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I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message servcie

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎13-12-2024

I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message servcie

Don't know where to start. Where might the problem lie? is supplier of broadband and mobile whilst at home. Smarty is network supplier whilst away from home. I have an Apple iPad8 mobile phone. The problem is that I cannot make or receive phone calls or messages - but only intermittently. Probably 80% of the time all is good.

I've tried turning all components off and back on again. Sometimes this remedies the problem, but not always. As far as I am aware I haven't changed any phone settings.

Also this morning, somebody tried to contact me, using a "number withheld" number Obviously I didn't receive the calls. They have suggested that I might have to change something on my phone to enable me to receive such calls, and suggested I contact my phone provider. Any suggestions?


The Full Monty
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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

Are the calls you can't receive when at home (on PN) or away from home (when you will be on the Smarty(Three) network?

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎13-12-2024

Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

Thanks for such a quick reply John. Phone won't work sometimes, both at home on Plus.Net or away from home on Smarty.


The Full Monty
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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

@berniemoore712 No problem. I don't know how technical you are (not very, by the sound of it 😀 ) but do you have Wi-Fi calling enabled on your phone? This should resolve the poor phone signal, at least while you are at home. To enable it, or check if it is enabled, go to your phones control panel, select the phone app and open it. There should be an option on it (possibly in the 'calls' section to check this. Sorry, I have an iPhone 12, which is configured slightly differently, so you may have search around a bit.

As to when you are out and about, Three do seem to have some 'not-spots' for some people, unfortunately, there is little you  can do about that, I'm afraid.

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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser


PN will not be providing your mobile coverage when you're at home. They closed their mobile service a while back.


What might be happening is you have WiFi  calling enabled so the phone is using the PN connection to make / receive calls. If so, your call problems are nothing to do with PN as such.




Posts: 8
Registered: ‎13-12-2024

Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

Yes, I am home at the moment and YES wi-Fi is connected to Plus.Net

The next line says Bluetooth and this is shown as On

Next line Mobile Data - should this be ON (which then shows Roaming ON. Should it be ON permanently?

or should it be Mobile Data OFF in which case no mention of Roaming.

I have also checked EE coverage and it's saying excellent.

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎13-12-2024

Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

Three's network , (as per your link - thank you) is shown as excellent.

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎13-12-2024

Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

Oh deary me..... I am totally lost now. We did away with our Plusnet landline and phone number, and I THOUGHT I would then be using Plus.Net for mobile use whilst at home via their broadband supply. Have I got it all wrong???????Huh


Thanks for your reply.

The Full Monty
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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

So - what is showing in the top left of your phones home screen?

You only need 'mobile data' on if you wish to use such as texting or mobile apps away from home - mine is usually 'off' as I really only use the phone as a phone when out and about - with no issues.

If your mobile service is provided by '3', then you should check their coverage, as advised by Gel above, not EE.

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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

@berniemoore712 wrote:

Oh deary me..... I am totally lost now. We did away with our Plusnet landline and phone number, and I THOUGHT I would then be using Plus.Net for mobile use whilst at home via their broadband supply. Have I got it all wrong???????Huh


Thanks for your reply.

For phone calls, your phone will still be connected to the '3' network.

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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

@jab1 wrote:


You only need 'mobile data' on if you wish to use such as texting or ...

I suspect you don't need mobile data for texting @jab1 Wink

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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser


You need mobile data on to make wifi calls, roaming is only for when you are traveling abroad.


The Full Monty
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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

OK, @RobPN - sorry for my ignorance - it is not something I do often, so forgot its abilities - sorry. 😉

The Full Monty
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Re: I can't cope with modern technology and technical jargon. Intermittently no phone or message ser

@Dan_the_Van I can make calls from my mobile when out and about, and as I said, my 'mobile data' is disabled.
