his allocated time is up. Why are their activities more 'joined-up'?
To Plusnet: Please read, mark, learn and inwardly digest - I have carried-out the checks you ask for so many times I have lost count. Four BT engineers have said that the set-up here is not the problem. Please do not ask me to do these checks any more, it has all become rather silly.
Speed checks done since Thursday are as follows:
Today 11:02 341 kbps (42.6kB/s) 361 kbps (45.1kB/s)
Today 09:32 348 kbps (43.5kB/s) 336 kbps (42kB/s)
Yesterday 17:00 344 kbps (43kB/s) 323 kbps (40.4kB/s)
Yesterday 16:32 344 kbps (43kB/s) 365 kbps (45.6kB/s)
Yesterday 12:49 343 kbps (42.9kB/s) 378 kbps (47.3kB/s)
Yesterday 09:00 974 kbps (122kB/s) 370 kbps (46.3kB/s)
Thursday 17:45 929 kbps (116kB/s) 365 kbps (45.6kB/s)
Thursday 16:48 133 kbps (16.6kB/s) 368 kbps (46kB/s)
Thursday 16:21 732 kbps (91.5kB/s) 362 kbps (45.3kB/s)
Thursday 15:35 739 kbps (92.4kB/s) 271 kbps (33.9kB/s)
Thursday 15:29 138 kbps (17.3kB/s) 375 kbps (46.9kB/s)
Tuesday 17:05 978 kbps (122kB/s) 272 kbps (34kB/s)
Monday 11:39 981 kbps (123kB/s) 281 kbps (35.1kB/s)
Oct 24, 14:36 131 kbps (16.4kB/s) 369 kbps (46.1kB/s)

So, now I am waiting to hear about the BT engineer appointment. Lets hope it's not going to be another case of deja vu.
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎24-11-2008

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Hello there
This will be of no consolation to you but I have had exactly the same problem (you could have written the script)
For now (touch wood) it has been resolved.
PN have given me two months rental rebate for the inconvenience. It's not much (we need a good service) but it's better than nothing
Good luck
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Thanks for that nottsjohn. Yes, inwardly I know that it can't go on forever, but it can be seriously frustrating, can't it, and I'm not so paranoid as to think it's only happening to me. Oftentimes I feel that the problem is there, but it is only occasionally being addressed by the people who can put it right and they don't stick with it until it is resolved - no sense of urgency - it doesn't seem the right way to go about things. I've lost track, but it must be nearly four months and no resolution - I'm sure I would have been sacked if I couldn't have done better than that.
Time to give my blood pressure a break. Smiley I hope your connection remains stable as I'm sure mine will be eventually.
All the best.