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So far so bad...

Posts: 48
Registered: ‎17-12-2010

Re: So far so bad...

How soon? How much longer are you going to  restrict my speed? I am not amused, I want the max my line will support overnight, overnight that restriction/limiter  should not be in place, should it?
Given that 2 weeks ago I asked if there was an incorrect setting am not amused to hear that it appears noone has looked at the settings in detail...
And after 2500, how long until next step up? And does this really mean I have to keep complaining to get best speed?
I can't believe this isn't automatically tweaked by the system to ensure best speed..
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: So far so bad...

Two weeks ago there wasn't an incorrect setting, the setting of 750 was applied on 21/12 after an update from the BT Wholesale system. It looks like we didn't receive the one to say your new profile was 1750, which is why I changed it for you today (you should be getting around those speeds now).
The BT system will give you a profile based on the connection speed between you and the exchange, we have no control over that, although there are things you can do to get the best out of your line (like connecting in the master socket/test socket, removing any causes of interference/noise and rebooting at optimum times of day). Our system then has a mirror of the BT profile (to ensure our traffic management systems are aligned with the BT system, and to give you the best real-world performance).
The profiles set by our system and by BT's apply 24/7 and are different to any artifical speed restrictions applied by the traffic management system.
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎17-12-2010

Re: So far so bad...

I see you didnt answer the how often does profile get reasessed question!!
Your changing the setting has worked, thankyou.. 1605KBs is much better,. but even at 2500 is still still well under the max 3.5MB I got under previous ISP. I am still hoping for a similar rate., this is why I wnt to know realisitically as there are no line issues (to my knowledge) when my line will be fully up to its maximum speed...
If you had read the messages you will see I am plugged in the master socked, and that the line noise was well within parameters, infact engineer was suprised how clear it was..

you say "rebooting at optimum times of day" exactly when does that mean, can you provide a time window please
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 9,786
Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: So far so bad...

Hi DominicM,
I see you didnt answer the how often does profile get reasessed question!!

The plusnet profile will update normally within a few hours depending on the delta reports we receive from BT, it can take up to 24 hours and sometimes we even need to give it a nudge. If you mean the BT profile then kitz gives a good guide of how that works here.
you say "rebooting at optimum times of day" exactly when does that mean, can you provide a time window please

Anytime during daylight hours is said to be the best with optimum time being between 10am-2pm.
I've just ran a couple of line checks and your line is banded so the maximum sync you will get is 3072 which is what the check shows. If you keep your router on and don't reboot it I'll see how stable it is tomorrow now the engineer's been and get the banding lifted.
Jojo Smiley
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎17-12-2010

Re: So far so bad...

Thanks Jojo I wont reboot router until New years Eve...
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 9,786
Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: So far so bad...

You're now on a 4000 profile. This should take effect in about 15 minutes.
Jojo Smiley
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎17-12-2010

Re: So far so bad...

well thx Jojo,  Shocked it's looking a lot better now..  Cool 
It will be interesting to see if the 4000k goes up anymore over time.. but am currently happy (finally) with my speed..
Lets just pray it remains stable, and thank you..  (dont worry if it isnt you'll hear about it soon enough)  Wink
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 9,786
Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: So far so bad...

Hi DominicM,
Glad to hear it. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you... and me Wink
Jojo Smiley
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎17-12-2010

Re: So far so bad...

you'r welcome - just out of curiousity - did you lift the banding (and do you mean interleaving by that)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 9,786
Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: So far so bad...

Hi DominicM,
I had to liaise with our suppliers to have that lifted. Banding is when your sync rate is restricted between certain bands. Some interesting information about DLM and banding can be found here
Jojo Smiley
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎17-12-2010

Re: So far so bad...

thx for the clarification
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎17-12-2010

Re: So far so bad...

yeah Jojo, we are cooking with gas - Connection on router after restart is showing is 5848k  Cheesy
hopefully in time speed will auto adjust upwards north of 4000k as current..
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎17-12-2010

Re: So far so bad...

OK that was short lived, router 2 mins back just reset and reduced connection speed Sad , so back in unhappy land..
so where I was getting thisafternoon..

sadly have dropped back to:

Is the fact this happened at midnight significant, has something reset itself..
Sorry if I sound as if I never will be happy but was hopeful issue had been resolved.. obviously it is still ongoing..
Link Information

Uptime: 0 days, 0:17:42
DSL Type: G.992.5 annex A
Maximum Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 1,100 / 6,572
Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 444 / 2,268
Data Transferred (Sent/Received) [MB/MB]: 2.19 / 7.19
Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]: 12.5 / 19.5
Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]: 25.0 / 44.5
SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]: 24.5 / 8.0
Vendor ID (Local/Remote): TMMB / IFTN
Loss of Framing (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
Loss of Signal (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
Loss of Power (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
Loss of Link (Remote): 0
Error Seconds (Local/Remote): 0 / 0
FEC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 293
CRC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 0
HEC Errors (Up/Down): 0 / 0
Posts: 48
Registered: ‎17-12-2010

Re: So far so bad...

I see my IP Profile has reset itself back to 1750 as well..  Sad
Download speedachieved during the test was - 1700 Kbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 800-2000 Kbps.
Additional Information:
Your DSL Connection Rate :2270 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 444 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
IP Profile for your line is - 1750 Kbps
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 16,926
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Fixes: 223
Registered: ‎27-04-2007

Re: So far so bad...

Hi DominicM,
For some reason 1-2mb banding had reappeared. I've just spoken with our supplies and this should be removed within a couple of hours time.
If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team