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Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

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Plusnet Gaming Week 2014
Am I the only one who thinks the effort put in to this would have been far better spent sorting out the multitude of issues facing Plusnet such as getting more tickets or phones answered to reduce the waiting time?
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Shows their priorities.
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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Quote from: jelv
Am I the only one who thinks the effort put in to this would have been far better spent sorting out the multitude of issues facing Plusnet such as getting more tickets or phones answered to reduce the waiting time?

Nope, it just go's to show that PN feel it is very important to spend time and resources continually marketing themselves, this time to gamers on twitter by running a PS4 competition.
You would think after the recent problems with the gateways etc.., this would be the last thing they are concerned about, obliviously not.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Could not agree more - gaming is a complete waste of time and distracts resources from addressing real issues.  There is far too much time spent around here worrying about a few extra micro seconds of ping latency whilst others have no internet service whatsoever.  Some people need to find better things to worry about.
@Chris Parr,
Can we have some blogs on what PlusNET are doing within the BT group to address the appalling poor level of service delivery from BTOR / BTw which is driving PlusNet's support / problem levels through the roof?

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

I agree that there are more important issues than a Gaming week , But despite popular belief Gaming on the net is widespread .
and after last years success i think its a great idea  Cool
its surprising how the needs of gamers will make ISP improve their networks , i for one consistently complain when there are problems with my game , but would not stop playing because of some Problems PN have       
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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Sorry guys,I have to disagree here, why shouldn't gamers get some attention -we pay our rental too?
Maybe we should say that bloggers aren't important..Who wants to know what someone had four breakfast?
Truth be told all users are important, and if Plusnet held a Twitter day  our Facebook day our any sort of day aimee a specific user of the internet, no one would be entitled to nay-say it.
Sometimes these problems are not solved by throwing money at then, so if they spend money on this they obviously feel it will not impact adversely on their service.
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Registered: ‎08-12-2013

Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Sorry doris
I think that the effort & focus, should have been, nipping in the bud the
1. Call waiting times
2a. BTOpenreach
2b. BTw
3. Line Rental Saver
4. Ticket system
& all other areas that has been reported a multitude of times (that has had no formal action to permanently fix) Which keep cropping up
Whilst I agree that Gamers should get a look in & have their day, there are far more pressing issue(s) that need urgent attention in the 1st instance
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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

TORPC , while i agree with your sentiments you have already said you wont hold your breath untill you see a Fix for these problems .
Suspending all other community events will Not make the fixes come earlier .
PN need to come forward and say OK we agree we have problems and this is our timescale for a Fix , Instead of just saying we looking at it or we escalated it 
Asus ROG Hero Vii Z97 , Intel i5 4690k ,ROG Asus Strix 1070,
samsung 850evo 250gig , WD black 2 TB . Asus Phoebus sound ,
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Corsair 750HXI Psu , Phanteks Enthoo pro case .
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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

I think this is something that some of the staff do in their own time no?
I see no issue with it. Plusnet has a decent sized gamer's community, so this is something for them.
Quote from: TORPC
I think that the effort & focus, should have been, nipping in the bud the
2a. BTOpenreach
2b. BTw
3. Line Rental Saver

What are the issues with LRS?
Plusnet have very little direct control over BTW/Openreach. They can and do give feedback (as many ISPs do), but they cannot force change.
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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Quote from: jelv
Am I the only one who thinks the effort put in to this would have been far better spent sorting out the multitude of issues facing Plusnet such as getting more tickets or phones answered to reduce the waiting time?

so you expect all areas of a company to down tools while another area gets its act together? you know that doesn't happen, haven't seen tesco shut all its shops just so the bean counters can sort themselves out.
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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Not the only one, as there are quite a few references (if you care to look)
Quote from: quelquod
I've had Line Rental Saver for the past year. I renewed it a few days ago before it had expired. Payment taken from my card immediately.
Today my bill for this month includes, you've guessed it, a charge for line rental.
Must have installed BT's billing system - take the cash first and argue later!

I disagree,
As if the time & effort was transferred into fixing the known (keep cropping up issue(s) that have been around for a long time), then they would / could of potentially be fixed
However I agree,
That Plusnet need " to come forward and say OK we agree we have problems and this is our timescale for a Fix , Instead of just saying we looking at it or we escalated it"
Yes I did state I'll not hold my breath & that still stands
I don't think jelv meant it that way tbh
I think what he means is the more effort would of been best put into fixing the areas that have gone downhill, that need urgent fixing
However I could be wrong & jelv will no doubt clarify later on
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Registered: ‎27-10-2012

Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Quote from: TORPC
Not the only one, as there are quite a few references (if you care to look)

Quite a few? I could only see this one.
If it was a major system's issue, don't you think the forums would be inundated with unhappy customers being billed twice?
Quote from: TORPC
I think what he means is the more effort would of been best put into fixing the areas that have gone downhill, that need urgent fixing

Since when does the gaming week mean less effort is being put into fixing areas? Do you expect all issues to be resolved within a week?
I take it you're also unhappy with their charity work when they could be putting 'more effort' into fixing the areas that have gone downhill?
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Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Hi all,
Gaming Week is a follow up to last year, the content and organisation of what's happening this week is being performed by people who wouldn't be involved in many of the things mentioned in this thread even if Gaming Week wasn't taking place. So whilst I understand the points made, Gaming Week isn't a bad thing!
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
Posts: 576
Registered: ‎29-05-2014

Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Quote from: doris
Maybe we should say that bloggers aren't important..Who wants to know what someone had four breakfast?

To me they aren't - and this is why I stay away from social media as it's full of people showing off their breakfast,kids or tits!
Posts: 576
Registered: ‎29-05-2014

Re: Plusnet Gaming Week 2014

Quote from: AndyH
I think this is something that some of the staff do in their own time no?

Indeed, back in the day when PN was on it's own I was proud to say I worked for them. Infact I used to log in from home on my days off just to help with tickets. Not sure if people still do this but they do all work hard, mind you staffing was lower i'd guess around 150 at the time (2007)