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Much better speeds now - Thank you!

Posts: 173
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎03-02-2008

Much better speeds now - Thank you!

Having spent quite a lot of time raising tickets and generally complaining about slow speeds since October 2010 I now have something to be pleased about.
Fingers crossed / touch wood etc but for the time being at least, gone are the daily disconnections and extremely random download speed reductions and in their place is complete line stability. My Thomson 585v7 router hasn't dropped connection for just over seven days now and is still recording a downstream sync of 14,691kbps. Not only that but over the last few days the actual downstream speeds have often been through the 11,000kbps mark and rarely drop below 10,000kbps. This, I might add, with precisely the same set up as was struggling to deliver half of the current speeds not so long ago.
So anyway, I don't know what has been changed on the line and/or exchange side of things but I am now very impressed with the speeds I am seeing and this has made my online experience a pleasure once again so a big thankyou to Plusnet, and a Happy Christmas.