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I'm outta here.

Posts: 775
Thanks: 90
Fixes: 1
Registered: ‎12-01-2015

I'm outta here.

So it's finally come to this. I've been with PN for nearly 3 years - well beyond the end of my contract. What kept me was the price and - for the most part - the excellent service I received. But a few times during my tenure the network has gone a bit awry. The awful six month 'single threaded download issue of 2015'. The similar issues last year. And now it seems I'm suffering congestion at peak hours. Single threaded speeds vary from pitiful to reasonable (9Mb/s to 60Mb/s). Multithreaded downloads are just fine.

I used to be active on this forum but have taken a back seat recently and just lurked. Sadly what I see confirms that PN's customer service has been cut to the bone. I just can't face the hassle of trying to get someone at PN to care and then someone else at PN to fix the problem. Assuming they even want to.

So I've decided it's time to move to pastures new. I'm going back to IDNet. It'll cost me more (20% more) but at least I know that their support staff care. They've also been running IPv6 dual-stack for several years now. They had just introduced it when I joined them in 2013.

I'm not going to bother with a Jelv-style leaving grumble. Overall I've been pleased with what I've got from PN over the years. It's just that I want a dependable service with no hassle and I don't think PN can give me that any longer. It'll also be less embarrassing when I talk to my technical friends because they have respect for IDNet. Unsurprisingly they have none whatsoever for Plusnet.


And thanks to those support staff who have helped me especially Bob Pullen. The support staff who post here seem to be the good guys and I can only praise them for trying to fight the good fight Smiley

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 3,201
Fixes: 46
Registered: ‎10-04-2014

Re: I'm outta here.

Gutted that you're leaving us, it's been great having you round here. In fact I sometimes steal re-word some of your older posts when explaining issues to customers.

Wishing you all the best moving forward @Andrue, let us know if you have any issues with your migration. Thumbs_Up

ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet
Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
Posts: 26,738
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Registered: ‎21-04-2017

Re: I'm outta here.

Just wanted to post something myself, sorry to see you leaving us Sad All the best with IDNet, let us know if we can help your migration go smoothly.
From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi