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General Chat

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Re: General Chat

Just so I can keep up with replies

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Re: General Chat

Hmm ...

An observation ...

ICBW, but searching the forum for user MinnieWoke seems to produce no results.  

Perhaps someone's actually listening for once.


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Re: General Chat

Well I'm really sadden by the closure.

Since last years mass banning was rescinded I've thought the chat forum has been a pretty good place and existing members have stuck to the rules. It's only this last couple of weeks where certain 'newbie' posts were deliberately designed to get a rise out of them I can see any work for the mods to do, other than moving posts.

I know being a mod isn't an easy job but no-one is made to do it.

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Re: General Chat


Interesting point made by @Mayfly that being a moderator is not a easy job but no one is made to do it…


What are your reasons for doing it ?


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Re: General Chat



As mentioned earlier guys, they are getting paid for it 'in kind' by being given free line rental.

Reasons to be cheerful part, err....

Saying okey-dokey, sing-a-long a Smokie
Coming out a chokie                                                                                                                                                                 
Getting paid like cash                                                                                                                                                                    While some are talking trash.

Reasons to be cheerful, one, two... three. 😎




Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: General Chat

@dvorak wrote:
Or out of 20+ areas of the pub the vast majority abided by the rules.
In one area where users had already served several time outs and were let back in again continued not to behave responsibly in the end that section of the pub was closed off. Rest of it remained open.

Where have you EVER seen PART of a pub closed? - You don't seem to understand reality. If a pub has trouble makers they get barred. The pub doesn't close down a table and seating for the rest of it's trading life.

Wow, i'm actually shocked that you even came up with that i really am. That's one of the worst analogies i've ever seen.

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Re: General Chat

@Minivanman wrote:



As mentioned earlier guys, they are getting paid for it 'in kind' by being given free line rental.

It's a payment in kind - just like a company car. You are supposed to pay tax on these.

I can't help but wonder if our mods have declared their free internet to HMRC?

Anyway @dvorak as many have mentioned, nobody is forcing you to be a moderator. You claim you don't like whats going on in General Chat but then you say there's no grand plan to get it shut down.

There is very clearly a plot against Minivanman by the latest troll and it's predecessors. I will only ask you this once: If there is no plot to shut down GC, why as the latest troll to target MVM been allowed to cause so much trouble? and why do you continue to moderate if you're fed up with it?


Like i said, you left more padlocks in General Chat than visitors to the the Pont des Arts. Now you're talking about closing down sections of a pub so that other users can't even sit down or have a meal - get real. That's now how a business works and it shouldn't be how the moderators deal with General Chat either.

I shared the birth of my son with you lot in GC as my 10,000th post. That's now lost and my son will never be able to see it because of your bad attitude and troll supporting actions. I thought Strat could be tricky but you've gone way over the top.

I'll be writing to plusnet directly via royal mail and i'll be seeking your removal as moderator. You've really gone too far this time.

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Re: General Chat

I may be talking rubbish

Would it it be possible to limit newcomers to only put new posts on GA or answer a topic until they have been on the Forum for say 4 weeks I think GA should be reactivated 

If the GA is closed there will be only 

I have not had my reward card

My speed is very slow

Why is it I cannot get prices new consumers get

Etc Etc

Community Gaffer
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Re: General Chat

I’d like to say firstly that I’m not involved in moderating decisions. Wanted to point out though that the locked symbols on the topics which are moved from one area to another area of the forums is a by-product of the move. This is how the system is designed and not one that a mod can change. Moving the topic regardless is important so we can ensure that the right support is given.

I suspect that some of these topics that are posted in general chat in the first instance is due to the fact its on the quick links section on the community homepage.

As per below 


Not all of the boards are on the quick links so it’s easy to assume if you’ve never used a forum before that there are no more boards and you’d just pick the most relevant board out of the quick links.

With the imminent-ish withdrawal of TV, I’d like to see if we can update the quick links, but to set expectations, I can’t say how long it’ll take as I know the design of our forums have had a lot of customisation (for the better)

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: General Chat

Gandalf the point remains that it looks a mess. Sorry i mean looked.

Regardless of how the forum was coded, this lithium pile of trash has never been fit for purpose. It's slow and lacks features. Moving a topic and displaying a locked icon is a joke and not supporting of a warm community forum.

I appreciate the old SMF forum was creaking a bit but there were other options other than this pile of rubbish.

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Re: General Chat

Rest in Peace General Chat.

Loved by the many, poisoned by the few.

Monty Python Dead Parrot Sketch - Bing video

Truth is like a threshing machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.
Herman Melville
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Re: General Chat

Yes it is just a sad decision, I obviously don't want to make comments on who has done what. After all the posts get moved or deleted anyway so it wouldn't be fair on me to comment on something I may not have seen.

I remember when I was a forum moderator, well I was actually the admin, so I was a mod too!

It only had a dozen users, and I rememeber that two of the people were in a relationship and split up. So I had to delete posts even from that, and it wasn't funny.

Still I decided to actually moderate it, and not shut it down.

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Re: General Chat

I have just noticed that all of my subscriptions in the general chat section have been deleted!

My own words posted with no objections, only thanks. Gone without any notice or request or apology.

That is taking liberties.

Good bye forum.

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Re: General Chat

@Minivanman wrote:

Rest in Peace General Chat.

Loved by the many, poisoned by the few.

Monty Python Dead Parrot Sketch - Bing video

It's not dead - it's resting. 😉

A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from a simpler system that worked just fine
Zen SOGEA 40/10 + Digital Voice   FRITZ!Box 7530
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Re: General Chat

@7up wrote:

Moving a topic and displaying a locked icon is a joke...

Absolutely, when, because of the way the word 'Moved' and the lorry icon are small, grey, and on the far left and thus easily overlooked, one is left with the impression of an inordinate number of locked threads.

You know more about forums than me @7up  - would either of these two options be feasible, and would one or other be easier/quicker to implement?

(1) Could a new 'Moved' icon be created and used instead of the 'Locked' icon when a post is moved?

(2) Is there any reason why a wrongly posted topic in GC can't just be moved to the correct board and that's it, job done.

There's surely no utility or value in leaving the topic title still listed on the GC board when it's been moved to its proper place?

Or is it one of those 'but we've always done it that way' scenarios?

A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from a simpler system that worked just fine
Zen SOGEA 40/10 + Digital Voice   FRITZ!Box 7530
BT technician (Retired)