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Tuesday 23rd June

Tuesday 23rd June

Tuesday 23rd June

Hmm, I'm not sure who was meant to do the End of Day today but I noticed it's not been done yet so I'll be stunt Ed and apologies to whoever was down to do it if you're in the middle of composing it in notepad and not yet added a draft. Looks like we have a single submission today so before we get there I think we need a bit of padding, I just said to Liam on MSN that I'd waffle on about my journey to work today.. reason is it put me in a really bad mood for most of the day. My lack of ability to get back to sleep after waking up early in the morning meant I've been awake since about 5am so I (foolishly) decided that would give me plenty of time to cycle in to work (I live about 12.5 miles from the office) and be in for 8am. However, something decided today was meant going to be an easy day for getting to work on time. On a bike journey I'd say it was unlucky to get a puncture, but it happens and doubley unlucky to get two. I had three and carrying only two spare inner tubes (and no bucket of later) had to push the bike the last mile to the office. Nipped out at lunch and bought two new tyres and inner tubes and the journey home was pretty incident free, but if anyone at work thought I was a bit grumpy today, sorry, but I think I had a good excuse Smiley Anyway, enough rambling let's hear from Mark from the Provisioning Team:

Bienvenuto to the prov EoD.

It is lovely and sunny, with blue skies in Sheffield today (Wonder how long it will last this time!) Nearly the weekend too, so not all bad.


Rob has been working the XML pool. He played football last night, but he didn't win Sad Alice has been working in the migrations pool. She had a day of work experience yesterday at a vets and has got scratches from a kitten on her hands Sad Malik has been working in the provisioning pool. This weekend he bought a lexus! Andy has been working in the house moves pool. He's not looking forward to decorating his new house. I have been working in the ADSL cease pool. I have been suffering with hayfever all day. It's not fun Sad

Songs of the week are When Love Takes Over by David Guetta and 15 Minutes by The Yeah You's.

Seems short this week. Oh well.

Thanks for reading.

Mark T Smiley

Thanks Mark, and that's it for today... tomorrow we are planning something, can't say yet, although not sure it will make it up here tomorrow or not. But stay tuned anyway...

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