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Dropouts and line speed

Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

MS critical updates are reported available for my 3 PCs for Windows and Office. My system reports the download will take nearly 6 hours at my download speed, just for one of them. Great.......
Posts: 32
Registered: ‎13-01-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Birdman..... Thats some saga, how you manage to keep your cool I dont know. I have the same problem had it for a week or more now but as I am doing a runner within the next couple Months I am not prepared to go through all of that. I have been through it before and fed up with the whole rigmarole.
If need be I will take the problem with me and get it sorted elswhere.
Will keep my fingers crossed for you and hope its fixed soon.
PS I am still here, been nearly a Year now decided to stay when they renaged on the three Months Trial I was offered. They wanted 14pound odds but thought I would carry on and and see it out. I am still smarting over the way I was conned. Not long now!!!!!
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Dropouts and line speed

@Birdman - I've replied to your other post.
@Collieocoll - Why do you feel that we have conned you?  I'm not certainly why you would actually feel that, but if you'd like to let me know why I'll certainly do whatever I can to make things better.
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Well, BT's latest efforts have resulted in more frequent long-duration disconnections - yesterday there was no connection at all all evening - and still no improvement in download speeds (currently 130Kbps). So, the fault is perceived to be worse than when I first reported it 5 months ago and I'm told it is again in the hands of BT's diagnostics team.  >:(When are they going to make their diagnosis and repair this long-standing fault. Perhaps they are saving it up for a Christmas present. Grin
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re:Dropouts and line speed

Hi Birdman,
I'm looking at this now, the profile hasn't updated and it looks like you've a stale session at the moment. I'm just in the process of restarting that session, then I'll run another line test and refer it back to BT. I'll let you know what we get shortly.
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

OK orbrey, thanks for that. I've just added the following comment to the question:-
I'm amazed that BT haven't been checking the profile. They seem to do something and then wait for someone else (PN) to tell them whether it has worked or not. The issue is being shuffled back and forth between BT and yourselves adding to delays and customer frustration. Why don't they take-up the problem and stay with it until it is fully resolved - seems simple to me. And have they at least tried a replacement card at the exchange to rule that out?

Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Unbelievably, CSC now want yet another engineer's visit.  Angry This will be the sixth (yes, it's not a typo, I did say sixth) engineer visit for this fault. The reason given is 'there are certain things that haven't been tried that only an engineer can do'. I find it beyond comprehension that 5 months into investigating this fault, there are still things that BT/PN haven't tried. I have agreed because I want the problem solved, but it has really become quite intolerable and would test the patience of a saint. Cry And why will BT not send a TRC engineer who would have the time to check everything, staying with it until the fault is found and cured?

Posts: 27
Registered: ‎27-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

I sympathise with your issues.
It's not easy to persuade someone there is a fault but when the evidence is there it must be extremely GrRrrrrrrr.........
Why are we paying for a service we don't get.... isn't this fraud? Refunds ought to be made!
Whilst I'm sure the issues are complex it does seem that no one takes responsibility for resolving the issues although PN seem to be monitoring the situation,
and they do seem to encourage BT to sort out things, but to no avail.
Whilst my problem seems to be contention eg. ok until evenings when download speed drops to about 170K.
All I have to do is persuade someone to do something about it.
Keep pressing and keep an eye on alternatives.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re:Dropouts and line speed

Hi birdman,
I appreciate it's frustrating but unfortunately that's just how it works. The main reason we're getting this engineer out is that we can instruct him in what we want done and if it doesn't work we'll then be able to push back further than we have previously.
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

OK orbrey. Engineer was not sent in the end. After last Thursday's phone call from Customer Services I was expecting an update after 24 hours, but nothing heard. What on earth is going on?. Reminder - it's been 5 months since this fault was first reported. I think I deserve better than this.
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Last night I posted the following comment to my question:-
Hello.......... I'm still here......... Anybody there.....?

Facile? Juvenile? Maybe so, but after 5 months feeling that I've been wading through treacle and getting nowhere, I think I can be excused. In any event, after another 12 hours it has not elicited a response. Increasingly, I have been getting the feeling that effort is being run down in this case.
I have noticed that my mobile phone is showing that I am now getting a consistently good 3G signal where I live (even though the coverage checker indicates no 3G signal here - does anyone get anything right?), so maybe the time has come to throw in the towel and go for mobile broadband. They offer a 28 day money back guarantee and 20% off as an existing customer, I could use the dongle when out and about, and have everything up and running straight away. It's certainly becoming an attractive option. Anyone got any comments on this line of thinking?
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Hi birdman,
We're still waiting on a date from the complex faults team at the moment I'm afraid. They've advised it's an issue with the virtual paths at your exchange and are after a date on which they can do the work necessary to move you.
We've emailed them to find out where this request is and should get a reply to that tomorrow, we'll update your ticket as soon as we get that back.
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

I have now heard that BT have no schedule for an upgrade to the VP and PN are waiting for them to fix a date. I would have thought that most other businesses, mindful of the fact that their customer (and I) have been inconvenienced for over 5 months, would consider it a matter of urgency to carry out this task quickly to ameliorate for all that inconvenience. Or are those standards a thing of the past? I suppose, when you have to deal with a monopoly, this is expecting too much.
Posts: 113
Registered: ‎04-10-2009

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Nothing heard from PN since last Thursday, so presumably BT are still dragging their heels on this issue, (makes me think of Lonesome George with a leg missing). Sad
This really is not good enough. BT know what they've got to do to remedy this fault but are not doing it. What an appalling service you are getting from your supplier.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re: Dropouts and line speed

Hi birdman,
I've just asked someone to chase it for you, I'll be back with an update soon.
They've advised that they're currently regrading the VP path to 20Mb and there will be another update on this tomorrow morning. I'll chase then and update once more.