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End of Day: 19th May

End of Day: 19th May

End of Day: 19th May

Must have been a busy day today. So busy we only have End of Day reports from three departments. Web Team: Tam has been collecting data about which tools in My Account are used most. James has been continuing work on the audit trail aspect of the user generated support content and Tam & Kelly helped him test it. He's happy to report that all the bugs found have been tracked down and mostly fixed. Rupert's been P1-ing and Matt has been doing wireframes for the new My Account. Dan's been working on ACES, the Brightview team have been Brightviewing, and everyone else has been doing other variously exciting things. Marketing: What's been happening on the marketing desk today? Phil's been wrestling with Excel for much of the day, pulling out all kinds of data on signup numbers, conversion and more. Spencer and I have been working on some website updates, and I've also been working on promoting our My Broadband Usage site. Chris has been investigating some problems while we all marvelled at his freakishly swollen elbow, which will hopefully be back to a normal size tomorrow. Customer Support Centre: It seems to have been very varied today.  Sometimes busy, other times no calls coming through! Never the less, here's the top 5 from the CSC today: 1 - Router Setups: Lots of customers calling today for assistance with setting up their new (or sometimes old factory reset) hardware. 2 - Fault Updates: Many customers have called us today for updates on how their faults are going. This generally consists of business users due to it being their first day back after the weekend. Also a fair few customers called to initially raise faults with us. 3 - Email Config: People calling us for assistance with setting up their email clients on various operating systems. This tends to be new customers only but we do get the odd old customer who's just created a new mailbox. 4 - Metronet P1 problem: We had a problem this morning where customers couldn't log into the Metronet website (Link This generated quite a few calls from our Metronet userbase. 5 - Username / password queries: A lot of customers seem to have forgot their login credentials over the weekend. As a result of this they end up calling us so we can reset or help obtain these details.

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