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Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

i have used the scanner and it finds but its not the same MAC as the meebox....
The network u see as meebox 2 is my hardwired from laptop to plusnet router, why it has anything to so with the meebox I've no idea but it won't allow me Internet connect now when I plug in hard word
You haven't got a fixed IP of .63 on the laptop wired NIC by any chance have you ? it would certainly appear that you have something other than the meebox on .63 unless the network scanner is lying. The fact that you can't access the internet from the laptop suggests that it may well be the culprit. Simple check would be to try changing the meebox to .62 and see what that now shows on the scanner.

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Posts: 14
Registered: ‎31-01-2013

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

I found it all extremely odd last night so i had to leave it a lone and go to bed haha...
i will have a go again this evening but i will try using a different laptop, im not sure if my work laptop may be causing an issue with its security, part of a domain etc and stopping/blocking what i want to achieve.
I will certainly try chaining the IP to .62 and see if that works.
With what you mention above it has reminded me of something, the other week before i got my new router i was using my old plusnet router, when i looked at the connected devices it had my work laptop name (rtlp10d) displayed twice in port 1 and port 4 when port 4 was the meebox... i found that EXTREMELY ODD but i couldnt stop it in any way..
Is there away to get windows7 to forget network connections for example the meebox 2? or would that be because of the possible conflict
I did try removing the hard wire and pinging the meebox through wireless and i couldnt get any response?
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎31-01-2013

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

well im having another bash at it...
sooo i have changed the ip to .62 and i cant ping it, its not showing up on my router (port 4 is blank but thats what its plugged in to????
I have run netscan and that is showing .62 but i have no idea what to do next to be honest... is it working or not  Angry
the hard drive is permanently running but there is no HDD light on so don't know if that's an issue
please help.......
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎31-01-2013

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

well i have finally got it working....
i unplugged the laptop from teh router and went wireless and plugged the router in to the WAN port on the meebox and accessed it via wireless and it worked straight away... No idea how or why, i just need to figure out how to use the blooming thing now lol....
Thanks for all your help everyone  Wink
Posts: 1,362
Thanks: 96
Fixes: 13
Registered: ‎04-11-2011

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

Hmm... When connecting your laptop to the router via Ethernet was the wireless connection still on? In essence it could have been connected over both, so ended up confused?
Anyway, glad it's working now.
That's RPM to you!!
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎31-01-2013

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

A couple if times I had both connected due to no Internet but mostly if plugged in the wifi was off..
I've hit another problem! Is anyone any good with Linux? I want to install twonky on the meebox so my LG tv can read the server through DLNA (or DNLA lol) and I've read twonky is the best for this but to install it u have to telnet in and script which I've never done before..
Any help would be great
Posts: 473
Registered: ‎01-08-2007

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

This should help.
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎31-01-2013

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

Thanks for that Waldo,
I have been using that blog as well as another post i found but i'm new to Linux so i haven't a clue what i'm doing i think i have got as far as copying the files but i'm stuck, i'm not sure how to copy from my local drive to the meebox i've tried a few things but their not working.
I keep battling on.. i enjoy it really  Crazy
Posts: 182
Registered: ‎16-10-2012

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

If nothing else it is keeping you busy and out of mischief  Cheesy
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎31-01-2013

Re: Looqs Meebox NAS + TG582n Setup

haha aint that the truth.. drove my partner nuts, she sees it as i have sat on my arse all day long messing on the computer lol, she has no idea the gravity of the situation lol..
Well update, i now have the meebox fully function and i have got Twonky working and i can stream from the meebox to all PC's, xbox's and the LG TV 🙂 not tried the itunes server yet but so far its doing everything i want it to do  Smiley not bad to say just a few days ago i had no idea what i was doing and now i have had a crash course in the basics of networking and linux code  Shocked in the end though i couldnt copy the files so i cheated and used filezilla  Wink
Thanks again for all you help