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Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

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Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

Morning All

@jaread83 and I are discussing the product backlog and this topic was a conversation recently.

It was originally set as 'thanks' based on feedback however, it looks like this may not be the fave thing to do.

Let us have your thoughts on this and we will make the necessary changes, once we've all come to an agree.


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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

@LouisaMartin wrote:

Morning All

@jaread83 and I are discussing the product backlog and this topic was a conversation recently.

Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

Like, because it covers just about everything (like, thank you, "fave", agree, or whatever else).

Would mean all the stuff like "x gave you thanks for this" would need to be changed, however : /

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

what the heck is "fave" as favourite in that context is meaningless

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

It all depends on what use is planned for the output from the button?   I tend to use it for a number of things;  Thanks - I found the info useful;  Thanks for airing something I'd not thought of;  Thanks!;  I like the content etc.  So for me Like or Thanks are both OK.

For use in the Ranking system there needs to be some guidance in the FAQ or User manual (whenever they are planned to arrive?).

As an aside, it's not really a priority task with so many really annoying bugs outstanding and a restyle to remove much of the disliked 'white space'



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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

'Thanks' is enough, thanks.Wink

'like' & 'fave' are buzzwords which will fall out of favour when Facebook or whatever the social media favourite of the month is decides it is time for a new one.

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

We intially went with 'Thanks' when presenting the system to the test user base as the word 'Kudos' was disliked. Since launching we have noticed some discussion over the difference between 'thanks' vs 'like' and the reason we are opening this up for discussion is to get your views on the subject and if there is enough interest, changing it to something else.

@MauriceC, the user manual / help / faq can be found here: It is also a big red button in the useful links bar at the bottom of every page and in the user menu.

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

@LouisaMartin, @jaread83 - Can I suggest another option of a Star Rating. By providing a star rating from 1 to 5 this would then cover more than just Like or Thanks as it would allow the user to give a 'value' to the post. For example 1 Star = OK ... 5 Stars = That's the Best! Not only that it would add a weighting factor to the rankings if it is included.

As always, just a thought.

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

Thats a good suggestion but it is only a 1 or 0 option and we can't change how it works by adding different score weights to it.

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

I think you could call it Rhubarb for all the good it does. The majority of posters seem to add a post to the thread saying Thank You and then quit, totally ignoring the Thanks buttons. Quite funny really.

And the same goes for the fix button. Which 8 times out of 10 is clicked on the wrong post.

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

On the contrary, the thanks button is used a lot:

As for the solutions, they will eventually help customers find verified answers to some commons problems and those solutions will become part of our help and support search results.

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

I know I've been thanked but there have been a lot of threads where the OP hasn't clicked Thanks but just said it. Hence my comment. My Thanks ranking is well below what it would have been if everyone had used it. 

And a number of those Thanks I have received are actually more Likes for my comment than an appreciation of advice and more likely to be from others than the OP.

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

No system is going to be perfect or "liked" by everyone, however I certainly don't want to see things as childish as "fave" or as complex as a "star" system. If, as has already been remarked, users are not using the Thanks button as much as they ought, then a Star system is hardly likely to be better used.

This issue was discussed a few weeks ago in another thread, and it was generally agreed then that the FAQ/Help should carry an explanation that "Thanks" can/should be used when your "Like" a Post and not just because it was especially "helpful".

At this time @LouisaMartin @jaread83 the Help/FAQ is grossly deficient in it's content and that was also raised in another thread.


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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

I think you either need to not bother at all (what purpose does it serve really, so many people ignore/miss/CBA with like/thanks/solved) or also add the opposite so you can also 'thumbs down' a terrible post.

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

I wouldn't want to "thumbs down" a technical post that was actually wrong, I'd want to post some correction to the information.

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Re: Thanks v Like v Fave - What would you prefer?

Which is exactly why I'd favour the no buttons of any kind option.

Some of them have some use on some low use forums but forums such the PN one which can have a high turnover of inexperienced users means half of these other functions get no use to the point of being completely useless. This is more exasperating on this forum as I have spent quite some time this morning trying to wrangle it into some sort of working order so maybe just forget about this nonsense and do bug fixes/core features/critical UX work first?