Can anybody shed any light on the change of ITU (versions)
I have a VIGOR 2860. The Goggle TV started buffering every couple of minutes, so I took a look at the stats for the past month (then limited to past 8 days). (see image1)

So it looks like the attainable download speed jumped up on the 18th Feb, then degraded , then jumped up on the 24th.
Looking at the stats , two numbers stand out:

Both were 0 (zero) before 18th Feb, then went to the values shown above , then on the 24th went back to 0 (zero)
So things improved when it went non-zero, then improved again when it went back to zero?
I gather it's related to crosstalk ... so did I have higher crosstalk, being worked around now it's gone, or did I have few days of low crosstalk?
This most recent change took place on a Friday evening , when all good BT men were off at the pub, not digging up cables.