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Where did it all go wrong?

Posts: 1,854
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Registered: ‎01-05-2011

Where did it all go wrong?

For months PN have done their very best to figure out and fix my line issue.
Well no, not PN, 1 person in the fault dept.
We thought the issue was fixed, and closed the ticket.
A couple of weeks later and the fault has returned.
I opened a new ticket, hoping for the same help I had been getting, even though the PN agent working my ticket has moved on.
Well, day 3 with no broadband, well broadband at 0.3 download.
I had a reply on the forum to my thread, saying he would give the faults team a nudge, yet it is day 3, and my ticket hasn't been touched.
So last night, annoyed at being told it could be another 3 days before my ticket is even looked at (I called PN customer service) and after bill rise number 3 since taking out a new contract, I decided the only way to fix this fault, is to move to another ISP.
I quite like the look of Xilo, and I can get the same unlimited phone/broadband for the same price.
Now I didn't want to leave PN, and still don't, however, 3 price rises, and 3 days with virtually no broadband?  Not good enough I'm afraid.
I am hoping migrating away will fix the issue that PlusNet can't.
Any way, I called customer options.. wow, what can I say!
After being on hold for half an hour, The guy I spoke to used every 'not quite a lie but not true' story known to man.
Apparently I don't need a mac because 'All the big companies don't use them'.
I asked him to explain that, because as far as I am aware it is only LLU that doesn't need a MAC, and as I wont be moving to a LLU provider, I will need a MAC.
I was then told if I ask for a MAC before signing up to a new provider it will cause problems with the order.. umm really?
He then told me that I was stupid to leave, because PlusNet is the best of the best, and nobody can offer the same service, so an extra £1.50 was not much to ask, also the £1.50 is to cover rising broadband supplier costs.. not a new office then, I asked?
Anyway, he eventually offered to knock £1.50 off my bill to keep me.
No mention of fixing the fault of course.
So I declined.
He promised the MAC will be issued 'some time soon'
It is a shame, especially after all the work put in by Chris Pettitt, but it is more the principal of putting my price up part way through a contract than anything else.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 6,346
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Registered: ‎26-11-2011

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Hi Devonian,
I am genuinely gutted to hear that you've requested your MAC code to leave us. I am sure that if I hadn't have moved on, we perhaps wouldn't be in this position. Before you do get your MAC Code and do leave, is there anything that you can think of that I or Plusnet can do?
I can understand where you are coming from with regards to the conversation you've had with the Customer Options Team - I will feed that back as the information provided is quite backwards. Given the history of the fault, I could have a chat with the Team Leaders on the Faults Team and do my best to get it assigned to one of the experienced agents to try and get this issue sorted out for you.
If you have your heart set on leaving and there is nothing further I can do to help, I am only sorry and wish things had turned out differently. Like I say, if there is anything I can do, please let me know as I'll do as much as possible to get something done for you.
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Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Hi Devonian
You may find some of the recent threads regarding Xilo  over at TB of interest, seems some are finding it hard to contact sales/cs

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 1,854
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Registered: ‎01-05-2011

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Hi Chris,
Thank you for the post.
I think yesterday was a bad day all around. 
Of course I would much rather stay at PN, especially after all the hard work you have put in for me, which you know I appreciate a lot.
My grievance is with yet another large business treating the customer with complete disregard.
It's not about the money, it is about the under handed way in which I the customer have been treated.
When I agreed a contract with PN, I agreed it at a certain rate, for a certain period.
Now, call me old fashioned, but I expect that contract to be honoured for the period of time.
Yes prices need to change, but that should have been factored into the original contract.
What makes that even worse, is when a member of staff at the customer options team treats you in the way I was treated.
On top of that on the 7th I reported my broadband is unusable, and is still unusable.  I posted here, and was told the faults team were given a nudge,117240.msg1014167.html#msg1014167
Yet here I am, still with unusable broadband, and my ticket remains untouched.
Chris, all I want is to come home from work, put on top gear on the iPlayer and relax, instead of coming home to the family jumping straight down my throat because the Xbox wont go online, or YouTube isn't working, or spotify wont stream.
When you were dealing with it, then it was in hand, and I had complete confidence in you.
Now, I can't even get PN to look at it let alone take action.
Of course there are ways to keep me as a customer.
Not even fixing the fault, as we both know what a PITA it is, but at least taking it in hand and resetting the line which seemed to help for a day or 2 in the past.
It's not about money, It's about common courtesy, it's about customer service.
I really am sorry I have to complain like this after all the hard work you put in for me Chris, I really am, and thank you once again for every thing you helped with.
Posts: 1,854
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Registered: ‎01-05-2011

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Thank's Mike, some interesting reading there.
I haven't committed myself to anything yet, if I'm honest I am honest, I am holding out and hoping PN will pull their socks up, I have a few days before the MAC expires.
Posts: 1,854
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Registered: ‎01-05-2011

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Might I also add that I called for my MAC Thursday evening.
A ticket was generated on Thursday saying:
Thank you for your call today. I am now forwarding this ticket to the correct department so that the order for your MAC key can be placed.
You will receive your MAC key within 1 working day and it will be attached to this ticket. The MAC Key is only valid for 30 days and you do not make use of the MAC key, the account will remain open and billing will continue.

I am still waiting for the MAC code.
It seem's PN are failing at every station at the moment.
Not applicable

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

@Devonian -
Sorry to see you leaving, but I can understand why !   Embarrassed
Have you looked at AAISP's new 'Home::1' package ?
With the problems that you have been having, AAISP have one of the best track records of getting line problems fixed.
Have a read through this - AAISP - "We'll fix your line"
Good luck   Wink

Posts: 1,854
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Registered: ‎01-05-2011

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Hiya purleigh. Smiley
I haven't left yet..  a little customer service and I would stay.. like I said I'm not bothered about a few months or whatever at half price, it's the customer service that bothers me.
I don't shop in Lidls, because the service is awful, the same as I wont deal with T-mobile for the same reason.
So, PN pull your socks up and I will happily stay.
No I haven't looked into AAISP if I am honest, but when I get some credit for my dongle I'll have a look.
Thanks a lot. Smiley
Rising Star
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Re: Where did it all go wrong?

I'm afraid it all went wrong with PlusNet when they felt they had to compete with the big boys and put money before customer service. Over the years we have seen problems with under trained staff when the business grows to quickly but they never learn. What they seem to forget over and over again is one bad word goes a lot further than a good one.
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Registered: ‎14-08-2009

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

I think you are right with your analysis - but I would suggest wrong where you say one bad word etc...
These days sadly there are so many people mouthing off at companies that no one takes any notice any more.
'Trip advisor' complaints by supposedly agrieved "holidaymakers" - a fair number of them false put in by rival hotels.
I've read 'reviews' of various things I've bought and I do wonder if some dissatisfied reviewers had even bought the item - let alone read the manual.
There used to be a time when one complaint masked many dissatisfied others who couldn't be bothered to complain.
Now one outraged complaint is just regarded as a trouble maker or the inevitable 1 faulty product in 35million sold.
No one cares anymore
Ryanair for example seems to thrive on messing people up in some way. They are well known for this.
O'leary as I recall once said something like "We don't like dissatisfied customers - dissatisfied customers can go and fly with someone else"
Yet people still book with them
Why - 'cos they are cheap and these days that is all that most people care about.
Posts: 1,854
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Registered: ‎01-05-2011

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

That is very true guys.
Well I did receive my MAC this morning, which I haven't used yet.
My internet is still shit and I haven't even had a phone call.
All I had was a text telling me BTOR will be out on Wednesday.
I'm torn between staying and leaving.
PN have been really brilliant for me up until now.
But literally over night  it all seem's to have gone wrong.
All I know is I believe in giving my money to the people who don't just want it, but earn it through good service.
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Faults is really busy atm following the spike of really heavy rain after the glorious sunshine. So typically British!  I know it's no excuse for the delay though.
I'll do what I can to get that fault moving for you Devonian.
Kelly Dorset
Ex-Broadband Service Manager
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Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Thank's Kelly.
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 6,346
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Registered: ‎26-11-2011

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Hi Devonian,
I've just arranged for one of my old colleagues to take personal ownership of this issue for you. He is in direct contact with me  if he requires and help or assurance. He will be in touch later this afternoon and I've made him fully aware of the situation and history of the fault.
If you need anything, please let me know and I'll do what I can to help.
Posts: 1,854
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Registered: ‎01-05-2011

Re: Where did it all go wrong?

Thank you Chris, that's very kind.
I don't know if anybody has been looking into things, or if it has just righted it's self again, but suddenly the internet is back to normal again.
It's certainly turning into quite a head ache.
But thanks Chris, you really have been excellent.