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BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

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BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

Up until yesterday, my favourite way of watching BBC TV programmes I had not recorded on a PVR was to use an app called Get iPlayer.
The BBC have now changed the BBC iPlayer mode of transmission, so that their programmes are no longer compatible with Get iPlayer.
There is a get around, but it is rather complicated, involving individual PID's.
One thing I miss about cancelling my Sky Subscription was the fact that BBC iPlayer, along with other channels, could be downloaded onto the Sky+HD box.
With no viewing restrictions, and no buffering.
At the moment, I do not have a Smart TV, to watch BBC iPlayer programmes.
It is true, that I can watch or download BBC programmes to my iMacs, but I prefer to watch TV, on a TV, with associated comforts.

There are a couple of alternatives though.
1) Using a Now TV  Box from Sky, I can watch BBC iPlayer programmes, but to view only, not to download. And only 720p resolution. With ocassional buffering depending on time of day.
2) hudl... yes my hudl tablet. Full HD 1080p resolution.
I can download BBC iPlayer programmes onto the hudl, and as the hudl has a HDMI output, then watch the downloaded programmes on any of my TVs, all of which have HDMI inputs.
I don't know about other Tablets, but if they have HDMI outputs also, this is an alternative way to watch BBC Programmes.
Of course, downloading means there is no Buffering whilst watching !!

The Get iPlayer programmers may come up with a way to seamlessly download BBC iPlayer programmes, as before, but for now the hudl works fine.
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

It's called proprietary software. The BBC writes it and makes its own rules.
Now Zen, but a +Net residue.
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

get-iplayer has been updated. Get a new copy. Its working again.
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

Can you provide link to Get iPlayer please? Sounds good, but can't find it on playstore, only simple video players called iPlayer.
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

Presumably this
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

Yep that's the one. Sorry thought you had it installed before.
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

Thanks for that. Will look at it tonight when I get home, when I have time (if I have time-just been given another 'project' that I have not got a clue about ???).
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

Quote from: Hairy
get-iplayer has been updated. Get a new copy. Its working again.

Now that is strange !!
I actually updated to v1.8.2 two days ago, which worked fine for two days... and all previous versions I tried would also not load any BBC programmes.
Deleted App support files etc.
Re installed, cleared caches etc....
No joy.
However, just tried the already installed v1.8.2, and it is now showing BBC programmes.
I had done nothing since I last tried, at 1am, and 6am, just before I started the thread.
I did contact the BBC iPlayer techs very early on, 2am ish
There was a problem with the old BBC iPlayer and Mac OSX a couple of times, once was corrected very quickly, the other time it took a bit longer.
So I wonder if they did something early on today to correct whatever the problem was.
This has been on the BBC iPlayer FAQ's for a day now...
BBC iPlayer feeds aren’t available any more
The system that supported the feeds was part of an old version of BBC iPlayer. We’ve now retired this system.
Technology is always changing and people are using BBC iPlayer on an ever-growing range of devices. To make sure we’re offering the best, most consistent experience across all those devices, we’ve rebuilt BBC iPlayer from the ground up. This also means we can now develop and release new features quickly across all devices: computers, tablets, mobiles and TVs.

Thanks for the prompt to try again, let's hope it stays OK, and doesn't disappear again.
Still a useful exercise, as I finally plugged the hudl into a TV via HDMI, and it just worked !
Good HD Backup System

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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

You NEED the very latest version
hairybiker@duo:~$ apt show get-iplayer
Package: get-iplayer
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 2.90-ppa20~trusty
The BBC killed the rss feeds that the old one used, so it couldn't get anything, a work around was using pid's or url's from the iplayer site, but the new version uses the new feed system and works with pvr's again.
Depending on where you updated from they may not have had the latest version. Get it on that page that was linked above.
Again YOU NEED 2.90+ to use it as you used to.
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

Using v 1.8.2 for Mac OSX, I've searched for and downloaded 8 BBC programmes this afternoon with no problems.
And kept the series links OK too.
The 2.90 version you refer to, is that specifically for Linux, along with script ?
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

No if you check the web page it is the latest version for all platforms.
You sure it is 1.82?
This guide suggests 2.87 is latest for Mac. With auto updating.
Although THIS doesn't mention a Mac version available.
Windows users will need to use the latest installer and linux/unix users will need to use the manual installation method

The ppa for us on Ubuntu based was updated yesterday.
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

I think we are talking cross purposes about two different products here.
Get iPlayer for mac is not the same as Get-iPlayer  / Get_iPlayer (Linux)

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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

You're using Get iPlayer Automator, which does most of the work for users in a GUI. It does have the get_iplayer script inside of it, to update that requires a few (well, two) commands in the terminal app. Instructions are in the wiki on the google code project page.
That's RPM to you!!
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

As it is working OK, I searched for and downloaded many BBC programmes overnight, I am going to leave well alone, and let the Auto Update facility take care of any updates.
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Re: BBC iPlayer Downloads alternatives

I have always used the PID method - if you view the BBC iPlayer web-site, the PID is part of the URL for each individual programme.
get_iplayer --update causes the iPlayer to update itself to the latest version.
However, there have been no programmes (in the last few months) worth the bother of downloading though.  Sad

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