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No Internet, but line conncted

Posts: 15
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Registered: ‎16-04-2023

No Internet, but line conncted

On Saturday morning I woke up to no internet. There had been no changes and we were using the internet Friday evening.
At the time I was using a TP-Link router which has been fine with no problems.
After a bit of investigation I could see that the line was connecting but I just could not browse to any websites. I tested this by connecting directly to the router WiFi thus removing my internal cabling. Still nothing.
I have now tested this with 3 different routers all showing the same symptom ( TP-Link, BT home Hub and Plus Net Hub Two)
Having spoken to technical support they believe it is possibly an issue with the router ( I left the PlusNet router attached when talking to them) however as the problem exists with all three routers I'm doubtful that a new router will resolve the issue.
I then considered it may be a DNS issue but having changed the DNS servers to a cloud based service, nothings changed. Interestingly the home page on the router still shows the PlusNet DNS servers rather than the ones I put in ( but I do see my PC use those DNS server if I do an NSLookup.

I am waiting for the new router but I am expecting this not to have any affect. I have completed the usual factory reset to no avail.
Just putting this out there in case anyone has has had anything similar.
Any thoughts appreciated.
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Re: No Internet, but line conncted

@Dpt77 If you have the Hub2 still connected, can you post a screenshot of the Broadband and Technical log pages please - obscuring your username?

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Registered: ‎16-04-2023

Re: No Internet, but line conncted

Hi John, 

Please see attached.  

I've provided 3 pages of the event log.  Hope there is something of use. 

I did also notice the NTP errors, but as I've never seen a router with the correct time I'm thinking this is not a problem.  (and for the life of me I can't find how to set the time\date anyway) 

Appreciate your time. 


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Re: No Internet, but line conncted

@Dpt77 Thanks for that detail. Something doesn't seem quite correct there, to be honest. The BB screenshot shows the connection as having been 'live' for a couple of  hours, but with no traffic either way. I assume your username and password are in there, even though the fields appear blank?

Everything else LOOKS OK.

Could you please select the WAN tab on the 'category' dropdown on the Event log, and also provide your version of the picture below?

5.Hub2 technical.png

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Registered: ‎16-04-2023

Re: No Internet, but line conncted

Hi John, 

Thanks for your quick response.  Please see screenshots attached. 

Yes, username and password are in there, I just blanked them out.   I don't think I would get a connection without them. 



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Re: No Internet, but line conncted

@Dpt77 Something certainly isn't right here - the WAN logs you have provided show DSL up events, but no 'down' 😕

I'm self-taught in all this, and to be truthful, I'm stumped!

I'll tag a couple of others who may have a better idea. @MisterW  / @Dan_the_Van  - any thoughts, gents?

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Registered: ‎16-04-2023

Re: No Internet, but line conncted

@jab1  Thanks for looking. 

I'm pretty OK with IT, but I've no experience in the ISP router \ network area so I'm a bit stumped myself. 

I'll look out for any further suggestions.  If not I'll have to follow the process.. new router and new call if/when it still doesn't work. 

Thanks again


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Re: No Internet, but line conncted

Dan, I doubt a new router is going to solve this - even though the Hub is showing as online and talking to the outside world, there is no data flow, and there should be associated DSL down events with DSL up ones showing.

Hopefully someone with greater knowledge than me will pick this up.

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Re: No Internet, but line conncted

Hi @Dpt77 

There is no way of setting up the time/date, I'm worried you are seeing NTP errors as with the Hub Two I would expect the time to be correct. Are you seeing TR69/CWMP errors as well?

The firmware version is a bit out of date which suggests to me the device has dropped off the management system.

When you hard reset the Hub does it auto configure your broadband username or do you enter it manually and you are using yours? 

I think the Hub interface will always show the plusnet DNS even though you might have configured your own.

Is anything external to your LAN contactable?






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Re: No Internet, but line conncted

Thanks for jumping in @Dan_the_Van . The zero data flow is my 'big' question - does that suggest something amiss with the wider world?

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Re: No Internet, but line conncted

@Dpt77 you haven't got something connected to the red WAN port have you ?

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Re: No Internet, but line conncted

Hi @Dan_the_Van 

A factor of being out of date is due to me using another router.  I only left the plusnet router connected as I suspected technical support would not help with other routers.  As mentioned this is the same with three different routers all different makes.

After a hard reset I have to manually update my login details and yes they are mine.

I am unable to connect to anything out side my network.

If I tracert to anything internet based it gets as far as the gateway. (172.x.x.x) and then stops.

I get no ping responses from anything internet based.

In relation to the TR69/CWMP errors, please see screenshot of first page log.  (Sorry if it's a bit big, I'm on a mobile device which doesn't seem to size appropriately)






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Registered: ‎16-04-2023

Re: No Internet, but line conncted

Hi @MisterW ,

I'm pretty sure I haven't. I will double check. 

This started literally overnight with no changes of any cabling


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Re: No Internet, but line conncted

I suggest turning off the hub or as a minimum disconnecting the DSL cable overnight to see if you get a different gateway in the morning. Your current connection must be broken.
Posts: 15
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Registered: ‎16-04-2023

Re: No Internet, but line conncted

I'll give it a go.

Thanks for your suggestion.