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my plusnet nightmare

Posts: 1
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Registered: ‎13-10-2019

my plusnet nightmare

Been with plusnet over ten years, and had several home moves in his time

Our last move was in June/July and the home phone and internet was working, then for no reason the internet went after one week, whilst working from home too.

I rang plusnet and was told that they had now enabled my internet again, a new order was put in through bt.

I was then informed there was a problem with my old account, and a new account would have to be created, would I mind doing that ?
No I said, I thought this was going to be simple.
As it was a problem on your part, it was never fully explained the implications this might cause.

Here it where it gets very, very annoying.

At first I had full access to my email account, then one day, all stopped
I was not told I would no longer have access to my old email account,
which amongst many things has meant I can not confirm a new email address on registered websites and forums without providing heaps of proof of ID, nice !
Then the next thing to happen was I am charged for closing the old account, no notice, so I contacted plusnet, and informed you of the issue.

Mainly being you'd got my bank account overdraw ( A fee has been charged for the return of that payment by my bank, as it was under a Direct Debit order, top notch that !)
I was told a refund would be processed in due course, obviously the bank cancelled by 2pm as I didn't have enough funds.
Thankfully this didn't stop me at the end of the day gaining access to my funds in my bank to be able to purchase food for my young son and my wife, or petrol to run two cars for two jobs me and my wife work

anyway I'm told its because I'VE not updated my contact details on a closed account,
so all emails go to old account, even though its closed down by plusnets own choice, arggghhhh !
A message is put on account that charge of £130 should be waived.

So after this part, (correct if I'm wrong) not received any call back from payments to clarify this is an error.

Then I decide to remove Direct Debit from the old account AND the NEW account, as it already paid, and this might stop any further erroneous payments.

I've never had so much contact from yourselves before, I only wish you had that sort of dedication in getting my problems fixed as you do in getting a direct debit reinstated.

two mobile phone calls and home phone calls a day plus all the email and texts you sent me till I made payment on the new account.

Now this is still carrying on

so guess what happens next ......

I get sent another email on the 8th October telling me I owe money on the original account being closed by plusnet.

And that now your going to use some debt collection service, lovely thank you for that again !

And it continues ......

Our internet is now non existent, upload speeds are quicker than download speeds.

I see no point in staying with Plusnet, as the service has become total rubbish, even when I moved home in 2017,
I was told services were up and running, even though I was telling your customer centre that there were wires disconnected on the out side of the property, so how could there be any connection.

I want access to my old email account to allow me to change my details without issue, and get my payslips, as I'm also self assessed for tax.

This has created a significant problem in my life, and I STILL have not received ANY communication from you 'Technical' dept to tell me how they will resolve the issue.

I am involving the Obudsman, as I feel I don't want other customers treated like this.

Also when I move services and close my plusnet account I feel I should not be charged, due to level of messing around I have had, the hours spent sorting this rubbish out.

Totally unacceptable.



Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎26-03-2018

Re: my plusnet nightmare

Hi @SloppyJuan,

I'm really sorry to hear of the issues that you've experienced. I've been able to locate the new account, however I can't locate the old one. Before we proceed with our review, please could you send me a Private Message containing the account username of your old account?

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Alex H
 Plusnet Help Team
Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: my plusnet nightmare

Hi @SloppyJuan thanks for getting in touch. I've found your old account by searching your postcode in our accounts system and I've been looking through this for the best part of an hour. I'm sorry to see how your home move was handled.

I can see the orders to provide you with a fibre and phone service at your new address completed on the 6th August and on the 9th you reported to us that you were having issues connecting to the internet.

It's difficult for me to see retrospectively what these issues were and if a new account was indeed required to get you back up and running, however if we did need to create a new account it should've been a lot simpler and straight forward which should've been sorted within 24 hours as opposed to the long drawn out complicated way we've done this. Sad

So on your new account even though we were currently providing a phone and fibre service, we tried to place an order to takeover our own line but that was rejected due to no spare fibre ports at the cabinet. 

We then placed an order to provide you with standard broadband again taking over our own active fibre line. Upon completion of this order, this triggered your old account to automatically close down generating early termination fees and the email component on the account was destroyed as a result which wasn't reactivated despite you requesting this.

What I would've done if we did need to create a new account is manually close the existing one then create and activate the new account retaining the existing fibre line we were providing, then reactivate your email service.

Moving forward, I can see that the outstanding balance on your old account has been written off and I've reactivated your old account now changing it to a mail only one. If you had any additional mailboxes setup other than the default you'll need to go to to recreate those mailboxes.

If you find you've lost any mail as a result of this, let me know as soon as possible and I'll raise a task to NetOps to try to get these restored for you. Unfortunately though any mail sent to you in the interim between the mailbox being destroyed and remade would've bounced back, but I believe we can find out the details of any bounce backs if you need us to.

As I can see we've changed your phone number and you've requested us to retain it, I've placed an order to renumber your phone line back to the number you had before, which should complete tomorrow. 

I can also see you're experiencing drops in your connection and testing your broadband service is showing your line speeds to be restricted at 0.2mbps by the automated dynamic line management software(DLM) at the exchange as a result. I've put through a DLM reset to remove that speed restriction although I suspect the drops will continue.

Line tests aren't showing any causes as to why the drops are occurring, so I'd recommend making sure your router is connected into the master/test socket as explained Here and raising a fault ticket to us at if you're still having connection issues so we can arrange an engineer to investigate further.

I've checked the availability of fibre down your line and there's still a capacity issue sadly, the fibre port we had provisioned on your line up until the standard broadband order completed on 29th August would've been taken up by someone else.

I'd recommend keeping an eye on and once fibre is showing as available, we'd be happy to upgrade you back to fibre. Feel free to let us know over here if you do decide to and we'll be happy to make sure the correct steps are taken to provide you with fibre again, although I wouldn't expect any issues with this.

Finally, I've added a reply onto the ticket 192977812 on your new account with an offer for a gesture of goodwill which you'd be able to reply to from Here. I'm taking this on personally from this point on so any replies you'd make on the ticket will come back to myself. Apologies again for the experience you've had.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi