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Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

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Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

Today is the beginning of a new billing month for me, and yet again I have found that there are problems with the amount I have been billed. Namely, I have been charged twice for caller display - once for last month and once for this month - when as far as I'm aware I should not be charged at all (owing to an arrangement with Mand a few months ago). Furthermore, I'm still not getting my referral discount - as usual, a token is showing on my account but it's not been applied against my invoice. (There's only one token as James manually refunded me for a number of accrued tokens a month and a bit ago.)
Plus of course, whilst unrelated to my billing date there's also my ongoing VoIP problem which has resulted in me losing a bit of money (£1.70 of VoIP credit) - I sincerely hope I don't have to fight to get that back.
So here's the situation: I'm fed up with having to get billing problems sorted out every single month - it's been going on since the beginning of this year and I'm really losing my patience. Which leads me to declare this ultimatum: unless three conditions are fulfilled within a month's time, I will inform BT that I want to move my phone line back to them post-haste. The conditions are as follows:

  • I am refunded £2.23 for this month (2x £0.99 caller display + £0.25 referral credit).

  • I get my £1.70 VoIP credit back - either refunded to me or applied to an up-and-running VoIP account, I don't mind.

  • My invoice in a month's time is absolutely spot on, unless there's an extremely good reason for it not being so.

I should point out that I am a man of my word so this is not an idle threat. Furthermore, this bit isn't a threat (yet) but please be conscious of the fact that if I move my home phone from Plusnet, I also lose some of the remaining inertia that's keeping my broadband with this company too.
So Plusnet, what happens next is entirely in your hands.
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Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

I've had a phone with BT for 20+ years Grin
I have never had an incorrect bill from them - nor do I know anyone who has.

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

Exactly, we (my mother and I) were with BT since we moved here one and a half decades ago, and every bill was correct. We only moved to Plusnet at the beginning of this year to take up an offer of theirs, and because BT had put their prices up whilst PN said they had no plans to do so. But as soon as we moved we started getting billing (and various other problems) galore, then PN put their prices up too so... we're not actually getting anything of use out of keeping our phone line with PN any more - all it's doing is giving me hassle, as I'm the one who has to sort everything out each and every month.
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Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

my last three bills for home phone features have been up the creek and I have had manual rebates from Mr Bailey.  the section I look at is inconsistent, it has changed at least three times this month  Voice mail  £0, £1,96, £2.47,  Caller Display £0.99, £1.95, £2.47.
Tried Asking Mand by PN  but no answer
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Registered: ‎07-04-2007

Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

Quote from: Crucibleofevil
I've had a phone with BT for 20+ years Grin
I have never had an incorrect bill from them - nor do I know anyone who has.

I have. I am on the automatic renewing 12 month contract but when the last one expired it coincided with a quarterly bill. So I was charged the option 2 for free night and weekend calls. I moved from option1 to option 2 when I took up the renewing contract so I was not pleased that now my BT line was costing me more. BT send out their bills in plenty of time for corrections to be made before the direct debit is submitted to the bank, but they were very reluctant to do an amended bill. In the end after several emails and phone calls they give a credit but did not amend the bill.
I keep asking them why this happened when I was on an automatic renewing contract, no answer.
Posts: 1,852
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

I'm out of my depth so I'm not going to pretend to give any explaination however I have flagged this internally.
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

Thank you Mark. I should add that I'm not looking for any 'special treatment' here - well, aside from the free caller display (which was arranged to entice me to keep my phone with PN as otherwise it works out more expensive than BT) - all I want is a properly working account where I don't have to scrutinise my invoice every month and complain about something. I'm fed up of moaning!
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Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

Quote from: Be3G
The conditions are as follows:

  • I am refunded £2.23 for this month (2x £0.99 caller display + £0.25 referral credit).

Should be easy enough once the payment's cleared.
  • I get my £1.70 VoIP credit back - either refunded to me or applied to an up-and-running VoIP account, I don't mind.

Your VoIP problem's partially my fault, it doesn't look like your ticket was moved the other evening when I looked at it, I'll chase it up today. Once we know how we're going to address the problem, we can look at the refund.
  • My invoice in a month's time is absolutely spot on, unless there's an extremely good reason for it not being so.

I guess that will be dependent on whatever's causing the referral and calling feature problems. The calling feature thing seems odd as there have been two invoices since you changed account where this didn't happen. I've asked Matt to take a look into it and report back.
[Moderator's note by Thomas (Be3G): removed reference to heather57's post as it's been moved to the poster's thread here.]

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Not applicable

Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

This is a very big problem. I have had exactly the same as the Be3G (since the beginning of this year).
After a number of telephone calls and tickets, following a complaint on this forum and on the PUG forum, I eventually had a telephone call from someone at PN. After working with a developer on it neither of them could fathom out the correct solution so they just gave me a refund and have called it a day. I don't think that I am out of pocket but it is annoying.
Anyway, am now back with BT as I took up a good offer which is on until 9th August 2009 and my telephone bill is spot on.
However, even my broadband only bill is now incorrect - have raised a ticket and been told that it is OK so am just going to forget about it as at least I am not being overcharged. 
This has been going on for far too long and Plusnet really do need to sort it out once and for all.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

@Be3G I've dropped you a PM regarding the caller display, we can sort that as soon as you let me know. That should sort the billing issues there. The referral problem has been bumped up and we'll get that sorted by the end of the month too, and the refund will be issued as soon as the payment has cleared. Sorry for the hassles.
@poppy what's the issue with the billing? It looks like you're being charged correctly for the product you're on at the moment?
EDIT: I can see that there's some referral tokens on there that we should be applying, I'll make sure this is investigated with the problem investigation mentioned above.
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Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

Quote from: Bob
Your VoIP problem's partially my fault, it doesn't look like your ticket was moved the other evening when I looked at it, I'll chase it up today.

No problem, and thanks, it does seem to be stuck with nothing happening at the moment.
Quote from: Bob
I guess that will be dependent on whatever's causing the referral and calling feature problems. The calling feature thing seems odd as there have been two invoices since you changed account where this didn't happen. I've asked Matt to take a look into it and report back.

I have a feeling I know what's happened about the caller display - well, partly, anyway. Last month Plusnet randomly charged me £3.00 for 'call features option 1' which, after complaining about it in the forums, I discovered had afflicted other PN users too. And I remember someone saying that when it happened to them, PN sorted it but it then messed up his following month's billing too... so I guess that's what happened. As for the referral thing, it's been an ongoing problem for a while now - I assume from Matt's reply that you all know, but just in case you don't, it's PID 55504. I know it probably seems silly to be making a fuss over 25p, but it's the principle really - the principle that PN can get away with (albeit only slightly) overcharging me every month without, until now, there ever being a sign of resolution. Just imagine if I was a big referrals earner!
Quote from: poppy
This is a very big problem. I have had exactly the same as the Be3G (since the beginning of this year).
After a number of telephone calls and tickets, following a complaint on this forum and on the PUG forum, I eventually had a telephone call from someone at PN.

It was actually you who inspired this thread. I remember reading your rant a month or two ago about how your billing was always going wrong - I replied to it IIRC - and then that finally, after that big rant, you got some proper action by Plusnet to try and solve the underlying issues rather than simply 'oops, sorry, here's a refund' every month.
Quote from: orbrey
@Be3G I've dropped you a PM regarding the caller display, we can sort that as soon as you let me know. That should sort the billing issues there. The referral problem has been bumped up and we'll get that sorted by the end of the month too, and the refund will be issued as soon as the payment has cleared. Sorry for the hassles.

Thanks Matt, I'll reply to your PM in a tick.
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Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

Quote from: Be3G
Quote from: Bob
Your VoIP problem's partially my fault, it doesn't look like your ticket was moved the other evening when I looked at it, I'll chase it up today.

No problem, and thanks, it does seem to be stuck with nothing happening at the moment.

I've just replied to your VoIP ticket, should hopefully be sorted now.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

Thanks Bob, haven't tested it yet as I haven't got any VoIP clients to hand (I was setting it up for use with my mother's iPhone and she's out), but it all looks in order and the credit's showing so so far so good.
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Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

what about my dodgy billing for call  features, now in month four and the next bill is also incorrect - due 23rd Aug
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Plusnet, I've had enough: an ultimatum

We haven't got a ticket on that one pierre, any chance you could raise one detailing the issue so we can get it investigated?