Another week draws to a close and time for a final End of Day of the week that was. Originally Colin was going to do the end of day today, but I think he's had to run away (leave on time) today so I've been roped in to do it in exchange for free beer (thanks Colin)... So let's start off first with Barbara and the HR End of Week:
Amanda’s been doing a lot of Departmental communication with regards to both going through results of the Employee Opinion survey along with pay review session with the Leadership team. She’s also been keeping a close eye on company resourcing, and liaising with BT with regards to possible graduate schemes for Sep 2009 and 2010. Jen’s prepared for the Plusnet Partnership meeting, and has been encouraging everyone to suggest topics to their PNPG member. She’s also been using the calculator to do some benchmark data analysis. I’ve done a lot of Ciphr maintenance this week… and far too many password changes for forgetful people! I’ve also had an interesting insight into what went on at the MDLP session earlier in the month by trying to make sense of the flip charts produced, for us all to reflect on at a later date…anyway gotta go, got x20 5year olds to entertain at my son's birthday party! Have good weekend everyone. Barbs Next please welcome Tom from Provisoning:
Hi I am Tom, this is my first week at Plusnet, my head is bursting with technical and product information that has been crammedinto us all week. Today is my first day in Provisioning where I have been working on Tickets, both Provisioning and Migrations placing and checking the status of orders.
The morning started off slow but I am starting to get the hang of it now. There are 4 other people in the team that started on Monday, so none of us are on our own, we are also being supported by experienced members of staff which has been a great help.
And lastly for today is James from Comms:
Today Bobolage has mainly been loooking at some of the email problems we've encountered after closing one of our datacentres at Goswell Road.
Matt's been doing his handover as he's off next week as well as working on the newsletters and doing various other bits of task working.
I've been looking after our forums and a couple of problems we've seen today with referrals.
Curteousy of the floating head, here is todays link of the day.
And don't forget your latest Commic!
Have a lovely weekend, James And that's all folks. Time to go home, I had intended on leaving on time today but that doesn't seem to have happened as 2 hours later I'm still here. Still, got some time off next week which will be nice, hopefully the weather's going to be good too, it's been quite nice in Sheffield today. Well what I've seen out the window. Anyway catch you all later and have fun.