Has the time limit on editing a post been changed?
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- Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been cha...
Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
04-04-2019 9:16 PM
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Is the problem restricted to (or more prevalent) on the chat board?
This seems to be a bit of a sledge hammer.
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Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
04-04-2019 9:22 PM
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@Townman I've not noticed it on chat (or anywhere else, for that matter), but I don't visit all the boards, so I can't say where it may be.
Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
04-04-2019 9:23 PM - edited 04-04-2019 9:23 PM
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Very rarely on chat, if at all tbh and that wouldn't haven given rise to the change - after all chat wouldn't matter.
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Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
04-04-2019 9:39 PM
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@dvorak wrote:
it doesn't matter how long you take to compose a post only.
If only this was reliably true these days! Recently I've had posts time out mid composition, particularly when I've used another tab to seek out a supporting piece of evidence.
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Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
04-04-2019 9:47 PM - edited 04-04-2019 9:49 PM
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That shouldn't be happening due to the Auto-Save function plus I have had a New Post or Reply page open for hours, I also seem to remember days, without it timing out.
Edit: If you got to Drafts, under your profile you should see a list of auto-saved posts.
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Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
04-04-2019 10:56 PM
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it doesn't matter how long you take to compose a post only
Due to my personal conditions/issues, Sometimes it takes me some time to compose a reply. I see the auto save blue banner, so know it's being saved. It can take me up to 30mins to compose a reply, more so if I'm adding an image, then text, then an image and so on. Then there's the reading before posting, to make sure I've written it in some form of logical format.
But should I navigate away from that post, to another tab, to verify if what I'm writing is correct, I have seen a draft saved to the side of my profile, but it isn't always there. I know it's slightly o/t, but why would a draft sometimes be saved and other times there is no saved draft? No big issue, just intrigued as to why it's not consistent...?
Also, the concept of not being on a 'countdown' is fine, though as @MauriceC has said:
Recently I've had posts time out mid composition, particularly when I've used another tab to seek out a supporting piece of evidence.
oddly, but rarely, I too see a timed out message too when composing my initial reply.
The time for you to revisit and edit your post is 20 minutes.
I should be able to 'cope' with that. However, would it not be better if we have 20 mins to start an edit, but then have the same unlimited time to complete the edit? I've actually edited several posts now and upon completion I get the 'edit timed out error message', thus quit and don't bother to adjust my initial post. It also, unless I'm looking in the wrong place, does not go to a saved draft.
a marked increase of members returning and editing their posts to be meaningless or near to blank as possible, spoiling threads etc.
Yes, totally agree, which imho ruins the forums. None of us are purfek, we all make boo boo's, I know I make myself look like an idiot more than I like to, but it is what it is.
I agree with Mike too. A possible solution, if it's actually doable, would be to stop the initial text being deleted, but the strikethrough could/should be used instead. Then the initial post cannot be removed, but corrections can be made? Clearly there is one flaw with that, which is if a poster accidentally puts their personal details on view. It's just an idea, but let's say I put my name and landline number, then realised but it was too late. A possible solution would be for us to, somehow, send that post to the mods (thus out of public sight), for them to remove the error, with a 'this post has gone for moderation, it will be returned soon'.
Edit: If you got to Drafts, under your profile you should see a list of auto-saved posts.
For me, nope, not always there.
Nothing personal guys, just my thoughts and opinions
Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
05-04-2019 12:09 AM
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@Townman wrote:
A detailed post might take more than that to eliminate a hand full of typos, especially if being edited on a touch screen, which can be very devilish when trying to place the edit cursor if there are no cursor movement keys as on all iDevice keyboards.
... wasn't quite sure (from the wording of that) whether you were saying there were no cursor movement keys on iDevice keyboards or whether you were comparing to cursor movement keys as found on iDevice keyboards (sorry but not familiar with many types of keyboards so no idea which was meant).
Anyway, if it was the former, by some curious coincidence someone showed me the other day how to move the cursor vastly more easily on an iPhone - just place it on the required line, and then slide your finger along the space-bar (to left or right).
Anyway passing this on in case of use to others yes I know most of you tech guys know all this stuff but the rest of us don't, always.
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Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
05-04-2019 8:20 AM
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@Penny Thanks for that, although a none-techy friend of mine told me about that trick very recently.
Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
05-04-2019 9:13 AM
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1) Composing replies / posts can take time and <insert today's forum software name here> times out or messes up, doesn't save draft etc.
2) There is a 20 minute limit after you have clicked 'Post' to go back and edit it.
1 is in no way related to 2 and is under the control of the forum software developers.
2 doesn't actually seem to be raising that many issues and I haven't seen a good solid argument for changing it back again.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
05-04-2019 10:47 AM
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Sorry about that, my bad
1 - Yes (and I didn't have to go into so much detail the last time).
2 - Yes (and if we are at 19.5 mins since the initial post and then spot a boo boo, we then only have 30 seconds of 'panic' or no point editing now as by the time I'm done, the edited version won't post anyway)
What I was trying to say, due to me falling into the 20 mins 'hole' several times now, was if we only have 20 mins to click edit, can we have as long as we like to correct our initial post?
2b - If 20 mins is all we've got, how do we 'hide' serious errors that we spot after the 'timer' has run down - like personal details for example if none of the mods are awake during the v.early hours for example? That data could possibly be 'exposed' to the world and there's nothing we can do until one of the mods sees the 'flag to a mod alert'.
(I'll tip toe off now, shouldn't have wrote too much the last time, but it wasn't aimed at anyone)
Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
05-04-2019 11:25 AM
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The biggest issue we found was that many members started a thread which may or may not have had any replies then effectively deleting the post by editing it to something like 'Deleted'. This often happened within the first couple of hours since posting and, if I recall correctly, the quickest was just over 20 minutes which prompted the discussion between moderators and staff about reducing the edit time. I think it's unlikely, even if possible, that the time limit for editing an initial post would be increased.
Due to the way the moderators cover the boards there can be periods with none of us available especially in the wee hours. Having said that I am often here between 2 and 6 am - insomnia is a pain Other members frequently report posts containing sensitive information which we will remove at the first opportunity and I think that is still the best option. Many times we have already seen the offending posts and edited them.
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Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
05-04-2019 12:05 PM
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One could equally suggest the problem this seeks to fix does not seem that much of an issue. 20 minutes just seems far too short. May be everyone else types perfectly, spells perfectly, proof reads perfectly all of the time. I know I do not and since the change from what it used to be, I’m finding that I now need to live with typos and predictive / autochange text errors (which arise from using the phone here a great deal) which I cannot fix ... making me appear illiterate!!
Not overly happy about the consequential result!
@Penny thank you for the tip but it does not seem to work on iPhone 8+
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Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
05-04-2019 12:14 PM
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I'm with @Townman on this, I wanted to edit a post I made this morning some 90+ mins later, but needless to say I couldn't do it.
Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
05-04-2019 12:43 PM - edited 05-04-2019 12:54 PM
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I shall use myself for this example.
I have serious mobility and dexterity issues (no, not throwing that card in). I often type a bit, then pause, then type, then pause and so on. Some of you may recall I mentioned using a b/tooth mouse as I have difficulty using the D-pad. Obviously I'm not able to type as quickly as others either. So, I have an unfair disadvantage, I use the term unfair loosely. Yes copy and pasting is one option, as much of a pain as that is. It's just one extra step I guess.
I've not said I don't agree with 20 mins edit timer, just more time to complete the edit.
The biggest issue we found was that many members started a thread which may or may not have had any replies then effectively deleting the post by editing it to something like 'Deleted'.
That is one of my biggest pet hates about forums. And I too have had instances where I go through all the hassle of the above to find the topic is then gone. Wasting my time and putting myself through 'pain' in the process, again using the term pain loosely. I don't have to be on here, but at this moment in time, I am. I understand we being the creator should in theory be the owner, but once we hit post it's no longer ours and belongs to the hosts/owners of these forums. So no, you post, your fault, it should stay;). Stoopid errors should be editable (I did make reference to strike throughs, so the full content can't be erased). I agree with the rest of 2a, bar this:
I think it's unlikely, even if possible, that the time limit for editing an initial post would be increased.
And here's where I could run into issues, it's too early to tell. I could, as suggested already, write it all out in notepad/libre office, post it up, realise it is incorrect (or posted too much PII), then 'struggle' to make the changes within 20 mins, again using the word struggle loosely. So, for me anyway, having no limit once hitting edit would be great for me, but clearly open to abuse (as some may delete the content in it's entirety).
Due to the way the moderators cover the boards there can be periods with none of us available especially in the wee hours
You'll know that I can and do flag others posts that leak a bit too much info, though at times I do worry over any delays in having that content tweaked. Email addresses, personal phone numbers etc.
Having said that I am often here between 2 and 6 am - insomnia is a pain
Sounds familiar;), though these forums aren't that 'lively' during the wee small hours, so find other things to do to pass the time away
Other members frequently report posts containing sensitive information which we will remove at the first opportunity and I think that is still the best option. Many times we have already seen the offending posts and edited them.
Yep, as above, I could be one of those.
(again, just my opinion)
edit. Point proven, as Mike's was the only reply when I started!!
Re: Have the time limit on editing a post been changed?
05-04-2019 1:13 PM
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For clarity there is no restriction on the time it takes you to type your post initially. The 20 minute clock starts as soon as you press post.
If you then go get a brew, come back and re-read your post and decide you need to EDIT some point you only have 20 minutes to edit AND click post.
This seems a heavyweight solution to addressing the occasional total redaction of a post ... one might suggest that if someone reflects better on a point they posted (possibly in haste mistakenly got the wrong end of the discussion - I know I’ve down it) then there ought not to be such a short opportunity for repentance!
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