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We won’t be beat on price

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: We won’t be beat on price

Good to see the price coming down on market 2 ,  i can not see no reduced prices for market 1

Please see the edit of my original post and the FAQ which should clarify this.
I've tried to answer all the unanswered questions I possibly can here. Please let me know if any further clarification is needed.
This comparison  table is misleading!!
For example (market 1 exchange) you say compared to  the Orange package you save £288.62 but you have compared a cost for 12 months (161.38) against 18 months. (450.00)
For this to give the correct/true saving you need to compare the price for 18 month for both. So the Plusnet price need to increase by 12.99 * 6 = 77.94
Add 77.94  to the 12 month cost of 161.38 =  £ 239.32 for 18 months of PN broadbabnd
Soto get the saving  450.00 - 239.32 = £ 210.68 not £ 288.62
You have also done the same with the Virgin comparison , once again misleading !!!
The correct saving over Virgin is £ 120.50 not £198.44

We did not intentionally make this misleading it was identified as a problem, I have seen a fix roll-ot for this today too.
ooking at the new offering I see this
Is this per PC or for all the PC's on the connection.
Reason for asking is that £24 per seems a bit high for 1 PC  and what is Plusnet Protect anyway
More to the point - if it is a repackaged McAfee which version is it

Please refer to this post for more information (unless you have already),89589.0.html
Also on  my reply No 6 the attachments shows 12.99 on going for market 1 , according to you that should be 10.79?

That is was due to the problem I've already mentioned and has been fixed.
Seems like only market 2 has a decrease in price and 1 is staying the same or is the website wrong ?

This depends on what other providers are offering at the exchange, we are only reducing prices where we would otherwise not be the lowest cost provider available.
rom where I am sitting it looks like free advertising for 02 in my area due to you doing half price first 3 months vs O2 free for 3 months. perhaps you will fall fowl of advertising rules by claiming at the top of the screen you are cheapest then showing in the table you are not? Screenie attached but post code blanked out to save off topic comments 😉

Again this is not as intended and should now be fixed.
You need to sort out your slogans, I mean really you should be concentrating on more Important Issues, Then when they are Fixed your slogan should be.......We wont be beaten on customer service...

Good point Steve, a few people have mentioned this, the slogan is intended to be informal. To be frank as with a lot of accents around the north of the country the English rulebook can sometimes go out of the window. Colloquial English in Yorkshire can mean that syllables and parts of words (even whole words) can be dropped from sentences (i.e 'Broadband Wi'out annual contract' instead of 'Broadband without an annual contract).
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: We won’t be beat on price

Quote from: _Adam_Walker_

From where I am sitting it looks like free advertising for 02 in my area due to you doing half price first 3 months vs O2 free for 3 months. perhaps you will fall fowl of advertising rules by claiming at the top of the screen you are cheapest then showing in the table you are not? Screenie attached but post code blanked out to save off topic comments 😉

Again this is not as intended and should now be fixed.

By Fixed you mean you now tell ppl there is zero saving (a look in the table shows you as over £19 more) but the page still claims you are cheapest when you are not. Additionally you are still claiming upto 20mb when the exchange is only adsl max and you correctly report the competition as up to 8mb. It looks very dodgey tbh
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Re: We won’t be beat on price

Hi Adam
Glad to see the comparison table has been corrected  Smiley
But for me there is still a problem, over a 12 month period (total cost) Value is more expensive than Madasafish Max package (market 1)
Plusnet Value price for 12 month is £ 161.38
Madasafish Max price for 12 month is 9.99 * 6 plus 14.99 * 6 = £ 149.98
Making Madasfish £ 11.40 cheaper over the 12 month term .
So to say you won't find a lower price for standalone broadband is not correct

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎13-04-2007

Re: We won’t be beat on price

I assume you know that Madasafish is owed by Plusnet? Wink
Posts: 461
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Registered: ‎13-04-2007

Re: We won’t be beat on price

Quote from: _Adam_Walker_
You need to sort out your slogans, I mean really you should be concentrating on more Important Issues, Then when they are Fixed your slogan should be.......We wont be beaten on customer service...

Good point Steve, a few people have mentioned this, the slogan is intended to be informal. To be frank as with a lot of accents around the north of the country the English rulebook can sometimes go out of the window. Colloquial English in Yorkshire can mean that syllables and parts of words (even whole words) can be dropped from sentences (i.e 'Broadband Wi'out annual contract' instead of 'Broadband without an annual contract).

I think you missed the point of Steve's jibe Wink ... unless I am mistaken, this particular one was more about customer service than on use of English or colloquialisms! (See my bold in the original quote above!).
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Re: We won’t be beat on price

Quote from: xpcomputers
I assume you know that Madasafish is owed by Plusnet? Wink

Yep i do  Wink
Just because they own Madasafish does not mean PN can claim that Value is the cheapest standalone broadband in the UK (market 1 exchanges) (based on full 12 months costs, inc connection charge) because it is not. PN should know this anyway as they own Madasafish

Regards Mike

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: We won’t be beat on price

Quote from: ITWorks
Plusnet Value price for 12 month is £ 161.38
Madasafish Max price for 12 month is 9.99 * 6 plus 14.99 * 6 = £ 149.98
Making Madasfish £ 11.40 cheaper over the 12 month term .

That's surely an unfair comparison, because Value provides a discount for the first three months for those who aren't on market 3 – indeed, you should have received such a discount when you first switched to Value. The yearly total for a first year of Value therefore becomes £136.39.
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Re: We won’t be beat on price

Not at all
I am talking about new customers Smiley
Whilst the cost of the broadband is £136.39 you then need to add another £ 25 for the connection charge bringing the total year cost to £161.38 as indicated in the comparison table, which is £ 11.40 more expensive than Madasafish Max (£ 149.98) total year cost

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: We won’t be beat on price

Ah yes of course, the £25 connection charge – sorry, forgot about that. On which note (to Plusnet), surely it would have made more sense to offer a free connection as standard when signing up for 12 months, with the router available for free when taking home phone too? Seeing as everybody needs to be connected, but not everyone would need to take a router as many people would already have one.
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Re: We won’t be beat on price

I notice that "Plusnet Protect" - allegedly worth £2 - is being offered.
But it only works on Windows PC's!
Can I have a £2 rebate please, as I don't have any Windows machines to protect?

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Re: We won’t be beat on price

I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to this but no, there is no rebate if you don't use the service. It's entirely optional, if you don't want to use it then you don't have to.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Re: We won’t be beat on price

Quote from: _Adam_Walker_
Hi guys,
This does actually apply to extra and pro too, here are our new prices for market 1 and 2 exchanges:
Value - £10.79
Extra - £15.79
Pro - £20.79

Please see the blog and FAQ here for the full details:

But I'm already paying less than £20.79 for my legacy BBYW Pro package?  I pay £19.99?  Does this mean legacy packages wont get a a market 2 exchange discount?
Also it's hardly fair to base discounts on OFCOM exchange Market information which has not been updated since 2008 (the last time OFCOM updated their exchange market info).  You still have my exchange (LCEAR) down as Market 1 when it's now actually Market 2 as LLU has been enabled recently in my exchange.
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Re: We won’t be beat on price

You'd get the market 1/2 discount if you were in a qualifying exchange and wanted to change to one of the currently sold products.
With regard to the market classification we charge based on the Ofcom classifications because that's what dictates our wholesale prices.
Posts: 424
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: We won’t be beat on price

Quote from: Mand

With regard to the market classification we charge based on the Ofcom classifications because that's what dictates our wholesale prices.

which as I've already mentioned is NOT ACCURATE and IS OUT OF DATE so how can this possibly be a fair way of basing your cost calculations on?
I've already raised a ticket asking for my discount now my exchange is now Market 2 (LCEAR) but your records wont tell you this, it will only tell you it's still market 1 as your records have not been updated yet.  This is a totally unfair way of basing costs when the information YOU are using is OUT OF DATE?
Resting Legend
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Re: We won’t be beat on price

The information Plusnet is using is the OFCOM classification which dictates the wholesale prices Plusnet are charged.
If you can provide a link to an updated OFCOM classification which Plusnet are not using then you are correct. But if you are basing your argument on the proposed changes in classification rules which have not been accepted or brought into effect then you are completely wrong.