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Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2

Posts: 3
Registered: ‎03-12-2021

Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2

I've got a homehub 6 that ive had some years now and it works perfectly but im wondering because i've had it a number of years now should i upgrade to the newer BT smart hub 2 will this still work with my plusnet bradband. You can get these on amazon and ebay for a lot less than getting one from BT but are still rated as the best home routers around.


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Re: Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2

I can’t say if you should change your router but a BT Smarthub 2 has been known to work with us. There’s instructions here on how to set it up

Personally, “if it ain’t broken don’t fix it” Smiley

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Re: Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2

Ok thats good advice i was just wanting to know if the smarthub2 worked with plusnet, i'm happy with my current router and service so will stick with it.


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Re: Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2

Went from a Home Hub 5 to Smart Hub 2 and the difference has been quite noticeable going from half to a strong signal in all areas of the house - and no more buffering.

But there again @alargeportion if it works OK for you, why change. 😉


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Re: Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2


If you are a BT customer and have/need a satellite mesh disk then a Smarthub 2 is needed. However in my mind they have a major disadvantage, that is, you can’t separate the wireless bands. Because of this I believe that the original Smarthub is better than the Smarthub 2 for a Plusnet customer. Using a satellite disk is problematic as it works through a BT phone app not available to Plusnet customers. Without this add on the wireless performance is the same for both.

If you really want a new shiny hub with Smarthub 2 performance less the satellite dish then ring the Customer Options Team on 0800  013  2632. If you ask for one and you agree to take out a new contract they will send you one for £7.99.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2021

Re: Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2

Ok great dont need the satellite mesh disk as my current router covers the whole house and to about 15 feet externally so well happy with that. Thanks for the info its really useful to know what people are doing or have done. I'm a Plusnet customer was with BT for many years but they were charging the earth and wanted 24 month contracts and also cpi which makes a mockery of the fixed price deal, how can it be fixed if it goes up by the cpi increase every year?.

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Re: Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2

@Baldrick1 wrote:

Using a satellite disk is problematic as it works through a BT phone app not available to Plusnet customers. Without this add on the wireless performance is the same for both.

FYI, these should also work via WPS or through an initial cable connection to the main hub. I don't believe you have to use the app. Even if you do, I've a suspicion it may still work for pairing purposes i.e. you don't need to be logged into a BT account.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2


"wanted 24 month contracts and also cpi which makes a mockery of the fixed price deal, how can it be fixed if it goes up by the cpi increase every year?"

I think all the ISPs have adopted this jolly little dodge, built into all new contracts with the approval of Ofcom if I remember right. No problem as my pension goes up by a similar amount every year -- oh, wait a moment 🙄

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Re: Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2


Just for information, PlusNet now use a slightly adapted BT SmartHub2 as their modem / router. It's called the HubTwo. Just became available within the past couple of weeks.



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Re: Router upgrade from BT homehub6 to Bt smarthub 2



Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville