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Home Phone price changes - October 2012

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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Of course if you haven't received it then the 30 days notice hasn't started.
However it would be worth checking Closed Tickets in the last 30 days
Also looking at the sender information the spam filter could have blocked it
Return-path: <>
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From: "Plusnet" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 03:09:55 +1000
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Subject: Important information about your Plusnet Home Phone Service
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

It did here Jim,108307.0.html  Grin  Grin  Grin well an email with similar headers anyway, so that's what could have happened to the OP's mail. I'm not sure what the legal position would be here but I would say that PN could not enforce the rise on customers whose mail had gone to SPAM.
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

The legal position is covered in the terms and conditions that notice by e-mail is considered served on the day of transmission and not delivery. It is no different from non-tracked post - there are no guarantees regarding delivery or receipt.
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Don't agree if Plusnet's own servers prevent the message from being delivered.
Community Gaffer
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Quote from: Anotherone
Don't agree if Plusnet's own servers prevent the message from being delivered.

Which AFAIK didn't happen with the Home Phone price increase emails?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

So any ideas what happened to them Bob, for those that haven't received them?
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

We've just putting a plan together for this after a bit of investigation as to what's happened.  I'll (or probably  Bob or Chris) will update this thread once we've got that sorted.
Kelly Dorset
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Thanks for that  Smiley
Community Gaffer
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Quote from: Anotherone
So any ideas what happened to them Bob, for those that haven't received them?

OK, as has become apparent here, some customers did not end up receiving the email we sent detailing the imminent Home Phone pricing changes. We've identified who these customers are and will be contacting them this week (Tuesday/Wednesday).
To ensure everyone has had the necessary advance notice, we have postponed the actual price change until mid-November.
We're not going to be re-emailing those who've already been notified, however I am going to start a new thread here shortly detailing the news ...
Edit: made a contextual change to the last sentence.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Registered: ‎15-10-2012

Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

I have not had an email telling me about price increases.
I thought I had signed a contract and had fixed my price for a set time. Clearly Orange and O2 are not the only companies that raise prices during a contract. I have since cancelled contracts with O2 and will cancel with Orange in the next few months once my term has come to an end. Telecommunication companies need to wise up to the fact that they are really upsetting their customers in this way. I understand the need to increase prices, but this should happen at the END of a contract period and not in the middle.
I had thought I had found a good company that would service my needs for many years to come with Plusnet. If my costs are raised mid contract then this will not be the case and I will not only cancel as soon as I can but also will make a point of shouting from the roof tops "DONT SIGN UP WITH PLUSNET'.
I am in a new FTTC area and many of my neighbours are thinking of extra fast broadband - up until now I had mentioned Plusnet. Now I probably will not.
Putting up prices will lose Plusnet business-  it is a very poor decision.
Posts: 63
Registered: ‎12-11-2010

Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

I have still not received this email & think it's a bit irritating that we're now going to be paying £2 a month more for our product. The phone service is fine & works ok but the internet still has moments when it disconnects despite having it "fixed". Have given up complaining now, just looking at options & possibly other providers.
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Quote from: Bob
Hi all,
This is an update to the notices we've been sending over recent weeks advising customers that we'll be making some price changes to our Home Phone service towards the end of October.
Due to an error, some customers did not receive the communication we sent detailing the changes to our Home Phone, line rental and call plans. We're going to contact these customers this week and, to ensure everyone has had the necessary advance notice, we'll be postponing the price changes for all customers until mid-November 2012.
Apologies for the confusion and sorry for the concern caused to any of you who didn't receive the initial notice.
Please, note that we will *not* be sending another email to those who've already been advised of the changes.

Moderators: can I suggest this topic is locked with a link to the new topic
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Quote from: stenataar
I thought I had signed a contract and had fixed my price for a set time. Clearly Orange and O2 are not the only companies that raise prices during a contract. I have since cancelled contracts with O2 and will cancel with Orange in the next few months once my term has come to an end. Telecommunication companies need to wise up to the fact that they are really upsetting their customers in this way. I understand the need to increase prices, but this should happen at the END of a contract period and not in the middle.

Home phones & mobile phones are slightly different animals from this perspective.
Contracts for both are (usually) *minimum* term contracts, and open-ended after the minimum term expires.
For mobile phones, however, most people treat the contract as almost a fixed-term. They tend to go for a new phone, with a new contract, as soon as the minimum term is up - and this tends to cloud the expectation of each of those contracts. We tend to expect that each contract varies considerably from the previous one... but we expect that previous one to not change - and certainly not during the "fixed period".
House phones are a little different, as they tend to just exist on one contract, going on forever (that certainly used to be the case before you could swap retail provider). For many people, this is not seen as a fixed-term contract that is changed as soon as the minimum term is over (though I agree that *some* people do indeed change that way).
The difference between the two is quite stark - and it requires different solutions when putting prices up.
Mobile phone companies expect churn, and expect people to want a new phone - either because of functionality, or because the old one fell down the toilet). The amount of change allows them to impose new contract terms - and new prices - at regular intervals.
Home phone companies cannot rely on such churn, so *have* to put their prices up at regular intervals, and have to do so with most people in mid-contract. I don't see this as a problem.
Gas, Electricity & Water companies have the same issue.
Plusnet Customer
Using FTTC since 2011. Currently on 80/20 Unlimited Fibre Extra.
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

Quote from: stenataar
I have not had an email telling me about price increases.

Hmmm, looking into that now because you should have. FWIW, your phone service isn't really contracted as such. You're pretty much free to move it elsewhere at will (although obviously we'd rather you didn't).
Quote from: AB55
I have still not received this email ...

We sent it to you on the 19th September.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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Re: Home Phone price changes - October 2012

FWIW I never got the email.