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What Happened to a Good Company

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎31-10-2013

What Happened to a Good Company

A few years ago I used PN and thought they were great, honest and communicative.
So when I changed from my old provider I went to PN and signed up for 18 months Phone and Broadband --- Oh what a mistake  Sad
The phone works well but the broadband has had problems from the start - try to phone in 60 minute on hold then cut off  Angry
Try again - 50 mins - get through, try to explain - fobbed off; no interest in the problem - just quote "procedures"
Send in through the user e-mail system - reply came after a few days - "its what you paid for" --- odd it does not match the quoted value in the order or the speeds I can obtain normally
Thereafter I spend another 4 hours trying to get through and send a number of e-mails (including a formal complaint) - all either ignored or responded to without reading the e-mail. The last e-mail is still to be responded to after 40 hours.
Today I've spent 30 minutes on hold, then got cut off - so I rang your "I want to leave line" - got told yes the "procedure" is we charge you for 18 months, ignoring the fact that you stated a speed and have failed dismally to acheive it (not an up to value), its the same value that BT wholesale say is acheivable and the one that I used to get. Your "want to leave" gentleman has arranged a call back but given the quality of service I am dubious at best.
So reader - don't use these guys - just no realistic support
FYI - just to show I'm doing my bit - BTOR called out just prior to PN takeover, line fixed and AOK, Problem same at master socket, three modems tested, everything up to date on firmware 
Posts: 319
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎06-11-2013

Re: What Happened to a Good Company

Hi there, Whilst the Plusnet team to come on the forums it is mostly full of users, like myself who are customers of PN,
Are you on FTTC or ADSL and what speeds were you expecting and are now receiving? If you can provide some details from your router status and even a speedcheck from some of the guys on here might be able to help/identify where the problems are.
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎31-10-2013

Re: What Happened to a Good Company

Thanks gnicholson8.
Its not a speed issue - its a communication issue (me with PN) that lead to a rant. I just could not get PN to listen,  I was getting cut and paste replies from people who had not read the text & as we know there is effectively no phone support.
Basically the SNR starts at 6 then over 4 - 5 weeks rises to 30 (Speed drops to below 300 Kb/s).
If I change the router (now on the third) or update/fallback the router firmware the SNR immediately goes to 6.
This should not happen as SNR is a function of the line and should be relatively steady (checked with neighbours, all SNRs are stable at 6 to 10 and have been for years) - for the last 4 years mines been stable at 8.
This steady drift is usually associated with a problem in the exchange, so I need PN's input. FYI I have been told by "someone who would know" that suspect "cards" on business lines are exchanged with domestic lines and then they wait to see who complains  Shocked
{if you are curious - BTOR checked the line and repaired it just before I joined PN, I've checked that the fault shows at the master socket, I've had  the house wiring checked, I've tried 3 modems, 2 sets of firmware each and 3 PC's with two operating systems - in total about 120 man hours of my time alone - problem still appears}
In the end I rang the "I want to leave line" and got a call back about 50 minutes after
We know wait to see if the drift restarts or if it remains stable.......

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 16,924
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Registered: ‎27-04-2007

Re: What Happened to a Good Company

Really sorry to hear about the issues you've been experiencing @hutchinson02
I'll do my best to get some feedback passed on regarding some of the responses on your fault ticket.
I'm happy to see that the connection is stable at the moment.
If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team