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Problems emailing gmail accounts (ex-Freenetname customer)

Rising Star
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Problems emailing gmail accounts (ex-Freenetname customer)

Over the last few months I've started getting emails bounced back as undeliverable when sent to gmail accounts - "Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550-5.7.26 This mail is unauthenticated, which poses a security risk to the"


My account is set up in the same way as it's always been - I login using my Freenetname credentials with the 'From' and 'Reply to' fields set to one of the many email addresses I use based on my free domain.

All works fine with emails sent to anywhere other than gmail accounts.

Is there a way around this?

The Full Monty
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Re: Problems emailing gmail accounts (ex-Freenetname customer)

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎10-05-2011

Re: Problems emailing gmail accounts (ex-Freenetname customer)

@jab1 Thanks for that.

So, if I'm reading this bit correctly: "If your email service is provided by one of the legacy vISP brands (for example MAAF) acquired over the years by Plusnet, similar options are not available to you", then there's nothing I can do about it other than migrate my domain elsewhere 🙁

The Full Monty
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Re: Problems emailing gmail accounts (ex-Freenetname customer)

@ciderboy I suspect you are correct, but note I'm no expert - I'm only pointing you to information provided by more knowledgable contributors.

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎18-07-2023

Re: Problems emailing gmail accounts (ex-Freenetname customer)

(I just discovered this thread whilst looking for a different query that I raised with an adviser this morning.)

To add to this mix: I discovered yesterday that I haven't been getting most of  Plusnet's emails to my Gmail account *for over a year*!   ( I use Apple Mail on my iMac, which goes and collects mail from two different Gmail accounts.)

PN send a reminder every month to tell you what they're about to take from the DD. Last one I received via Gmail was May 12 2022.  I never noticed I wasn't getting these emails, because I check our bank statements regularly and had simplynoted the monthly DD going out to PN.

I went out of contract on June 11th this year: because of the above, I never received that warning.  I've now negotiated a new 2-yr contract, but the mystery of *disappearing* email sent to Gmail remains:   looking directly at Gmail (as opposed to via Apple Mail) reveals not a trace: it's as though they're filtered out on exit from the Plusnet domain.

Looking at other threads I've seen PN's attitude seems to be "this isn't our fault, it's yours for using a free email service like Google's": talk to Google [[huh?!  *Talk* to Google??]]      As someone else here has suggested, I  suspect that the email services within Plusnet are by now a rat's nest of all their different acquisitions.  I myself joined Force9 in -- ?2008? could it be? -- and I wonder what twists and turns emails take.

I remembered this morning that they copy their messages to my Force9 account: some of the missing messages are there ... but I have  never been in the habit of going to the Plusnet Webmail site to go looking for emails. Why on earth should I?

So to repeat: my Gmail-addressed emails have been going astray since May 2022, and I had no cause to notice this until I found that I'd been stung for £47.76 this month instead of the usual £31-odd.    It's like finding an old  tub of yoghurt in the fridge, full of green mould and slime 😄


Community Gaffer
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Re: Problems emailing gmail accounts (ex-Freenetname customer)


The issue discussed here is where Gmail’s spam filter is rejecting mail that doesn’t have an SPF record or DKIM signing. This is enabled on Madasafish incl. Freenetname email addresses, but not for domains hosted on these accounts, due to the way the system works. 

However, in your case things are different as if I understand correctly you’re not receiving emails sent from Plusnet to your Gmail address? I’ve just checked and those emails are sent with an SPF record, so don’t know why they’d be going astray. Sad Suppose you’ve done the obvious and checked all junk mail folders?

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
The Full Monty
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Re: Problems emailing gmail accounts (ex-Freenetname customer)

@Gandalf My apologies, I read  @johnlaw 's post wrong.

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎18-07-2023

Re: Problems emailing gmail accounts (ex-Freenetname customer)

Gandalf - yes: I checked Junk/Spam folder right away of course.

By the time my email gets to Apple Mail on my Mac, it has already been filtered by Gmail, so I also went to Gmail on the web, and checked there:  nothing, not a trace.

I have tried adding a filter to Gmail to "whitelist" anything that contains "plusnet" in the From field. I doubt if this will have any effect, because I suspect the messages from Plusnet to my Gmail account are going missing before they even leave Plusnet.

By the way, [as far as I know!!] no other mail, from any sender has ever gone missing like this.

Something definite happened in May 2022, either in Plusnet or in Gmail, which is causing this problem for me.


John (Another John)