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Replying on a mobile.

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Replying on a mobile.

It's getting difficult. Everytime i opt for the desktop site (which still gives me a mobile version of the site but at least i can insert a quite) I end up then getting a normal basic text reply after you've forcefully logged me out / ended my session.


Please plusnet, this is becoming really annoying.

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

The 'request desktop site' functionality on mobile harks back to the days of websites that were as the mobile version of the website. Times have moved on and you no longer need to have two separate versions of a website to serve up a 'mobile' and 'desktop' version as you can have one website and use media queries to change how it looks at specific screen widths (aka responsive design).

The text editor has been switched off for mobile. You can get around this and get the tinyMCE editor to work by using the 'request desktop version' from your mobile device... but this is a workaround. The reason it is disabled for mobile devices is because users found that the editor was not easy to use on touch screens when it came to formatting the text, inserting images and all sorts of other things. If you choose to get around the disabling of the editor for mobile, then use at your own risk (and frustration). It does works well on some high end devices like iPhone 6 or the newest Galaxy phones but as I said.. test users didn't like it very much so it got disabled.

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

There's been a couple of times recently where I have requested the desktop view so that it gives me access to the macros but then pressing the Enter button sent the message rather than giving me a new line.

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

@jaread83 wrote:
The reason it is disabled for mobile devices is because users found that the editor was not easy to use on touch screens when it came to formatting the text, inserting images and all sorts of other things.

I think the all sorts of other things is the most relevant comment Jack Lips_are_sealed

@jaread83 wrote:
If you choose to get around the disabling of the editor for mobile, then use at your own risk (and frustration).

FunnyCrazy3 That would be an understatement!

@jaread83 wrote:
It does works well on some high end devices like iPhone 6 or the newest Galaxy phones but as I said.. test users didn't like it very much so it got disabled.

Not so, it's because it was a PITA Ticked_off and are Lithium doing anything about fixing any of the bugs in their implementation of the editor? - and not just for mobile Crazy3

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

I said you guys didn't like it which is just a nice way of saying its a PITA Cheesy

I am not sure if Lithium are doing anything to the editor but I do know that they are always working on the overall product. I can't comment on if they are doing anything to address the editor for mobile devices (most communities I have looked at disable it for mobile anyway) BUT I do know for a fact that they are looking at that 'end' key bug that was pointed out last week. I raised that one directly on their support forum and was told it was flagged by a few others as well and is in the queue for fixing so that should be in the next release (hopefully).

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

@jaread83 wrote:
The text editor has been switched off for mobile. You can get around this and get the tinyMCE editor to work by using the 'request desktop version' from your mobile device... but this is a workaround. The reason it is disabled for mobile devices is because users found that the editor was not easy to use on touch screens when it came to formatting the text, inserting images and all sorts of other things. If you choose to get around the disabling of the editor for mobile, then use at your own risk (and frustration). It does works well on some high end devices like iPhone 6 or the newest Galaxy phones but as I said.. test users didn't like it very much so it got disabled.

You've started off by telling me how to use the function i've been moaning about Roll_eyes

My point for using that feature instead of the plain feature is the ability to QUOTE other people. When I opt for the desktop site it works for multiple replies... until the flaming forum logs me out. At that point it resets back to the basic one again.

Please for the love of god, give us the ability to quote other users.


This new forum is really sizzling my bacon right now.

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

This new and improved forum Funny supposedly more mobile friendly , in fact no better than the one here Roll_eyes

It still looks terrible with big pink blobs , Corporate colour Laugh Needs a revamp

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

I will be spending some time in the near future looking at revamping the mobile styling as I agree with you. Need much tighter buttons and less white space on smaller screens. Its a big job but its worth doing.

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

Whilst doing that, how about a similar job on the non-mobile version - it may then be possible to see more than two two-line messages on the screen.


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Re: Replying on a mobile.

Are you asking for the input to be a bit taller on mobile? I can make a note of that to implement later on.

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

Suggestion Smiley 

Some idea how a forum looks nice

PS look at bottom of page ,,,,,, Powerd by Lithium

Asus ROG Hero Vii Z97 , Intel i5 4690k ,ROG Asus Strix 1070,
samsung 850evo 250gig , WD black 2 TB . Asus Phoebus sound ,
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Re: Replying on a mobile.

Yuk, you have some strange tastes Tongue  When I have time, I'll find you one the looks good......oh hang on, they shut it down at the beginning of April Shocked  I'll have to look for another!

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Re: Replying on a mobile.

Anotherone ,, It may not be one of the best , But they layout and visual appearance is superior to here , its tidy concise and NO massive pink blobs !

And its the only i could find that i visit that says Powered by Lithium Wink

Asus ROG Hero Vii Z97 , Intel i5 4690k ,ROG Asus Strix 1070,
samsung 850evo 250gig , WD black 2 TB . Asus Phoebus sound ,
16 gig Avexir ram 2400 , water cooling Corsair H100i gtx ,
Corsair 750HXI Psu , Phanteks Enthoo pro case .
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Re: Replying on a mobile.

Personally not a fan of the o2 forum but the mobile styling is pretty good. Isn't that what we are talking about otherwise we are going a bit OT..

EDIT: On second thoughts, I just explored a bit further than the board page and their responsive style is really bad when viewing messages. Would have expected the mobile side to be a bit better considering they are a mobile phone network...

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