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Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

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Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

So, when I get up in the morning, I switch on my computer, and "sign in" to the forum, and have a read through to see where I can poke my nose in, and offer some gems to the wider world.


Then .. I have to go to the shops with the missus... so I close down the computer... when I come back... I have to sign in again.... despite clicking "keep me signed in"...  


Ok so you may say... I have cleared my cookies, etc... but no.. I just shut down.. true I don`t have FF keep my history... but that shouldn`t make any difference..


Another scenario....


I Sign in... as above... then .... during my perusal of all the pages of interest. I click on somebody`s linky... and read it...then close the page, and inadvertantly, also close the forum page... 

When I re-open the forum page from my bookmarks... I have to sign in again.... despite having previously told PlusNet, to "keep me signed in"...


For comparison... on Ebay.. when I sign in, mid morning, to check on stuff I am watching.. and then close ebay.... when I go back later the same day.. re-start ebay from a Google search... cos I don`t have it on bookmarks ... I am already "signed in"... and it remains so, no matter how many times I dive in and out... until I shut down my computer at midnite.....


And on don`t have to "keep me signed in" ...

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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

Seems to work fine for me on my work laptop. (Not quite so well on my mobile, but that has been discussed elsewhere I believe)


Which version of FF are you using?

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Harry Beesley
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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

Current version of FF .... but then again.. it has been happening for ages.... even on  the old forum...

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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

It depends on what you have selected for clear history


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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

I have just opened up my Chrome browser and I am still logged in. Last time I used Chrome on this site was a few weeks ago when I was messing around with the high contrast theme.

@LouisaMartin, would it be possible to raise a support ticket with Lithium so they can investigate further? Provide them with this thread as a reference. I am sure some others are affected too. It might just be the browser, or it could be the platform.. would be good to get clarification on that though.

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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

I cant remember the last time I had to login here. On another Lithium based forum (O2 community) I get logged out constantly.

Palemoon x64 user

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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

Is it anything to do with the expiry time the cookie (which I assume is placed by the Forum software on logging in) is set for? Perhaps it's only a day or less.
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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

@Oldjim wrote:

It depends on what you have selected for clear history


Where is that.... I can`t find it...



BUT.... more to the point..... Why should I have to ?   Surely We shouldn`t need to be computer genius`s to "keep me signed in"...  


and why doesn`t EBAY act the same way .... seeing as the  settings for FF are the same for both sites ? ? 

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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?




Settings - see pic



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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?



Settings is "greyed out" ...


See pics below


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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

That is because you have selected Always Use Private Browsing Mode

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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

So, it`s my fault, that I have to keep signing in ? ? ? ?  seems a weird way to run things... and as my title says...


What is the point, ?...... might as well not have it... or.. like permanently signed in , until the computer is shut down.


Either the forum software should be rewritten to allow it to do what it says.  ( Keep me signed in )


. or remove the option..  it should have nothing to do with "settings"  in Firefox or any other browser...



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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

The fact that you are permanently signed in to Ebay probably means that you signed in before you enabled Private Browsing and the cookie is still there and valid as it doesn't have an expiry date set

How do you expect the Forum to know that you want to remain logged in when the whole purpose of Private Browsing is to stop the Forum remembering you

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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

Don`t quite follow that....  I don`t change the settings on FF.. before or after signing in with Ebay... and I am not "permanently" signed in...... If I signed in at 0900 this morning,...  (with my FF settings at Private Browsing). and close the site at 10:00.... then open the site at 15:00   I do not have to sign in again....  I will not have to sign in, until I actually shut down the computer.... not just close the site,


Unlike with this site... where, if I close this page and all other pages, as soon as I open the site again, I have to sign in... despite my first occasion requesting to " Keep me signed in"...


For info... When I first set up this HDD on a new install of Win7 professional.... and a new download of FF I then did the settings on FF before I logged into any site...  therefore your argument about signing in to ebay before privatge browsing was activated is invalid.




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Re: Keep Me Signed In.... What is the point ? ?

The Do Not Track option which you have switched on does not stop cookies directly only as a request to the site for them not to install tracking and similar cookies

Note that you haven't blocked cookies including third party cookies

What has this got to do with it

Honoring this setting is voluntary — individual websites are not required to respect it. Websites that do honor this setting should automatically stop tracking your behavior without any further action from you.

There is a fair chance that Plusnet are honouring it and Ebay aren't