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This is the last straw for me

Posts: 16
Registered: ‎29-10-2009

This is the last straw for me

After months of intermittent email problems, and sub dial up speeds for the most part of a week after 6PM, today I have been without internet access for over an hour, now it's back and still painfully slow.  I'm off.
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: This is the last straw for me

Hi Joe,
That sounds like you have a fault on your telephone line, your hardware or with your wiring setup.  It is extremely likely that you will take it to the next ISP that you go to.
BUT, we don't want you to do that - we'd rather fix your fault for you.
Can you tell us a bit about your wiring setup?  Do you connect directly into your master socket via a filter?  Have you tried different filters?  A different router?  All of these things can help with the problems that you have been reporting.
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎29-10-2009

Re: This is the last straw for me

Thanks, but somehow I doubt my router or my filter suddenly go slow at certain times, I've been reading the forums and status updates and you clearly have some issues with your latest 'upgrades'.  Yesterday I lost all connection for around an hour, which was called out on your status page, nothing to do with my setup.
I plug directly in to the master socket using a wireless router through a filter, I've tried a new filter, I also use a modem as a back up and the speed issues don't change whether I use the modem or the router.  I've tried resetting the router, using open DNS, various speed checkers etc etc etc.
There have been similar threads on the forums recently showing that many of your customers suffer from poor speeds at peak times, are you suggesting we all have faulty hardware or telephone lines?
Anyway, I believe I can get a superior product for less money, so I will 'voting with my feet' at the earliest convenient opportunity.
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re:This is the last straw for me

Hi there,
What sort of speeds are you getting? What does a BT speedtest show? According to our data you've had a profile of 7150 since August, which should mean you get pretty good speeds.
You are however on one of our older products, which has more severe peak time management. Looking at your usage I'd recommend a switch to Value, especially since you're in a low cost area, so would get the product for £5.99 a month.
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎29-10-2009

Re: This is the last straw for me

Speeds vary greatly, but for most nights in the last 10 or so days I've been getting download speeds of around 30kbps, speedtests show less than 1mb and for gaming I've been getting pings of over 900.  eBay is practically unusable.  I can't watch youtube videos, iPlayer videos etc.
At the moment I have a package with no cap on downloads between 4pm and 12am, and you suggest I change to one that grades 'peak' access from 8am to 12am?  That actually made me laugh out loud, it's actually very funny and a generous offer, but no thanks.
One thing we agree on - I should get pretty good speeds, but a lot of the time I simply don't.
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re:This is the last straw for me

I wasn't intending to be humorous, I appreciate the different peak times, but on Value you get more than double the peak allowance, free overnight usage, and for most things a better peak time experience than on your current product for almost a third of the cost.
We are working on the network issues, but worth noting that Plus isn't ideal for streaming, as it's not prioritised on that product.
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎29-10-2009

Re: This is the last straw for me

So you're working on the network issues, but you also suggest it's my set up that is causing my problems.  Ok then.
Seasoned Hero
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Re: This is the last straw for me

That's not what was said!
The account type you are on is never going to be very good for streaming at peak times even when all the current network problems are resolved.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re:This is the last straw for me

Yep, what he said ^
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎29-10-2009

Re: This is the last straw for me

Well James suggested it was my setup that was causing problems.  I appreciate that my product is not ideal for streaming at peak times, but recently it's not even usuable for ordinary browsing at peak times, a situation which isn't acceptable, and why I have said I am going to leave Plusnet.
I am not getting what I pay for, it's that simple.
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re:This is the last straw for me

I understand your frustration, and can assure you we've worked flat out to try and resolve things.
The last couple of days have shown big improvements, are things still as bad as they were for you? What gateway are you on? What do current speedtests show?
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎29-10-2009

Re: This is the last straw for me

Well it improved for a while but it's back to unacceptable speeds again tonight.
I seriously can't be bothered jumping through your hoops and doing all these tests that I've done countless times before, just to be told it's BT's fault, or my router's fault, or someone else's fault.  I don't pay BT, I pay PlusNet, I just want my broadband connection to be broadband speed, not dial up speed, is it really too much to ask?
Anyway, as I said, I will be away soon, I've had enough.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 10,540
Registered: ‎18-07-2007

Re:This is the last straw for me

We've added more capacity and are working on the network issues - there have been more configuration changes today that should make more of a difference tonight and if those have a significant impact (which they should do) there'll be more changes made tomorrow. Unfortunately each change does need to be tested before we can make any further changes though we certainly understand that that doesn't help instantly.
I hope we can get this fixed for you before you do decide that enough is enough.
Posts: 47
Registered: ‎14-10-2009

Re: This is the last straw for me

Made a difference to mine, after 3 days of relatively low and stable ping, i'm now back up to 150+ again!
So far in my 1st month with PN i think i have had a ping less than 70 on maybe 5-6 days only.
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re:This is the last straw for me

I'm sorry you haven't managed to see a period of decent stability.  I'm also sorry for not having had a chance to reply to your email yet, which I'll do in a sec!
We made a change on our network yesterday - essentially increase the amount of traffic that our network can push through at any given time.  That should help to solve poor latency that some customers have been seeing on hop 4 of their traceroutes.  There won't be an immediate resolution of the problem, but it hopefully should go further to improving the situation.
We're hoping to get some further information out in the next 24 hours.