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Gadget Show
28-10-2008 9:30 AM
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So I thought I'd drop them an email about (don't let me down guys when my service goes live!! 😉
"I thought it was worth mentioning the companies who go out their way to blast the myths of unlimited broadband and actively highlight the traffic shaping they do and the packages that don't (and funnily enough are owned by BT - but independently managed!)
Nothing like promoting the good guys rather than just knocking the bad ones.
P.S. I don't work for!"
Re: Gadget Show
28-10-2008 11:51 AM
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I certainly hope everything goes well with the activation, please do drop a post in here if there's anything we can help with.
Re: Gadget Show
28-10-2008 2:00 PM
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A little tip for when you migrate in sipart if you are using your own router
I had an issue with my Netgear DG834N when I migrated in although it had appeared to be operating ok on my previous ISP, Namesco.
It started to block random sites, the good folks at plusnet had a really good stab at fixing the issue but couldn't, it turned out the routers firmware had gone renegade and was deciding to do what it liked.
I'd therefore advise that you do a factory reset on the router when you move across.
Re: Gadget Show
28-10-2008 3:10 PM
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I was watching gadget show last night and the moment they announced about the campian i went to the website to do the same as they never said much about the little guy that are open honest about there network.
But seemed a good % of plus net customers must of bein doing the same as the gadget shows server must of bein under some heavy load as i could not get on for the 10 or so minutes i tried.
plus net are not 100% perfect all the time but when there is a problem there open and honest about it and most times you will pick the problem up on the service status feed before you even notice a perfomece drop in speed ect
smart move from virgin media sipart.
Even if there cable was in my street i would have to think long and hard about a move to them as wonderful as having a cable line would be i dont like the fact that one end of that cable ends up at richard bransons house of congestion and looney thottling.
when the guy from O2 was trying to explain the reason for the fair usage he was quick to mention that no one had had there service stoped but did not mention the 1000s of people that have there download speed thottle. there not stupid why kick them of the network when they can cap there lines and most of there customers will not even notice why still collecting the money from the customer that is paying for what they think is 8mb or 24mb top down speed
Re: Gadget Show
28-10-2008 3:36 PM
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You first get directed to Then try and navigate to Gadget Show. This takes you to They have the most peculiar schedules that by no means equate to whats on TVi.e. it says the Gadget show is on tonight the 28th. Took a lot of drilling down to find where the ISP program was and then it seemed they were only interested in those that claimed no capping
Quote And, if you’ve had your “unlimited” service restricted, suspended or even disconnected because your data usage was deemed excessive, then get in touch. E-mail us at
NAME TEL ## E-Mail Postal Address
ADSL4Less 0871 240 1499 (option 5) send e-mail 24 Chiswell Street, London,EC1Y 4TY
Be 0808 101 3430 send e-mail Be House, 62 Lancaster Mews, London, W2 3QG
BT Broadband 0800 800 150 Contact form BT PLC, Correspondance Centre, Durham, DH98 1BT
Demon 0141 567 1783(option 4) send e-mail Thus Plc, Gateway House, 322 Regent’s Park Road, London, N3 2QQ
EFH Broadband 0808 156 4776 send e-mail EFH Broadband, 195 North Street, Leeds, LS 2AA
Homechoice (now Tiscali) 0871 222 3311 (Option 2, 2) send e-mail Tiscali UK Ltd, PO Box 14505, Birmingham, B46 1BF
O2 Broadband 0800 230 0202 send e-mail O2 Complaint Review Service, PO Box 116, Leeds, LS11 5DS
Orange Broadband 0800 980 1492 Contact form Orange UK Plc, PO Box 486, Rotherham, S63 5ZX
Pipex 0800 458 7000 send e-mail Pipex Home Call LTD, Complaints Department, Christie Fields, Derwent Avenue, Manchester, M21 7QS
Post Office 02871 304 703 send e-mail Post Office Telecoms Services, Bridge Court, The Close, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3BA
Tiscali 0800 975 3030 (option 4) send e-mail Tiscali UK Ltd, PO Box 14505, Birmingham, B46 1BF
UK Online 0800 053 0606 (option 3) send e-mail UK Online,The Maltings, Charlton Road, Shepston Mallet Sommerset, BA4 5QE
Utility Warehouse 0208 955 5000 send e-mail Utility Warehouse, Edge Business Centre, Dryden House, Humber Road, London, NW2 6EW
Virgin Media (Non-Cable only) 0800 052 0459 Contact form Virgin Media, PO Box 333, Matrix Court, Swansea, SA7 9ZJ
Vodafone Home Broadband 0808 0000166 send e-mail Customer Correspondance, Vodafone Lts, PO Box 549, Banbury, Oxon, OX17 3JZ
Whilst every effort has been made to include all the ISPs which offer “unlimited” packages in this list, please contact us at if your service provider does appear here.
Re: Gadget Show
29-10-2008 6:55 PM
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I would rather see the Gadget Show focus attention on ISP's who spy on their customers using technology like B.T./Phorm, rather than campaign vigorously on behalf of those jokers who have to fill a hard drive with downloaded Blueray movies, every day.
Thinks... I wonder if Jason B. got an email from his ISP?
Re: Gadget Show
29-10-2008 7:59 PM
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Re: Gadget Show
30-10-2008 2:04 AM
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But the thing that gets peoples back up is the fact the word they use is unlimted (not limited; unrestricted; unconfined, boundless; infinite; vast) and then have a FUP in the contract which means none of the defintions of unlimted
Re: Gadget Show
30-10-2008 7:55 AM
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It's at times like this that you tend to get a little frustrated with PN though, when they seem to be too low profile and don't appear to be fighting their corner publically.
Going back some years now I really only stumbled across PN having had some awful experiences with some other ISP's free discs in mags to set you up etc. Having been with free-online first I was expanding my horizons to CGI-BINs and of course there was Force 9 which led me to PN. As far as I can remember no advertising was involved. I think now is the time for PN to raise it's profile a little.
Re: Gadget Show
30-10-2008 8:17 AM
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lucky for me i landed with through recommendation.
Re: Gadget Show
30-10-2008 10:19 AM
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Quote from: ASBO tech guy its not about the technecal side of it. when looking for an isp i came across plusnet and read alot of the inforamtion they give you about there network so was a no brainer to sign up with pn instead of an unlimted provider.
But the thing that gets peoples back up is the fact the word they use is unlimted (not limited; unrestricted; unconfined, boundless; infinite; vast) and then have a FUP in the contract which means none of the defintions of unlimted
I think the vast majority that sign up to the ISPs moaned about use the minimum in terms of bandwidth and so don't fall foul of the FUP because they are just browsing the web.
The people that do and give the network planners, operations and accountants nightmares are those that make heavy use of streaming and P2P.
Re: Gadget Show
30-10-2008 3:55 PM
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So obivious choice is to go with a unlimted isp due to catch up services being high bandwith usage only to find that when signed up with said unlimted provider for a few months they find there iplayer traffic being speed LIMITED which would restict the user to a maxium total monthly bandwith useage. not the quite the defensions of unlimted i posted before is it
Re: Gadget Show
02-11-2008 1:04 PM
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Indeed for an LLU operator, rocketing transit costs will lead to a crunch.
There will come a point when all ISPs have to say no more or they will simply go out of business
For a moderate browser, it really does represent unlimited but for someone hammering the connection with hefty downloads then it is very limited
Allowing people to do what they want on a network does indeed lead to performance reduction for all, so if you were in charge of the network of an ISP, what would you do?
If they advertised a cap, then people would also moan.
Re: Gadget Show
03-11-2008 12:41 AM
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trading stand's or ofcom or who ever should be stoping this madness need to do so soon.
(If they advertised a cap, then people would also moan). never hear any one moan about usage caps here at plusnet in fact im in favour of them with free usage at quiet times.
my friend is with bt and was telling me at what times of day he got best speeds on p2p. and i had to tell him thats coz bt will have some degree of traffic mangament or just that its the queit period. if only the other isp's was open and honest there customers would be as knowledgeable about the internet as us here and so they would not moan about the FUP
Re: Gadget Show
03-11-2008 5:37 PM
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