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End of Day 22nd August

End of Day 22nd August

End of Day 22nd August

Another hectic day in the office.. I’ve been busy with my Scrum project today. The improvements we want to make to Manage My Mail are looking good and perhaps more crucially (for me at least!) coming in on schedule. More about this in a future blogging. So.. the EOD and my eyes and ears have reported back with some of the happenings from their departments. Here we go then.. Customer Support Centre: Focused on getting the calls and tickets answered as quickly as possible although a rush of calls at lunchtime meant we were rushing our dinners down to get them answered. The top issues for the CSC today have been:

  • Email problems 30%
  • Router/modem setup 25%
  • Setting up email/mailboxes 20%
  • Faults both raising and asking for updates 20%
  • Provisioning updates 5%

We saw an increase in volumes of email problems today; we believe due to an identified problem affecting the delivery of email to customers' mailboxes.

Comms: We have been testing our long awaited new Service Status tool (more on that soon), and Mand has blogged about how we manage problems within Comms and the CSC.We have also been discussing the One Portal project talked about in yesterdays EOD, to which, of course, you can add your opinion. Networks: Mike: “Working out how to stuff over a million DNS records into a database schema that is scalable and very fast.” Mark: “Validating what SSL sites we have (documenting how I checked too) and making sure our monitoring has them all..... it's a big job.” In a long, long list of other works going on in Networks: protecting service-specific mail servers against DDOS attacks, CCGI server admin, DNS server upgrades, development (staging) platform upgrades.. the list goes on. We hope to bring more info about each of these in our EOD’s. As well as all that going on 35+ thorny tickets have been processed. Development: A special report from Dev today from another, erm.. old hand. Mr Paul Neale. "Remote Development is progressing nicely and starting to look fairly exciting! ...but I'm not allowed to steal too much thunder, so here's a link to Matt’s blog. As Matt mentions, getting new recruits through the dev door is something that we're really focussing on right now. If you know a good PHP developer, who's truly customer focussed, not too hung-up on a particular methodology and who fancies a tough yet rewarding challenge -you know who to call...erm click! Separately, there are quite a few projects ongoing at the moment, some of them are a bit top-secret so I can't spill all the beans, but I can generalise in a little bit more detail than just saying "we wrote some code today and tested it." - more in future EODs I promise. P.S. Did you know that PlusNet Towers actually are towers these days, and that ADD are on the 2nd floor, East Wing?" Marketing: Explaining what ‘bandwidth’ and ‘usage’ means to everyone isn’t easy. We’ve been taking a look at how other providers talk about it, to help us make our own pages more easily understood by customers new to broadband. The latest newsletter is in production.. (I haven’t got a date for that yet) and we’re looking hard at My Referrals, working closely with our most active referring customers. Pete Jackson


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