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Friday 13th March

Friday 13th March

Friday 13th March

It's the second Friday 13th of the year, although sadly no Jason film out this month. Mind you still haven't seen the latest one yet (and no comments spoiling whodunnit! please). Anyhow, let's start off with a sweep of who's posted today, first is Neil from Networks:

We've rounded of what can only be described as a very full week up in Networks. It's all a bit of a blur but last weekend's migration of some BrightView vISP's was a blinging success! Most of the Dev posse have been cleaning up some resulting problems which were inevitable to an extent and putting other random fixes in place. We now look forward to migrating the rest of the vISP's including Mad As A Fish over tonight, and fingers crossed for another smooth one. Over in Ops we've had a huge amount of tickets to plough through due to some mail related problems that we've sorted out now. This was almost a one mad effort from Mr Dan P with myself throwing in every spare minute that I could find to back him up.. More DR move work for us including making sure all the guys in South Africa are now using the new Citrix platform to connect to our Network. They'd better be now because I'm disabling the old one on Monday..... We've kept all general problems under control too which is a great achievement given the amount we had coming in. More madness next week no doubt!


Next is Mand from the Comms Team:

It's Friday. We like Fridays, as the end of Friday is Beer'O'Clock.

Anyhow, there's only me and PJ left as I write this, so I'm gonna have to wing it somewhat.

Bob's day was mostly taken up with sending an email to Madasafish customers regarding the email work we're doing at the moment. It was good though to see the almost unparalleled look of joy on his face when he got his laptop back today (it's been away being fixed for a few weeks now, and he's been rather irritated with it's laptop on a far too frequent basis).

James spent the day going on about his ridiculously long weekend, and working on his plan for world domination (you'll hear more about that next week).

Matt has been working on our newsletter, some task work, and support for our CSC colleagues. Along with winning an iPOD shuffle with some very very cringeworthy jokes (for charideeeee).

CParr has been holding a JaffaCake vs Chocolate Hobnob debate, and cursing anyone who dares to choose JaffaCake, he really has a problem with them for some strange reason. This is CParr so best not to ask in my experience.

I've been catching up from my couple of days off (I like 2 day weeks ), preparing some internal communications and working on problems.

In other news, we raised £107 today by allowing people to pay to wear a hat to work, though PJ's hat insulted all common decency as it was a Blades hat (it pains me just to write that :P), and the aforementioned joke competition. This will be headed to Comic Relief, as it is of course Red Nose Day.

As an extra special weekend treat, we have not one but two comics for you today:


And last today, but certainly not least we have Jen from HR:

A bit of a run down of this week, from HR:

Amanda was on holiday Monday and toddled off to watch The Killers in concert. Meanwhile, back at base camp Barbs, Gem and I were up to all sorts of lovely stuff. This week we’ve been focusing on recruitment, including interviewing for roles, plus admin for changes and new starters. Linked into this we’ve also been supporting with resourcing plans. Employee Opinion Survey sessions are next week, so we’ve been setting these up and sending out info to facilitate department plans. Barbs went off on a Excel training course yesterday and we reviewed the holiday policy and sent out updates. We’ve also continued to receive performance reviews and MDLP 360 degree reviews. Of course, today, it being Comic Relief we’ve donned silly hats and felt very conspicuous, but it’s all been for a good cause. None of us managed to get in on the joke competition though, but the post man came from Royal Mail about 15 mins ago and this was his contribution: ‘A young man is getting fed up of going to weddings and being prodded by all the old women in his family, “It’ll be you next”. After a family funeral, they suddenly stop doing it. Might have had something to do with him prodding them and saying, “It’ll be you next”. Anyway, I’ll pop another quid in for that, if only to apologise.

That's it for another week!

And that's it for today, but we'll leave you with the winning joke from Matt T:

Why did the monkey fall out of the tree? Because it was dead. Why did the second monkey fall out of the tree? It was stapled to the first monkey. Why did the third monkey fall out of the tree? It thought it was a game.

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