The Plusnet curse?....On & On 1 Year On!
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- The Plusnet curse?....On & On 1 Year On!
Re: The Plusnet curse?
13-09-2010 7:25 PM
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So, task for this week, arrange a tour of the local exchange with a few fellow plusnetters and don't forget a notepad and pencil

Still no return bags by the way!
Shall let you know tomorrow PM if the router arrives.
Do delve deeper if you can, would like to know how I changed, when and why, just in case it has any sort of relevance thus far.
Not going to bother posting stats

Speak to you tomorrow at a guess (try and ring before tea, before 4pm-ish would be great) - ta!
PS. Still no flagging in H&S, just notes via email

Re: The Plusnet curse?
14-09-2010 10:33 AM
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Quote Adam, I think you and a few of the Plusnet angels need to go DSLAM yourself for a tour at a local exchange to give yourself a quick crash course into what is what
I've been wanting to do that for a long time, it's not an easy thing to try and arrange although I will go an flag your suggestion to line management here as it could help add weight to my requests for that.
Re returns bags, we've had a problem with the automated ordering of those so I'll stick some in the post by hand today for you.
Re tech speak and acronyms I believe it can be more helpful to avoid using them as where as some of us will understand each other some may not and as this is a public forum I believe anyone should be able to read the posts on here and understand them. And with regards to BT 'pulling the wool over my eyes' don't worry I've worked in and around this industry working with BT Wholesale for the best part of a decade so I've built up a nice big list of acronyms and tech-terms and their meanings

No word on the change from TSTC to IFTN, this may take a bit of time to find out more.
Quote PS. Still no flagging in H&S, just notes via email
That's being worked on, its not a high priority so that may not be working for a while just yet, will keep you posted if I hear anything.
Speak later,
Re: The Plusnet curse?
14-09-2010 9:15 PM
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Right, nothing much to say or do here now

Will just, wait..............................
Re: The Plusnet curse?
15-09-2010 10:06 AM
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Did call, but you were out having a fag break or on the loo, or posting on the forum by the looks of it

Anyway, lost phone line couple of times, but that doesn't match with ADSL sync. thought I'd check with you, line sounds water logged!
You've just called my mobile and rung off? Going to guess it was you, as no number was left?
Are you going to try again?

Yes? No? Ah well, will carry on typing!

Anyway, didn't know whether or not you wanted to wait for router to arrive, or re-log voice issue with line? It is going to be a water issue with the amount of rain we've had, or just BT being bad

Will leave it with you, chats to you soon!
Re: The Plusnet curse?
15-09-2010 1:02 PM
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Wasn't ignoring you earlier after we missed each other on the phone I had to divert my efforts elsewhere for a while.
Re the problems you had earlier with a complete loss of dial tone and the current problems with noise on the line I've raised a voice fault, I'll call you again as soon as I have another update.
Re: The Plusnet curse?
15-09-2010 9:17 PM
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Thing is, why on earth does a no dial tone bit of noise on the line not get the recognition as a fault?

You should have told Richard it wasn't going to be a few mins - or when you had finished your call

Anyway, to alert you to a little something, my better half, well, you know I can get a little knarked at times? Well lets just say I can throw a few verbal grenades about if I'm a little down, frustrated, a little miffed with the way things are, well, imagine some atom bomb type explosions! Times that by a few billion !

BT are providing a pathetic service, not only to Plusnet, but to us, which means Plusnet is providing us with a pathetic service! It isn't right, nor is it justified, the new CEO needs booting, then things may run much better!

Adam, dude, please get sorted ASAP, it has become nothing more than a joke, we only have Sky or Squalk Squalk as a choice, which IMHO isn't much a choice!
Shall see if the router arrives tomorrow, and seeing the amount of BT vans scattered about the area, touch wood the fault will be fixed by the time they get to us on Monday!
BT have been a very bad company, and have provided a very bad service, and so has Plusnet - see, I'm showing my miffed side, which I sorta have to, otherwise I don't think we're going to be playing with Plusnet for much longer

So.........get this sorted, 6 months! Tis a little bit of a joke now! In fact it's going a little bit beyond a joke! Can we start a vote of no confidence for the new CEO?
Re: The Plusnet curse?
16-09-2010 4:27 PM
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Quote Thing is, why on earth does a no dial tone bit of noise on the line not get the recognition as a fault? Undecided Very odd!
Hi, just replying as a follow-up to our phone call. It has been recognised as a fault and is being dealt with as such. A complete loss of phone service/dial tone may garner more attention and urgency than an intermittent issue with noise on the line. However I understand from talking to you that there have been further problems with dial tone dropping so I will see if that can help get us a sooner appointment than the one that's already been booked, please bear in mind though that this is only a possibility.
Quote You should have told Richard it wasn't going to be a few mins - or when you had finished your cal
As mentioned when we spoke I have other duties outside of support and the forums to deal with from time to time, sometimes randomly. So if dealing with other agents when calling in is an issue I'll do my best to try and get a secondary point of contact for you. I'm sorry that a number of wires seem to have been crossed at this end (no pun intended) as to why I've been unavailable at times when you've called in, I'll do what I can to suggest a clearer message to be given back to you.
Quote Anyway, to alert you to a little something, my better half, well, you know I can get a little knarked at times? Well lets just say I can throw a few verbal grenades about if I'm a little down, frustrated, a little miffed with the way things are, well, imagine some atom bomb type explosions! Times that by a few billion ! Sad You have been warned! Embarrassed
I certainly don't want to do anything that would provoke that happening so I'll do all I can to get your issues the attention they deserve at the moment.
It's back on the phone to Openreach for now, as things are going I may not be able to report back until tomorrow but your user name is at the top of my to-do list for tomorrow morning.
Re: The Plusnet curse?
16-09-2010 4:35 PM
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Its just a shame he is in a heavy metal band

Re: The Plusnet curse?
16-09-2010 9:50 PM
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Quote from: thisoldman tic i disagree . Adam does a good job in here. he is kind, well mannered, informed.
I agree - won't dispute that fact at all

Quote Its just a shame he is in a heavy metal band ![]()
That's why I like him

Anyhoo, where do I begin?
New router arrived today, it rattled, and after 6 attempts to get close to Adam (the person I spoke to refused to scrunch up a paper ball and throw it at him? Odd

Nice little router, but the pain was going to start much later on, even with a phone call whilst waiting to get my hair cut

Ooo, before I forget Adam
can't remember which CSA I spoke to, spoken to that many, was a little miffed with the transfer to a PN answering machine telling me your number is now 0845 blah blah blah - I knew that, I dialled it
Quote oh, Adam, he's a bit of a known legend up there....

Anyway, back to the router - yes, reset built up, still won't reset, oh, and why the SSID "Now it's time to party like its ......"

Right, anyway, got it hooked up, won't reset, won't even jump to reset, cripes knows what the USR & PSW is, not default anyway

Whoever broke it wants to lose the money out their wages! Sticking a flipping pen in and through it to break the reset switch, come on, that's not good enough!

So today's lessons are:
Phone line still dodgy, cut out, ADSL remained up, but did lose dial tone
Always check and reset a test router before sending it to a customer
Always double check the above

Don't let idiots use very important test routers

So, really hacked off that despite rebuilding the reset button, getting access to the net and getting wireless on it, the fact we can't access it to stick in our own details is somewhat a complete pain! Also, not being able to reset it was a complete pain, BT & Plusnet, is being a complete pain, well, BT is

So, right about now, I am hacked off, more really 'cos of the friction this is now causing between myself and the one who shall be known as the "she who must be obeyed"

Oh, Adam, still hacked off btw

Right, 3 routers to return (no bags yet), new V8 would be nice! Working if possible

Oh BTW thisoldman
which bit did you disagree with again?
Quote tic i disagree .

Adam, dude, really really want this sorted ASAP. The more ear ache I get, the more I will give out lol

enjoy the pics!
meant to say, the final picture is the reset switch built back up, can only post 4 pics, and really can't be bothered uploading them elsewhere to IMG tag them into the post - there we go, off to munch and watch a DVD
Re: The Plusnet curse?
16-09-2010 11:19 PM
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Quote Our test also indicates that your line currently supports a fibre technology with an estimated WBC FTTC Broadband where consumers have received downstream line speed between 13.8 to 15.2 Mbps and upstream line speed between 6 to 6.6 Mbps.
The actual stable line speed supportable will be determined during the first 10 days of use. This speed may change over time, to ensure line stability is maintained.
Thank you for your interest.

Adam................make me happy - or send me some tunes! (thought a link or two was coming my way? could be wrong?

PS - As I said to Agent S tonight (why can't we name CSA's?) bloodtest not a good time to ring, will only have one arm is use!

Re: The Plusnet curse?
17-09-2010 10:12 AM
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With regards to the line fault, at the moment I'm afraid it still looks like it's going to be Monday for the engineer visit, but I will spend some time today chipping away to see if anything can be sorted over the weekend.
Quote So, right about now, I am hacked off, more really 'cos of the friction this is now causing between myself and the one who shall be known as the "she who must be obeyed" Wink ........the fact the line is no better than when we first had a fault 6 months ago, the fact broadband is now worse than what it was 6 months ago, the fact that idiots are allowed to mess up routers in the first place, the fact BT lies, the fact BT is BT and the fact that I don't want any of this to reflect badly on Adam, who I still state, should be CEO of Plusnet! I haven't yet come across anyone else who is good enough for the job!
I'm sorry this is still going on right now and that this is causing problems for you. Thanks for the concern about me though, it's all part of the job to allow this type of thing to reflect on me. At the end of the day it's all about how these sittuations are dealt with and more importantly how they can be avoided in future.
Quote Adam................make me happy - or send me some tunes! (thought a link or two was coming my way? could be wrong? Undecided Roll Eyes
I'll try my best to do both, I'll PM you some links if you like, wasn't sure if my music would be your cup o'tea.

Re: The Plusnet curse?
17-09-2010 4:02 PM
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Ok, so you'll be back in touch before the weekend - cool, ok, try and avoid tea, however we will set you a place if you wish

Quote wasn't sure if my music would be your cup o'tea.
I grew up with it, on it, have even played at the Corperation in Sheffield - was my last visit there, about 15 years ago

Do let me know about a USR&PSW for the V8 - if not, will have yours, wish is a real shame, and totally unfair, hence you should put in for a Draytek or something, or a Billion - you have my authorisation - and remember, the customer is always right!

Guess I shall wait for a call before tea, or just after maybe - best time is about 11pm at night!

Oh, and I better warn you, my music taste is pretty diverse, just to note the cup of tea bit, a great little saying by a great band "coffee isn't my cup of tea"

G2G 2yr old on the loose!
sojhiknslojoispkjspokjl jslkkkkk

Re: The Plusnet curse?
17-09-2010 5:14 PM
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Quote I grew up with it, on it, have even played at the Corperation in Sheffield - was my last visit there, about 15 years ago Shocked yikes time does fly! Howver my ears have settled down to bands like Delain, Nightwish, Midnattsol etc. probably called growing old!
I've got very close links with that club, infact we've played there a few times over the past 5 or 6 years. Music-wise there is a lot of scandinavian metal influence and a lot of melody to what we do but we're more akin to bands like Strapping Young Lad, Wintersun or Dark Tranquility. Besides being a complete shred-head my tastes are very diverse too (you can catch me listening to Beastie Boys, Tom Waits, Frank Zappa, Thin Lizzy, the list goes on it all depends on what sort of mood I'm in) Anyway time for me to get back on topic now, I'll send you some links.

Re the returns bags I've stuck some in the post for you (again), these should reach you on Monday but I get a feeling two lots of bags will turn up then. However I'm sure you'll be happy to get rid of the pile of routers you must be amassing at the moment.
I'm sorry that I can't really offer any good news about the router but the previous owner of the router is not at work today and I can't get in touch with them so we'll have to sort that on Monday. I'll post your connection stats on your ticket in the meantime.
I'm sorry this has been a frustrating day without much progress...
Re: The Plusnet curse?
17-09-2010 11:01 PM
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Dark Tranquillity, which one is it, up Lost Apathy is it? Beginning of that, love it, just expect Bruce to start singing, it's amazing how much of Maidens influence is spread about today. However, after going Scandinavian, which I guess we can call it? I do find a lot of new metal bands sound so empty without the chorus's strings, etc. I love the symphonic surround and warmth, the whole presence and feel you get from it, I love it. The problem is, a lot of new music today, is, empty, pointless, crap really. What makes me smile is the 13-14 year old kids wandering round with Iron Maiden, Nirvana, Guns & Roses t-shirts on, AC/DC, Poison, etc. Nothing has surpassed those bands, everyone starting out still refers back to Thin Lizzy, Deep Purple, Ritchie Blackmore etc. It really is a shame, however I shall look forward to the links. In fact, I’m going to check now!

Ooo I likes, proper moshing music, I could defiantly get neck ache agreeing the music is good! Ooo, really like (can I get a refund on my bandwidth I’m using up listening to you? Remember having to explain the typical hair swaying shaking up and down of the head (head banging), my poor mother couldn't quite understand it, simple I said, it's just a group of people using an exagerated nod, agreeing the music is very good

Okay, only one constructive bit of criticism, the drums, great drummer, but the sound just, well sounds tinny, stream or not, MP3 or not, you should be able to get a nice thump and boom on there! Either from your mix, or the way you are encoding it, what’s the difference from it on a CD? Would love to hear! Apart from that, why on earth aren’t you signed and touring? Plus, go find the Sheffield Symphonic and join up – that would be great! Right, going to use some more of my precious bandwidth now listening lol
A wee while later........
My first gig at the Corp.....thought it was a posh version of Rock City, they had carpets! We weren’t in the main part, just a large room with a stage, a sound booth in the middle and lots of people, a little larger than the smaller pubs and clubs

Anyway........................will look out for bags in the post!

Shall just have to wait for just another manic Monday – ooo a Bangles reference lol I guess Wednesday for router number 4?

Going to hit 7 months at this rate!

Chats to you soon! Or should I say, Rock hard, Rock Heavy, Rock On

Re: The Plusnet curse?
20-09-2010 10:06 AM
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Quote Dark Tranquillity, which one is it, up Lost Apathy is it?
I like most of their albums but 'The Gallery' remains my favourite. I definaetely know what your saying about the Maiden influence, you can hear it in spades on here (esp on the first track 'Punish My Heaven'
Quote ...people using an exagerated nod, agreeing the music is very good
I love that

Quote Okay, only one constructive bit of criticism, the drums, great drummer, but the sound just, well sounds tinny, stream or not, MP3 or not, you should be able to get a nice thump and boom on there! Either from your mix, or the way you are encoding it, what’s the difference from it on a CD? Would love to hear! Apart from that, why on earth aren’t you signed and touring? Plus, go find the Sheffield Symphonic and join up – that would be great! Right, going to use some more of my precious bandwidth now listening lol
The drums didn't seem to translate to well on to streamed formats, I'll dig a CD out for you as it sounds much better. I'll be honest though where as we're happy with some of the newer recordings we've done ('From the Ashes', 'Causatum' and 'The End is Nigh') we never quite managed to get the drum sound we wanted. We're heading back to the studio soon and we have a different plan for next time

PS a signing is something we're working on at the moment and working with an orchestra has been a dream of mine ever since Metallica did the shows with the San-Fran Philharmonic about 10 years ago

Anyway I don't want to spend too much of Plusnet's time talking about this so I hope the bunch of returns bags I've sent you does reach you today, I'm about to stick another version 8 in the post to you so that should get to you within the next few days.
Quote Chats to you soon! Or should I say, Rock hard, Rock Heavy, Rock On .........and become the CEO of Plusnet!
All I can say to that is speak later, I always do, I always will and only time will tell for the last bit, I don't see Jamie looking too ready to pack up his things just yet though

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