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No email this morning 10 November

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Re: globalnet server not authenticating from outlook since outage

Spoke too soon, no connection on any device now!!

Posts: 11
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Registered: ‎10-11-2021

Re: Not able to send emails

Who the hell merged all these topics?  Some sneaky manipulative idiot at Plusnet no doubt, to make it less conspicuous.


I'm reaching the end of my tether with Plusnet.  Time to look for another provider for my entire service after this.  They are clueless about customer service - think that by calling it a free service they can disregard its importance to many customers.  They are likely to get a rude awakening.

Rising Star
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Re: Not able to send emails

Re post number 657: Many thanks - this has solved my sending problem ... for now!

Posts: 86
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Registered: ‎13-06-2018

Re: Not able to send emails

BTW. It looks like different bits are broken:


I'm pulling mail down via pop (110) from -->  OK (port25) is up and down like a whore's drawers :

 + Not listening

 + Listening and not accepting (hangs)

 + Listen(2), Accept(2) but immediately close(2)s (drop) the connection




ABTW. My logs show problem happened on

 22 Oct 2021  (2:02 GMT test)

 04 Nov 2021  (2:02 GMT test)

 10 Nov 2021  (2:02 GMT test)


So I guess they've been tinkering. I wonder if they're switching email platform ..maybe integrating with the broken BT one?


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Registered: ‎31-01-2012

Re: Not able to send emails

Don't forget that when your e-mail client confirms that it has been sent, that means that it passed it to Plusnet's server. Under normal circumstances you could then have confidence that it would be routed to the final destination(s). But now?

Aspiring Pro
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Re: globalnet server not authenticating from outlook since outage

So is there any sign of all the mails that did not arrive in the 30 hr period when the emails were down or do we have to just accept whatever cockup has happened at PN has lost our emails as I am still waiting for them?

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Lost/missing email posting - deleted?

Early this morning I posted a question, asking PN to give a definitive answer as to whether the as yet not delivered emails from the affected period are lost or are still in a PN queue somewhere. There was no response from PN. That posting appears to have been deleted and a link to a notification from another user’s reply links to another post where I can’t see my original question merged into that question.

Any reason why my question was deleted, and as I think the question is still relevant any chance of an answer?
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Re: globalnet server not authenticating from outlook since outage

@DaveCW wrote:

So is there any sign of all the mails that did not arrive ...

Well, after the service slowly came back yesterday, I got a whole bunch of email that had been waiting.  But they came through in dribs and drabs and the timestamps were all screwed up so with some group discussions I was part of I was seeing answers to questions timestamped some time earlier than the email that posed the question (which made for confused reading!).

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Re: Not able to send emails

@mcintoshuk wrote:

... And that may be the problem in a nutshell.  Since changing the outgoing server settings to use instead of or seems to fix things (at least for now) then it may be as simple as a typo in the DNS configuration of the mail relay.


All this 'can't send' pain because of a typo??  Please don't let that be the case.  Then again, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


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Registered: ‎17-10-2012

Re: Not able to send emails

I dunno @stuck , I'm just guessing.  But when I check for DNS MX records I see that gives as the canonical name, but has no published DNS record 🤔

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎29-01-2015

Re: Not able to send emails

So this has been resolved? Not here, and not since 1300 on 9th Nov. I use Thunderbird for all my emails (and have done for many, many years). However, I still cannot reconnect with plusnet:  attempting to 'Get Messages' just comes up with an error message - Sending of password for user xxx.xxxxx did not succeed. Mail server responded: Temporary problem, please try again later. Clicking continue says login to server failed, then asks me to 'enter a new password'.  As I have been able to access some emails using ipad using my correct password I have no intention of muddying things up even further.

What on earth is happening in Plusnet land?

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Registered: ‎25-07-2014

Re: Not able to send emails

As a complete technophobe I have no idea how to play around with codes as seems to have resolved some problems  I am utterly reliant on Plusnet to sort it out.  At present my client email is working correctly but I know it won't last. It has been temporarily OK several times but always reverts to the problem.   I take the view that if it can be corrected temporarily my technical details must be sufficient to operate permanently when Plusnet sort their end out.   

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Registered: ‎09-09-2016

Re: Not able to send emails

I do seem to have managed to send some mail by putting the line

in my hosts file (\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) to override the normal dns.

Thanks to the poster a few pages back that noticed this ip worked and the other one didn't. If plusnet could just remove the entry I think we would be good (or fix whatever is listening on that IP).


Rising Star
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Registered: ‎23-01-2019

Re: Not able to send emails

So I'm getting two error messages:

"Server says "Temporary problem, please try again later""


"Server says "Login failed.""

I've had NO email since all this started.

Mighty fed up reading the pathetic Plusnet status updates!

Posts: 30
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Registered: ‎27-05-2021

Re: Not able to send emails

@PhilipHeyes Firstly THANK YOU.  For the first time in over two days I have had a minor success and managed to send a test email from my account by following your suggestion to change to

OK, it's taken me about two hours to figure it out because I'm not technical and I had absolutely no idea where/how to change the setting.  My Outlook was set up years ago with Windows 95/98 and many upgrades since I haven't had to touch it again.  Now Microsoft and Windows 10 seem to have moved everything so File, Account Settings and Change from within Outlook didn't actually allow me to change anything.  Fortunately Mr Google guided me to Control Panel and Mail Settings.

Do you by any chance have a similar workaround for that might get my main email account working again?  I'm sorry to ask, but I have absolutely no idea where you got the numbers from?  Both incoming and outgoing mail server seem to be set to the same thing.

Thank you again for a partial success!