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Mailbox password issue

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎12-11-2022

Re: Mailbox password issue

Thanks folks, I got to 'manage my mailboxes', but cannot access any of the contents via that part of the site. All it allows me to do is to change passwords or create new mailboxes. I cannot read any emails contained within.

Is it just me? Or has plusnet changed the whole site? It used to be quite easy and straight forward to navigate. What the hell is' squirralmail'?

It seems to have gone downhill since plusnet sold out to BT. They used to be a simple straight forward company to deal with, and their initial website setup was simple to navigate, even for the sporadically functional webmail service.


The Full Monty
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Re: Mailbox password issue

@thetrician to access webmail click this:

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎12-11-2022

Re: Mailbox password issue

Ok, I am into MY webmail account but cannot see any of the other 2 mailboxes from within. How do I access them too?

I'm sure I used to be able to do this via a single log-in to webmail but can no longer do so.

The Full Monty
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Re: Mailbox password issue

Type the other mailbox names in the box - in the form myaccountname+mailboxname and the password associated with that mailbox.

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎12-11-2022

Re: Mailbox password issue

Please excuse my obtuseness here, but which box? Where is it? On the webmail initial log in page?


The Full Monty
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Re: Mailbox password issue

yes - and no need to apologise.

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎12-11-2022

Re: Mailbox password issue

No joy I'm afraid.I just tried to log into webmail using my new mailbox password and my wife's mailbox name but all I got was 'invalid password', so I then tried logging in with my username and my wife's new mailbox password but just got the same message.

I used to be able to access all of my mailboxes from a single webmail log-in. What's changed and why?

At this juncture, I am now thinking that it would be better to just let my wife to get her own ISP and email accounts. Plusnet won't play ball any more. Sad too, because it all used to be so simple not too long ago.

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Re: Mailbox password issue

Oh dear, I think thick red mist is forming here!!

In the member centre, one CONFIGURES email boxes (with passwords) and other email addresses (aliases and redirects).

Using the webmail (Round cube [standard] or Squirrel mail [basic]) client or an email application on PC/ Phone or Tablet one ACCESSES individual mailboxes.

One accesses

  • the DEFAUT email box by referencing just the Plusnet_Account_Name
  • a SECONDARY email box by referencing the Plusnet_Account_Name+Mailbox_Name

Some email clients facilitate accessing multiple mailboxes within one "environment" - webmail clients do not.


Plusnet has not made any changes to this space before nor after the BT takeover.  This is now no more complicated than it was previously simple.  What might have changed is an individual's exploitation of what has always been there - for example changing from receiving within the default account (using catch-all) to wanting such mail to go to a completely separate secondary mailbox.


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎12-11-2022

Re: Mailbox password issue

Sorry! But I do not understand.

I used to be able to access all of my mailboxes from a single webmail log in. Why has this changed?

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Re: Mailbox password issue

@thetrician wrote:

At this juncture, I am now thinking that it would be better to just let my wife to get her own ISP and email accounts. Plusnet won't play ball any more. Sad too, because it all used to be so simple not too long ago.

This has nothing to do with Plusnet "not playing ball" - this works fine.

I would STRONGLY suspect that the password you THOUGHT you have set in the member centre was rejected as being invalid ... but you did not notice that.


The password rules state...

The password must be 8-16 characters long. This can be made up of letters (a-z) or (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and any of the following symbols: !#$%&()*+,-./:;=?[]^_`{}~.

What the rule does not state is that the password MUST contain at least one character from each group.

In the event of the password being deemed invalid, you get this...

New password:
Invalid password, please read the instructions below
Retype password:
The password must be 8-16 characters long. This can be made up of letters (a-z) or (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and any of the following symbols: !#$%&()*+,-./:;=?[]^_`{}~.
Which looks so very much as it did before ... or indeed might not be in the visible part of the screen.  I just did a test to give rise to an expected set new password failure (it had upper case, lowercase and numbers but no symbols) ... and the error condition was below the visible part of the screen.
Go back to the member centre, go to manage my mail settings, use EDIT on the wife's mailbox and change the password - ensure that it is at least 8 characters, containing lowercase, uppercase, numbers AND a special character.  After clicking SAVE CHANGES, ensure that the reference to the wife's mailbox is visible and that there is no (subtle) "Invalid password, please read the instructions below" warning.
Then go to webmail and log is as follows for a mailbox called ...
  • Username: youraccount+wife
  • Password: that which you have just set up 

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎12-11-2022

Re: Mailbox password issue

Thank you for your forebearance!

I have done exactly as you describe within the member centre part of the site and the new password was accepted without objection but I still cannot log into my wife's mailbox via the webmail portal when I use it I made sure that there was indeed a additional 'symbol' along with the usual alpha-numeric characters but I still cannot get in.

The Full Monty
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Registered: ‎24-02-2012

Re: Mailbox password issue

I may be wrong, but IIRC when I created additional mailboxes, they took 3 -  4 hours to become operational, That was three or four years back, maybe they are instant these days. @Townman ?

Posts: 15
Registered: ‎12-11-2022

Re: Mailbox password issue

just tried it again but am getting invalid request - no data saved!

What a mess!

Can anyone recommend a free and easily accessible web-based email service outside plusnet?

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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Mailbox password issue

@thetrician wrote:

Sorry! But I do not understand.

I used to be able to access all of my mailboxes from a single webmail log in. Why has this changed?

You have NEVER been able to access all MAIL BOXES from a single webmail login.

You might have been able to access mail sent to the same (default) mailbox sent to multiple email ADDRESSES.

An email BOX is not the same as an email ADDRESS.


If your account has CATCHALL turned on for the DEFAULT mail BOX (which historically was the default configuration for the Plusnet mail service) the any mail sent to an email ADDRESS not associated with a specified address on the account would be delivered to the default mailbox.

This is the typical email journey for a family...

  1. They get an email service from the likes of Plusnet (which is much more functionally rich than most) which in the day would be
  2. To log into the mailbox (using webmail) one uses account as the user name
  3. With CATCHALL enabled (and there being no other email addresses) any old email address will be delivered to - so having logged into the DEFAULT mail BOX one would see any mail sent to
  4. Somewhere along the way, the wife complains "you can see all of my email" and you therefore set up a SEPARATE email BOX with its own password - for example (using the same email ADDRESS as she has always used)
    1. mail now sent to does NOT appear in the default mail BOX
    2. the wife now needs to log-in to the separate mail box using account+wife

Does that help make things clearer?

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 24,724
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Mailbox password issue

@thetrician wrote:

just tried it again but am getting invalid request - no data saved!

What a mess!

Can anyone recommend a free and easily accessible web-based email service outside plusnet?

This is most odd!

Just to be clear - this is an email address (not one of the other legacy brands)?

In the server box, it does show PLUSNET in the drop-down?


There are many web base options out there - Gmail, Yahoo and to mention but a few.  Of those, my preference would be - I am not confident that the other two search engine providers were not mining data in my emails.


@jab1 password changes are nearly instantaneous these days.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.