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End of Week: 9th October 2009

End of Week: 9th October 2009

End of Week: 9th October 2009

Hello readers! Today marks the day that I complete an EOW hat-trick!  Ali was down to edit today but unfortunately he's off ill so I've had to step in. I was actually going to do the Comms team update so I suppose I'll start with.. Me!

Interesting... not often I get to quote myself! The team have been super busy as always, mainly with this - if not the eating then the constant procession of people wanting a sample for themselves.. Ta ta!

A shoddy short update from me there, I think I just wanted to show off about the stash! Let's get things back on track, here's Carl from Networks...

We've been working on the migration into our new Primary data center that should be complete by mid-November. This week we have moved a number of databases, moved over to brand new hardware for our usage accounting/charging platform known as CBC, moved some internal servers and been preparing for the email storage move that starts from 11pm tonight till 11pm Saturday night. We've also been working on our long term solutions for Internet Transit, Wholesale broadband capacity and email storage.

Next it's the ever reliable Jen from HR...

It's that time in the quarter when we should have all had our performance reviews. In HR, we've been reminding all the managers that we need the ratings back by the end of today. We've also been creating reports on what everyone has been up to over the last three months from their employee records on our HR system. On the resourcing front, it's been all the usual stuff, such as recruitment, plus updating role profiles and the organisation charts. The most exciting thing we've been doing though, is the Healthy Workplaces Week for 19th-26th October and preparations are nearly finalised. So, be prepared to stop smoking, start exercising and get eating your 5-a-day. Maybe HR could start by setting an example....(not naming any names!!). Anyway, I'll keep it brief. It is Friday afternoon after all. Enjoy the weekend!

And finally, Vershan from the CSC...

From the Faults guys in Sunny SA we would like to firstly congratulate Preeshan Reddy on his new role as Service Delivery Manager. Well done!!! It has been a relatively uneventful week for the team. Faults volumes have been steady while we have noticed an increase in the number of customers reporting speed problems which are related to VP issues. These issues are currently under control and are been investigated by our suppliers. In a Nut shell everything has been under control thus far and we are looking forward towards an awesome week ahead.

Excellent, I think that's all for now. See you soon!

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