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Not a happy camper - again

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎30-07-2009

Not a happy camper - again

I hardly ever have reason to complain about Plusnet. I'm a Metronet customer and have had my line for about 6 years now and have only ever had one problem with it. This problem was that when I exceeded my ceiling once the traffic steering wasn't removed from my line after I'd paid my bill (which happens automatically each month on my business credit card).
However, it would appear that this has happened once again.
Not that I want to complain, really, I have better things to do with my time. But FFS, if I've paid you for something and you've already taken my money, I damn well expect that you do the job that you've said you'll do!
The main reason I'm so angry is that I phoned on Tuesday to report the problem, thinking to myself, Oh no, here we go again. And was told that it couldn't be looked at until Thursday. It's now Thursday and the problem has been ignored and I'm advised again that it will now not be looked at until tomorrow!
You have already been paid by me, I don't like being messed around when someone else has already taken my hard-earned and not delivered on what they've promised.
Can anyone (James?) give me some sort of recompense for a what is basically a shoddy service?
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Not a happy camper - again

Hi there,
Hope you don't mind me replying instead of James Wink
I've taken a look at your account and can see that one of my colleagues has requested the traffic management removed from your account. I've had a word and this will be done today, before the restrictions kick in at 4pm. I'll also update your ticket with some more information and I hope that you'll accept my apology for this.
I'll go and update your ticket now.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎30-07-2009

Re: Not a happy camper - again

Please, someone, anyone, remind me never to go near my usage limit per month ever again. I come in this afternoon and run a speed test to find that I still have the same problem.
I've just been advised by someone on the technical support line that it has been escalated to the network team as it would appear that even though this has been removed from my connection, the system seems to think it hasn't...
So, here I sit on a line at less than dial speed (oh for a 56K modem...) on a line I'm paying more than enough to have decent speeds on. This might be coming across as petty, after all, it's only the second time it's ever happened to me. However, it the second time the same thing has happened to me. Because I have already paid my bill, this is the reason I'm disappointed. There really doesn't seem to be a reason for this sort of thing to happen once, let alone again.
I've been advised that the network team works up until 8pm this evening, so it may be cleared tonight. Or, there is a 'skeleton team' on over the weekend. However, like all customer service teams, I await to be surprised if it's fixed until next week. Where I will be talking to someone about a refund, whether your terms and conditions warrant it or not...
So much for me using the internet to book my holiday this weekend then!  Undecided

Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Not a happy camper - again

Hi there. Apologies once again for the inconvenience. I reckon the easiest thing to do would be to sort you out with a temporary account over over the weekend whilst your problem's looked into. I'm on the train at the moment but if you drop me a pm I'll see what I can do when I get home...

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵