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Plusnet 'Survey'

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Plusnet 'Survey'

I have just had an email asking me to help with a Plusnet survey. I got as far as question 3 when I was asked my age. There is no 'get stuffed and mind your own business' option so I got stuck there and consequently bombed out.

If Plusnet want an honest appraisal of their service I will willingly help. However I could see that this was moving to no more than an attempt to harvest personal information from me that is no way connected with feedback on the Plusnet services that I use. Presumably they want to flog this information as I can't see its value to Plusnet.

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The Full Monty
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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

Pity I won't get any more of those.🤣

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

I personally don't mind telling people my age.

But yes @Baldrick1 I can see your point, and it is not something everyone wishes to disclose.

I can see a bit of relevance though, (with all the fun and games of what is going on at the moment) then people's browsing habits have probably changed and it could be age related.

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'


It's not the age question on its own but the direction in which the questions were leading to which I object.  I could imagine follow up questions like what is your household income or other personal stuff. What is your age I see as the thin end of the wedge.

We are all different as is our uses of Plusnet services. Even if it is age related how does that help Plusnet, unless of course you are going to have to give them your date of birth when you sign up?

Maybe the purpose is to see if we oldies are more complaining/demanding of their currently poor customer services and are planning ways to introduce an age bar?

If they put out a pertinent survey asking relevant questions they might get an honest appraisal of how customers currently see their services performing. But presumably that's not the sort of information that will win them awards!

In my view this is not a customer survey, it looks more like an information harvesting exercise to gather data that can be flogged and/or used to try to sell more BT Group services.

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

I'm with @Baldrick1 on this topic. If there is not an option for "Rather not say" I either abort the survey or continue answering with made up answers.



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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'


What got me was that it would not accept anything but the exact age. For examole, 65+ will raise a great big red flag demanding a precise number.

I can see the purpose of providing bogus data if you are entering the survey in the hope of winning the bribe.

I did not consider the bribe and foolishly assumed that this was an opportunity to give Plusnet constructive feedback.

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

PN would be better off doing a survey of the comments from customers shown on this forum if they wish to improve the service.

As @Baldrick1  suggests, it’s simply an attempt to harvest information rather than making improvements to the service.

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

Why not treat it with the contempt it deserves and just lie to it. Feed it lies so even when the data's aggregated the information is as good a useless by providing an incorrect view.

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

Plusnet should not need to do a survey, on a "one to one" basis.... firstly... they already claim to be an "Award winning service"...Secondly. they will always "do you proud"... and of course  when / if  they do... " That`ll do"..

aside from that... WHY ?  do they need to conduct a survey ?   ( apart from mining lots of bits of personal information under the guise of the survey) ...

all they have to do is check out the customer comments on this board, to find all the answers to what level of service they are providing... balanced, of course, against the number of "can`t be bothered" to complain, as it`s a cheapo service... plus those who are "completely satisfied"... , ... probably about 40/60 I would think...


The Full Monty
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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

@shutter I know I've now left, but in my 9 and a bit years, I've never had major problems, and the few middling ones have been sorted in a reasonable manner and time-frame, although that could just be luck, or the fact that I've always to the best of my knowledge, given all the required info at the start of a query, which many customers don't.

Having said that, though, with a couple of honourable exceptions, the responses you see here on the forum recently sometimes make me shake my head in disbelief.

Hopefully when I post my 'farewell', I can say that I'm a satisfied ex-customer, but as I'm still waiting for my final bill, that may be a little while.

Must admit my switch to the 'email only' account was totally painless - and fast - but that was probably down to a bit of 'inside knowledge/help'.

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

"Why not treat it with the contempt it deserves and just lie to it. Feed it lies so even when the data's aggregated the information is as good a useless by providing an incorrect view."

A lot off topic and I could receive criticism (don't care!) but that's what I did with many of the 2021 Census questions. e.g. household has 10 cars. Totally intrusive and irrelevant to what I remember the Census questions used to be and the aim of said Census.

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

If you are one of the fortunate ones and your billing is set up correctly, your hub has good enough WiFi for your needs and the Openreach phone and broadband service works fast and reliably then of course, you are a completely satisifed customer. You can only judge the quality of a business when things go wrong. Surveying customers with a working set up tells you nothing, but presumably gets you awards.


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The Full Monty
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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

@Baldrick1 I never complete these 'surveys', as they are blatantly skewed to arrive at the result the company wants, but if I have a problem outside my control . I expect those in a position to resolve it to do so as quickly as it is reasonable to expect, and those issues I have had during my time here have been resolved to my satisfaction, without me having to kick up much of a fuss.

As I have said previously, both on here and in some private communications, the major reason I have jumped ship is because a once 'caring' supplier has been totally obliterated by the BT 'steamroller', and is now the poor relation in the family - which is scary, given the way even customers of the 'expensive' BT brands are often treated.

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

Yeah @jab1 

I know what you mean, I don’t live where my PlusNet service is, but my sister and neice both do. Both use the internet a lot round there and my other job is to look after the connection and keep them happy.

They don’t even know the username and password of the account. Not that it is a secret and I am withholding it from them, just I have never been asked!

I know I have moaned a lot in the past - yes if anyone is really bored you can read my post history.

To be honest I have only ever had to contact PlusNet support twice and both times they have been really good.

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Re: Plusnet 'Survey'

No matter where you go all these "survey's" and "win a prize tell us what you think" efforts are no more than information gathering scams.

The online equivalents of street corner clipboard botherers. A companies way to make money out of someone's unpaid effort, usually with false promises ranging from the "fabulous prize" to the "we are listening". All better ignored just like the unsolicited scam phone calls.