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Home Phone price changes - October 2012

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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Just caught up on the last few day's posts ...
Quote from: WTF
I'm afraid that, according to the e-mail I have from customer services, Bob is wrong and people who have paid for the Line Rental Savers will have to pay an additional charge.
I've e-mailed customer services for clarification, but their original answer was pretty clear:
I must confirm that the price increase will affect all Plusnet customers, including those who are still in the process of waiting for their account to be activated

Not sure what you're getting at here? Line Rental Saver is the equivalent of £9.49/mnth. On or shortly after 28th October it will increase to £10.49. Anybody who registers before 28th October will pay the *current* annual charge of £113.88. Those registering/renewing after 28th October will pay  £125.88.
The last part refers to the fact that I am due to switch to PlusNet on Tuesday and was only informed of the price rise yesterday (Thurs).
Quote from: WTF
PlusNet website STILL shows the £9.49 price and a search of the website finds absolutely nothing about the forthcoming price rise.

It's in the terms here and will be made more prominent during the signup journey etc. 30'ish days before the changes are due.
Quote from: Petard
Anyone else smell a smell?
It looks as if the explanation I was asking for earlier today is that PN's prices are being aligned with BT's.

... and Sky's and Talk Talk's  Tongue
Quote from: JonJon
I am a home phone customer, but don't seem to have received the email.

They're still being sent. Another 44,000 or so went out today.
Quote from: KevinG
I might be wrong, but I thought from previous postings that Plusnet's new pricing (from October 2012) had been aligned with BT's current pricing - but that is due to go up in January so will leave Plusnet cheaper.

Yes, I believe BT's prices are going up again in January.
Quote from: glloyd
PN may make another increase in January.

No plans to do so.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

The reason behind the buying of Plusnet was to enable BT brand to continue to be sold at a premium price to those who just go to BT and don't look elsewhere. Then for those that do look around to have a subsidiary that competed with TalkTalk and Sky on price.
I can't see any logic behind either the conspiracy theory that Plusnet will be fully absorbed nor that they will put up their prices again in January. Neither would make commercial sense.
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Attn Luke
I thank you for your prompt response to my questions
The only one I would like to query is
4. is there a cut off time to take up and pay the annual line rental so that monthly line rental does not appear on the next bill?
What I meant by cut off time was more to do with the next bill due.
If I was to take up the annual offer in a couple of days obviously I would not expect a monthly charge to appear on my next bill
But if I were to say pay the annual charge closer to when the next bill would be due, what would be the cut off time for a monthly line rental charge NOT to appear on the next bill?
I hope I have made myself clearer now.
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Hi Derek, Sorry if I misunderstood you.
Quote from: derek268
what would be the cut off time for a monthly line rental charge NOT to appear on the next bill?

You can take Line Rental Saver at any point up until the day before your bill is due to stop the monthly amount being charged.
So if your bill is normally produced on the 19th of each month, You can call and move over to LRS on the 18th. Your next bill(the next day in this case) will not produce a monthly line rental charge.  Smiley
Hope that is the info you were looking for.
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Hi Luke
Again, thanks for prompt reply. That answers all my questions. Appreciate your help.
Kind regards
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Quote from: Bob
Quote from: Petard
Anyone else smell a smell?
It looks as if the explanation I was asking for earlier today is that PN's prices are being aligned with BT's.

... and Sky's and Talk Talk's   Tongue

That may be so, Bob, – and it's a disappointingly oblique way of saying "You're right" – but it doesn't answer my subsequent question, which was "Why?"
The cure for speculation ('conspiracy theories', if you like, though that seems to me to be rhetorical overstatement) – the cure is information. People like to understand what is going on. If they don't know, they will speculate.
You are asking us to trust you, to have faith in what you say, but you come over as not being straightforward. You won't answer certain questions, even with an "I don't know; only the big cheeses know that, and they won't tell me", which makes it look as if you have something to hide. This is an above-inflation price rise, and the second one in less than a year (as was the previous rise). We all know it's a rise, you all know it's a rise, yet you call it a 'change', an 'update'.... This mealy-mouthedness seems unwise – and doesn't square with the straight-talking-Yorkshire-bloke image you want to project.
Would you trust someone who called a 'rise' a 'change'?
Community Gaffer
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Appreciate the feedback, however we're really not trying to hide anything. If there's anything you feel remains unanswered then I'll do my best to answer any direct questions you have.
Quote from: Petard
Would you trust someone who called a 'rise' a 'change'?

From the first paragraph of the emails we're sending:
[quote author="Steve Woods"]We're writing to let you know that on the 28th of October we're making some changes to the price of our home phone products and call charges. We know that no one likes it when *prices increase*, but rest assured we'll still be cheaper than Sky, TalkTalk and BT*.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

This is important
For those of you who are on Line Rental Saver you can renew up to 3 months in advance via this link and save some money,7388.msg93873.html#msg93873
I would like to post and take back what I said above - many apologies for informing incorrectly.
Anyone with LRS can renew through the website up to 3 months before their current contract ends, it'll sit on your account and replace the old contract once that runs out.
Again sorry for the misinformation above, hope that helps a few people out

Matt Taylor
Plusnet Support
Checked on mine and I will try tomorrow - see picture
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Thanks Jim - mine expires 25/12/2012 so that gives me a window in which to renew.
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Looks like it could be a fine cut for me.
You're already signed up to Line Rental Saver.
This is due to expire on 07-01-2013. We'll contact you before this to let you know when you can renew the offer. 

How much before I wonder Undecided
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

You should be able to renew at current rate ( £113.88) just after 7th October.
I renewed mine earlier today - see thread on User Group.,7388.msg93880.html#new
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Thanks for your reply, Bob. Most of my questions are already in this thread, with the context that led to my posing them. It would make a long posting if I were to gather all that together here.
I think it's important to point out that if subscribers are perturbed by an apparent change in the PN ethos, that is an oblique compliment to you, a measure of how successful it's been.  Smiley
I have read every line in this thread, and I am now persuaded that PN will likely live on as a company, probably with the same staff in the same offices etc. – but I also have the impression it is now dancing strictly to BT's tune, and so the PN I signed up with 6 years ago no longer really exists. (As owners of the business, BT can, of course, do what they please with it.)
It seems to me that in those 6 years both line rental and call charges have well outpaced inflation. This is a puzzle, because we're talking about the Plain Old Telephone Service, which technological advances should make cheaper, one might hope. Over the same period, in common with many other households, we here at Petard Towers have been using POTS less and less, since other channels have taken over. I see our recent average has dropped to perhaps 50 mins/month of included calls. Divided into line rental, that comes to 26p/minute, which is pretty steep. Were the line not needed for broadband, we would have let it go some time back. Roll on 4G routers?
There. I've had more than my say – and spent too long in this thread. Bye for now.
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Quote from: Oldjim
This is important
For those of you who are on Line Rental Saver you can renew up to 3 months in advance via this link and save some money

My Line Rental Saver was due to expire on the 17th December so I’ve just renewed on-line. I got an e-mail saying “Thank you for registering for Line Rental Saver. We have successfully taken payment. Line Rental Saver will start from your next bill.” which I assume is incorrect.
Please could someone point me to where in the Member Centre it says that I am now subscribed to Line Rental Saver for another year.
Thanks – Bob
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

just to add - although I picked this up at the Usergroup Forums Bob also said the same thing here,107819.msg920569.html#msg920569 but it wasn't too obvious unless you read every word carefully - like I didn't  Embarrassed
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Quote from: Oldjim
This is important
For those of you who are on Line Rental Saver you can renew up to 3 months in advance via this link and save some money

It has been hard work finding out this information. Why was it left to OldJIm to post this on the customer forum? This important information should have been made available there at the outset. When BT announced its January price rise it was not a surprise that Plusnet would also increase its prices. What was a surprise was the timing. The first LRS customers signed up to LRS on 6th December 2011 so this appeared to be a cynical attempt to increase prices just before renewal. If the 3-month rule was made known that ill-feeling could have been avoided. Its good news but the drip drip of information about LRS has been badly handled by PN.