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1st June 2009

1st June 2009

1st June 2009

Hmm, it's June the 1st... that means two things. Firstly, we're already 5 months through the year, and rapidly approaching the half way stage. Secondly, it means I need to go and buy a birthday card. Watch me completely forget that one! Only one update today, from Jonathan in Faults:

Hi to those of you taking a break from the warm weather to read our end of day update today. Here's our update from faults corner for today. As it's the start of the month we've got a group of new secondees on the team, including myself. Though whilst I was expecting to get thrown in at the deep end working on faults that have already been raised to BT, I was instead tasked to help with the new faults raised over the weekend when members of the team were enjoying the sunshine. Guess having to write this is a bit of a 'reward' for that. Early starters today were Tom and Al, with Tom having the fun of working through no sync faults and Al dealing with newly raised speed issues. Next in were the secondees, myself (Jon), Rich and Jake. All of us working on various newly raised faults as it's our first day on the faults team. Also in at 9 were Adheel and Rich, with Adheel dealing with intermittent faults and Rich picking up the various smaller pools and phone faults. At 10, we had Brad come in to help out on speed and authentication faults. Though Tony, who was also supposed to be in at 10, is probably having a nice day in the sun as he's taking a break from work at the moment. Finally, we had Keith and Andy come in. Keith bragging about the pie he'd brought in with him for launch and getting to work on 21CN faults, and Andy jumping into the pools with the most work in to help out after the weekend. Our esteemed leader Kelly has been in and out of meetings again, which is par for the course on a Monday. That's in from the faults team for today. Have a nice evening, those of you with it free, and try not to catch too much sun.

I'd like to go and enjoy the sun, but I've got far too much to be doing when I get home Sad Colin

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