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Plusnet no longer offer an email only account

Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account

Hi Steve,

Just had a response from a colleague in NetOps now to advise he's managed to restore mail to your additional mailboxes except w*@ as he got an error his side. Could you try deleting the mailbox through manage my mail then re-add it? 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account


I have deleted and re-created the mailbox. Strangely, my test messages from earlier today are still there, so I am not convinced that the deletion had been carried out before I re-created it as I could still use webmail for the deleted account.. I deleted and recreated twice to convince myself!


Steve (collinsdesign)

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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account

Ah that's bizarre...

Is the mailbox working normally now? 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account


I can use Outlook and webmail (both versions) to access the account. It has my test messages and the three messages about my new email address, so part of the system knew I had deleted and re-created the mailbox, but the contents had not been cleared between attempts. Let me know if  NetOps can continue, or if I should try again with a longer wait before re-creating the account.



Steve (collinsdesign)

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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account

Email account configuration and email file store are distinct.

I’ve seen this before - dropping an email configuration and setting it up again will pick up the pre-existing file store content. I have therefore concluded that purging of the file store is separate from killing an email account.

I can see logic in such - as that might permit a full backup of the email file store before irreconcilable erasure. Think belt & braces protection from systems failure!

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Community Gaffer
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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account

Hi Steve,

Ah cheers for the detail. Yeah that's really odd but it looks like you've deleted the w*@ mailbox at 13.06 and recreated at 13.07 already though. From what you've said just now, does that mean you can log in, send and receive mail fine now? 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account


Yes, I can send and receive from/to the mailbox now. Not sure if that helps with restoring the old emails though, so let me know if I need to remove the mailbox again but for longer.


Steve )collinsdesign)

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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account

Hi Steve,

OK cheers for clarifying. I've asked my colleague in NetOps to try restoring your mail again and will let you know when he gets back to me which may not be today. As soon as I know more I'll post back though. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account


A short status update:-

Mailboxes and emails are now restored, so all working as before.

Regarding the account settings, domains are visible in email spam settings but not under "Manage your domains", and there is still an orange box with "...Your account is closing down...". I also noticed that the webspace page no longer shows webstats options.

Will the account settings sort themselves out, or need some assistance? My only concern is the "closing down" message, as there could be a stalled closing down process still working in the background.

Steve (collinsdesign)

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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account

Hi Steve,

Cheers for the update. I've just checked the NetOps task now and it looks like your mail was restored yesterday. Smiley

The error "Your account is closing down" is a byproduct of closing your account and then reactivating it to mail only, which may go away at some point though I can't guarantee it will or do anything to influence that. Though the error is just cosmetic as it wouldn't affect your service or account itself as there's no cancellation request in place our side.

Not sure there's anything we can do also about the domain not appearing under the "Manage your domains", but @bobpullen has kindly re-added your webstats for you, which should hopefully kick back into action within 24 hours. 

Let me know how it goes.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 17
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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account


Success! The webstats are back (and the domain has re-appeared).

Thank-you to you and the rest of the team for all your help. I would mark this as fixed, but don't think I can as I was not the OP.


Steve (collinsdesign)

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Re: Plusnet no longer offer an email only account

Excellent! Glad to see that Steve.

Getting your webstats and domain back into the portal was all @bobpullen's fine work. 

No worries at all, let me know if there's ever anything else you'd need help with. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi