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Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎12-02-2010

Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Having been with Uk Online for years i had become unhappy with the price and the service provided.
However, since moving to Plusnet my speeds have plummeted downwards and customer service has been appalling. With Uk Online you got straight through to a uk based agent who would go out of their way to help and contact you back. I have found Plusnet incredibly disjointed receiving spurious texts informing me of nothing. At the same time the online ticket has not been updated.I enquired as to the owner of Plusnet and was horrified to learn that BT had taken over the business. Years ago i swore never to deal with BT ever again because of there appalling customer service.
I am currently typing this while on hold to an agent. My Internet speeds are running at about 250k on a promised up to 20 meg service.
I would not recommend Plusnet to anyone.
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎20-01-2010

Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

A had the same issue with Plus when I first joined, but now I've come to appreciate their prioritising system. Have you actually gone to a speed checker? Chances are, your not using data critical protocol.
Although it took some getting used to, seeing BBC iPlayer and youtube during peak times is far more valuable to me than my download speeds.
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Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Which product are you on , that promises you a speed of 20 Mb?
can you run a BT speed test?  if so can you post them on here?
can you access your routerstats?  If so can you post them on here?
Posts: 19,757
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Quote from: shutter
Which product are you on , that promises you a speed of 20 Mb?

Dont know as PN doesnt sell one, they do some upto if you are sitting on the exchange
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Hi, and welcome to the forums.
I can see that we're sending you a new router to try and eliminate the hardware as a problem. I'll keep an eye on this to see how it goes.
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎13-02-2010

Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Hi, I have only been with plusnet since the beginning of February but find they are a good isp and any questions that I have  posted in the help sections have been answered to my satisfaction maybe members should read the site and terms before signing up
Posts: 19,757
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Welcome to the forums.
Yes, you get the the opinion sometimes that they cant string to words together
Posts: 3,486
Registered: ‎02-10-2008

Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Yes - I would people should think very carefully about moving to Plusnet.
I did, I read a lot of their website, I made myself familiar with their terms and conditions,
a soon as i had signed up, I joined this forum and found a community that helped enormously, I found PN staff giving a tremendous amount of help.
Yes there will always be problems - but I have found PN a great deal better than the several other ISP's i have been with.
So yes think carefully - and join up.
Posts: 61
Registered: ‎12-02-2010

Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

I signed up in January. It should have been a straightforward switch from a BT account. On 3rd Feb I received an e-mail from Plusnet saying all was well and that I should be connected in 5 - 7 days. Yesterday I was told that they hadn't actually ordered my broadband (customer services would not tell me why, despite being asked) and that it would be 19th Feb before I would be connected. >20 days to set up an account is simply not acceptable, especially when I had been told that work had been done that obviously hadn't been. It transpires that the phone was connected 3rd Feb but nobody at Plusnet thought to contact me and inform me. My helpdesk tickets took 3 days to be answered and then they were answered with incorrect information. I still have an open question that has not even been acknowledged 24 hours after it was raised.
The customer service representative in the cancellations department was holding two conversations at the same time and did not seem in the slightest bit bothered that the error had occurred.
To add insult to injury the text messages that should have been sent on the 3rd Feb telling me that my phone was connected and my broadband order had been placed were eventually sent 2 hours after the account was cancelled.
So yes, please think carefully about signing up with such a shoddy service provider.
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎12-02-2010

Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Thought i should update the situation.
After posting the original complaint i must admit that the level of service improved. I had some very sympathetic calls from technical people. I was also sent a new router which has enabled me to receive speeds of 7mbps and above. So at the end of the day it was a simple router fault.I'm really not sure of the quality of the Thompson router though.
To sum up, at the moment the balance has swung back in favour of Plusnet as an ISP.
Thanks to everyone for their advice.
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Think very carefully about moving to Plusnet

Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad to hear that things are much improved now. Smiley