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Part Fibre Option

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Part Fibre Option

I am currently on a FTC including telephone line, which ends August 25, and have been offered a Part Fibre option with no telephone line for £21.99 but will increase end of March so would only get two and a half months with the initial deal.

I assume this deal will change by 31st March to £24.99 maybe..?

I do not need my telephone line as I have a VOIP phone as well as mobiles.

I am sure my existing FTCaccount used to say up to 60Mb but the new offer states 49-55Mb

What will actually change by taking away the telephone part of the line to house as I assume the Fibre part is already being used?


The Full Monty
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Re: Part Fibre Option

@Richchad Moving to SoGEA - which is what is being offered in that deal - should make no difference to your actual speeds.

What do you get on a speedtest now?

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Part Fibre Option

@jab1 using the BT Wholesale speedtest it varies a bit but just now 55Mb download and 14Mb upload.


Does anyone know if there is any downtime to do the switch, is it all done at the cabinet & exchange?

I already bought a Hub 2 Router on last update, wonder if I can get a small discount  🙄

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Re: Part Fibre Option

@Richchad wrote:


Does anyone know if there is any downtime to do the switch, is it all done at the cabinet & exchange?


You should have no down time, as the telephone disabling typically happens overnight electronically at the exchange (no wires moved), but your VDSL broadband signals comes from a roadside cabinet and should be undisturbed by this.

It is possible that Plusnet might (belt and braces) restart your VDSL connection because you've had a change on your account - so all you might see is your router re-synchronise (down time maybe 20 seconds) in the early hours of the morning.


Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Part Fibre Option

@outcast  Thanks for the info, would you know how quick this would be done once I give the go ahead, my contract renewal date is 19th so in 5 days time, wonder if I should wait until after 19th or just get on with it.

The Full Monty
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Re: Part Fibre Option

As @outcast says, there is no 'downtime' involved, and there should be no restart on your VDSL connection either - this is not affected by the removal of the voice connection.

As you have a Hub2, can you post your Technical Log - obscuring your username? Navigate from the Home Screen to Advanced Settings > Technical Log > Information

The Full Monty
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Re: Part Fibre Option

@Richchad wrote:

@outcast  Thanks for the info, would you know how quick this would be done once I give the go ahead, my contract renewal date is 19th so in 5 days time, wonder if I should wait until after 19th or just get on with it.

I would do it now - Hopefully, it should coincide with your renewal, and avoid possible complications.

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Re: Part Fibre Option

@Richchad wrote:


What will actually change by taking away the telephone


Nothing physically changes, just that your phone number becomes disabled at the exchange.

It is likely that your copper wires will still have 'telephone' voltages on the line back to the exchange, as it is not worth the effort for Openreach to remove customer's unused wires one order at a time.  Instead sometime between 2027 and 2030 the old telephone exchanges will start to be decommissioned, and everyone's old wires will get disconnected in one bulk removal.


Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Part Fibre Option

@jab1  not sure why you wanted to see Technical Log but here it is..

The Full Monty
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Re: Part Fibre Option

@Richchad The only reason I asked for you Technical log was because of your speed report and your comment about the reduced MGS. From what I can see in it though, you don't have any major issues, although, given the reported connection stats, I'm surprised they have lowered your estimated speeds. Given those stats, I would have expected slightly higher download speeds though. Are you testing wired or wireless, and are you aware of any disconnections - you have only had 12 days of DSL connection?

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Part Fibre Option

@jab1 Thanks for taking a look at it, my PC connection is wired.

Not sure why only 12 days connection as haven't had any power cuts recently.

Are you saying they look at the stats before making the offer or is it just a rough standard for all Part Fibre connection speeds?

I have gone ahead with the switch and been given a date of the 17th which should be good for accounting purposes.

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Re: Part Fibre Option


With your telephone number becoming disabled, that change alone is unlikely to improve your broadband speeds.

However it may give you an opportunity to tidy up the wiring to your Openreach Master Socket ? - which could improve your broadband speeds.

For example -

  • Is there any internal telephone extension wires that could be disconnected from the Master Socket ?
  • If you have an existing telephone handset plugged in, then obviously remove that.
  • Ensure your Plusnet router is plugged in to the Master Socket faceplate with the shortest possible DSL cable.
  • Now your line has no phone capability, consider swapping the filtered faceplate for a standard single BT phone socket faceplate and change the router's RJ11 modem lead to a DSL cable with a BT plug, as filtering is no longer required.
The Full Monty
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Re: Part Fibre Option

@Richchad wrote:

@jab1 Thanks for taking a look at it, my PC connection is wired.

Not sure why only 12 days connection as haven't had any power cuts recently.

Are you saying they look at the stats before making the offer or is it just a rough standard for all Part Fibre connection speeds?

I have gone ahead with the switch and been given a date of the 17th which should be good for accounting purposes.

Power cuts are not what I was thinking about when I mentioned you shortish DSL uptime - rather xDSL disconnections, which are more common, and more likely to affect your speed/reliability.

They, apparently, now base your estimated speeds on what the BTW report has seen recently. If you want further help on this, is it possible to do a test using , and post the result, as well as the full report from BT Broadband - Address  , and the full exported error log from your Hub?

Seasoned Pro
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Registered: ‎11-01-2025

Re: Part Fibre Option

@Richchad wrote:


I am sure my existing FTTC account used to say up to 60Mb but the new offer states 49-55Mb


I wouldn't worry about it, as your modem is clearly connecting at 60.689 Mbps


Richchad VDSL sync.jpg

Rising Star
Posts: 499
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: Part Fibre Option

@outcast Thanks for the tips, I hadn't thought about the line connections, I have an extension from the BT master socket but can't avoid that but will remove filters and any extensions connected which are all over the house.