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Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

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Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

The contact us page has now been fixed. The chat has been available most of the day, so if it's showing as greyed out then it may be browser plugins blocking it? I'm aware that Ghostery used to block this, and I believe that if you have some content disabled in your browser it may also cause the chat to not be shown.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

O.K. then..... so. here is what happens.... I am running VIsta Home Premium.....with the latest version of Firefox...
I am logged in on the Help and support page wtih my username and password.... and I click on "already a customer"...
get offfered the Icons, and click on "Other".... and scroll down, to "Chat to us On line".... which is "greyed out"......and it says....

Online chat is currently unavailable,
  please choose another option.

There is no indication that an adblocker, or Ghostrey is causing problems.... indeed, because of the way Firefox presents the page to me,... i.e. mobile phone format, with no top tool bar, , it doesn`t even show the icon for Ghostrey....
So... trying to be clever.... I copy and paste the page url into another browser page, and I get the aforementiond icon for Ghostrey......  this tells me that the following are blocked...
None of the above refer to PlusNet online chat...
So.... as far as I can see from the information given to me, by PlusNet ......... Online chat is unavailable     
and the information given to me by Ghostrey..... t
here is no way I am going to get an answer to my query........
the "Choose another Option"...... is not an option..... as the ONLY other option is the phone....
which kinda defeats the purpose of wanting to use the On line Chat, because I can`t hear or understand properly what people are saying on the phone.....

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Registered: ‎07-02-2012

Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

Have you tried refreshing the page? It's possible your browser is presenting its cached version.
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Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

On the original page ..... i.e. without the top toolbar.... there is no way of refreshing the page.... so when I copied and pasted the url to a new browser page, the refresh appeara, but it doesn`t make any difference.....still the same.... On line Chat is unavailable....please choose another option.....
like I said.... there is no other option .... for me...
so It looks like I won`t be getting my question answered....  Angry
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Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

That's not what I meant :).
All browsers have a "Refresh" button somewhere on the URL bar line. Normally a three-quarter circle with an arrowhead.
If yours is using its cached version then just using the same URL in a new page will still give the cached one. The Refresh button tells it to retrieve the latest from the web.
Posts: 162
Registered: ‎16-12-2013

Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

Can you not temporarily disable Ghostrey and maybe other plugins to see if this will help?
Alternatively, can you try a different browser, like Chrome?
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Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

@ Estragron........
Oh no it doesnt.
Check out the pics below..... and you will notice there is NO refresh curly thing .....

however, on the second pic,...( which was the copied url page, )   there is..... and it doesn`t make any difference when clicked....
it still says..... Online chat is unavailable   please choose another option.....
Posts: 162
Registered: ‎16-12-2013

Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

Re Refresh: You can simply do a refresh by pressing F5 button, if you need to.
If the cached version is a problem then you need to clean a cache.
In Firefox, go to History -> Clear recent History -> select Everything from drop down - . click Clear Now.
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Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

Quote from: alext05
Can you not temporarily disable Ghostrey and maybe other plugins to see if this will help?
Alternatively, can you try a different browser, like Chrome?

Possibly, but..... that is not the answer..... is it.....
Live chat should be working for everyone, and I am sure that I am not the only one with this problem....
if Ghostrey or any other "addon" should be causing a problem ,...
then surely Plusnet   unable to Help & Suport page should give that information.... not be left in the dark with the Live chat is unavailable Please try another option....
the other answer is for PlusNet to get someone to rewrite the code, to accomodate the use of adblockers/Ghostrey... or whatever , whenever they are notified by a customer that there is a problem....
after all........ "We`ll do you proud".... is there motto..... is it not  ? ? ?  

OK.,.... so , you have found a way of doing a refresh by pressing the F5 button.... I never knew that.... and millions of others probably don`t.... we are not all computer geeks.....
As for clear history.... firefox is set to "never to remember"....  and as I mentioned in previous..... pressing refresh, whether the curly icon , or your F5 button.... nothing changes... it still says... Online chat is unavailable....please choose another option.....
Posts: 162
Registered: ‎16-12-2013

Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

Quote from: shutter
Quote from: alext05
Can you not temporarily disable Ghostrey and maybe other plugins to see if this will help?
Alternatively, can you try a different browser, like Chrome?

Possibly, but..... that is not the answer..... is it.....

It is the answer. Firefox Ad-ons are known for causing many problems and often have bugs that prevent things from working properly. You seem to assume that Firefox add-on writers are faultless.
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Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

No I am not assuming that.....
What I am assuming is........ that..... If PlusNet offers a service called On line chat..... and the ticket system tells me to go to the linky for accessing that.... then when I click on that linky... I naturally assume that the Online Chat will be working ..... for me..... and others....
I should not... and do not ... assume that because it is showing "unavailable"... that there is something preventing it working..... for me alone.... as I am the only one actually seeing that message at that time... am I not.... ? NO... others will be getting the same messsage...  therefore... they, ... also ... will "assume" that it is "NOT WORKING",... BECAUSE... it says... "on line chat is not available... please choose another option...
That is the assumption that I make.... from the message that appears on my screen....

Regardless.... it seems that Chris, has washed his hands of this thread.... and also has not offered any solutions to the problem, that I cannot access the On line chat,... to get an answer to my question.......
and that because I cannot access the chat... I am unlikely to get an answer, because there is no other option available to me...
THAT , my friends... is plusnet ...... "doing me proud"....... er.... I don`t think so...  Angry
Posts: 162
Registered: ‎16-12-2013

Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

I am on latest Firefox and have no problem accessing it right now (just tested).
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Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

It's worth trying a different browser. Any of Chrome, IE11, Safari. Just don't set it to be your default.
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Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

Quote from: alext05
I am on latest Firefox and have no problem accessing it right now (just tested).

O.K..... can you get on to online chat..... and ask them to contact me direct via my email address in respect of my question.....  seeing as you have no problem accessing it......  here is the reference number for my question...
Thank you for your assistance...  Smiley

.. no-body from PN staff seems to be interested in helping.... ..  Angry
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Registered: ‎08-03-2014

Re: Help & Support - Contact Us NOT WORKING

The 'unavailable' message is misleading and it should be re-designed by Plusnet, but dream on.
Does Ghostery show "LivePerson" in its list at all?