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what is communication? when is an appointment not an appointment....

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎02-02-2011

what is communication? when is an appointment not an appointment....

I have an outstanding order to install a line for broadband.  Plus net sent out an engineer to instal the line after leaving a message on a voicemail on my number ( i didnt even know the line has a voicemail....certainly dont use it, and dont know how to collect messages) .  They also left an answer on a support question,  however , the 30 day view doesn' t show the exchange.
So without any answer or arrangement they sent out an engineer to an empty house! and now want a further £49 for  him to return again.    hen i asked to escalet the call for further consideration i was informed that i was told the emgineer was coming and that was it.  The call would not be escalated, just a flat refusal.
NOT the kind of customer service i an used to.  so, comunication is just someone posting a message reagrdless of whether it is received or replied to......and an appointment is simply calling round unexpected.
Very poor plusnet......
Pete Taylor
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎02-02-2011

Re: what is communication? when is an appointment not an appointment....

i Have just cancelled the order.  Dont imagine for a second that plusnet are interested, but if you are,a response to my email would be appreciated.
pete taylor
Posts: 426
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎03-08-2010

Re: what is communication? when is an appointment not an appointment....

...I think they're on "keep as many as we can happy, let the rest go quickly, saves hassle".............extra proof, Plusnet is falling apart, and extra proof that outsourcing to other countries is a good thing as most of the new customer service techs don't like their job, they have no loyalty to Plusnet, and really don't give a flying a monkey about customer problems and issues.