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Servers slow today ?

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Re: Servers slow today ?

I do not understand the question / spin. If an IMAP client (of whatever type) deletes an email, it is deleted on the mail server and thereby is deleted for all clients.

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Re: Servers slow today ?

It's a very simple question.

You appear to say that you have a number of devices (presumably all similarly set up re mail) where PC is working as expected and the other devices aren't hence my question: in simple terms, is that the case? The subsequent question would be has anyone got any idea why?

FWIW, my account, accessed by browser, is now showing all folders and correct number of inbox emails but the FETCH error remains so no individual emails, even headers, are shown. (The other folders show as empty which, obviously, is incorrect.)

Time to ask PN if, following its removal of the ability manage the webmail account, it will still delete needed emails  unilaterally. 

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Re: Servers slow today ?

PN, if, following your continued removal of the ability to manage the webmail account, will you still delete needed emails?

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Re: Servers slow today ?

Sorry your questions are still not making sense.

There is one email server imap.p! to which ALL IMAP clients (on whatever platform, including webmail) connect to.  If any such client deletes an email, it is deleted for all clients.

The fact that a specific client such as webmail might report an error when listing the mailbox content has no bearing on what a client on a PC can do.

Note in your reference to "you" I am a customer like yourself, I do not remove any ability to do anything ... nor has Plusnet.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎12-06-2020

Plusnet webmail

Appears to be down / not working, yet again.

Why is Plusnet's webmail so flaky and awful ? Why have Plusnet never invested in their email ? I'm sure their profits are high enough.

And is it true that Plusnet are planning to get rid of email completely ?

Can a member of staff please answer these questions ?

The Full Monty
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Re: Plusnet webmail

@roddevonshire I'm not staff - and I doubt any staff will answer you.

Mail, via webmail or a client, is a 'free' service, and as such is low priority for PN. The service operates well if you use a proper email client, except on the odd occasion when the servers throw a wobbly, and these are (usually) quickly fixed once reported.

Many ISPs are changing/removing email from their offerings, but you will not get PN to give details of their planned commercial decisions until they have finalised them.

The current issues with the webmail component is discussed elsewhere on this board.

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Registered: ‎12-06-2020

Re: Plusnet webmail

Well it's not low priority for me, and I pay Plusnet a monthly fee so I expect their email to work.


Can a member of staff please answer my questions.

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Re: Servers slow today ?

My question is perfectly straightforward.

You said, "Not noticed any significant issue with PC based clients...". Presumably, other client devices are not ok.

So, once again: if PCs are fine they will be deleting emails from the PN server (but other devices won't) - is that the case? It's a VERY simple question, so should be the answer.

Frankly, given the PN fault with webmail, I can't see how one type of device works ok but others don't (assuming all are set up correctly). Right now, for example, I see no individual emails on webmail but the unread & total Inbox numbers are correct or tally with my email app on iOS. So, another question: how do you know a PC is working correctly if you can't see the full email list in webmail?

I do not need your "explanation" in your second paragraph, that's elementary stuff.

Your next paragraph is confused. One minute you say all devices will do the same thing and the others will see it but here you seem to say the exact opposite i.e. a PC has "no bearing". 

Your final paragraph is typically patronising: I know full well that you are not a PN employee. However you are wrong: PN has removed the facility to delete emails while concurrently sending the 75% warnings. (Whether removal of the ability to delete emails (or even see storage usage) is deliberate or due to a fault is irrelevant, the facility has been withdrawn.)



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Re: Servers slow today ?

PN: this problem is ongoing ; is anyone dealing with it?

Posts: 2
Registered: ‎23-01-2023

IMAP Server closing connection or slow

Is it just me or is there a problem with the IMAP Server.  In my email client (eM client) it keeps closing/losing the connection.  I have two email accounts and just now one of them updated but has since failed.  I tried installing another email client but that had the same problem.  My step Mum appears to have the same problem, she is also with Plusnet and using eM client .  However, on my IOS devices, no problem receiving.

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Re: Servers slow today ?

@Mardler wrote:

Frankly, given the PN fault with webmail, I can't see how one type of device works ok but others don't (assuming all are set up correctly). Right now, for example, I see no individual emails on webmail but the unread & total Inbox numbers are correct or tally with my email app on iOS. So, another question: how do you know a PC is working correctly if you can't see the full email list in webmail?

I do not need your "explanation" in your second paragraph, that's elementary stuff.

Your final paragraph is typically patronising: I know full well that you are not a PN employee. However you are wrong: PN has removed the facility to delete emails while concurrently sending the 75% warnings. (Whether removal of the ability to delete emails (or even see storage usage) is deliberate or due to a fault is irrelevant, the facility has been withdrawn.)

It is all very much a matter of how different email clients handle server time outs - it has nothing to do with how something is setup.  Without getting in to the depths of very complex stuff, web based applications have a multitude of "it has taken too long ... so we are abandoning this" which do not exist in other email client environments.

Plusnet has not removed anything, at the 75% threshold or anything else.  "Removal" infers a deliberate act to do something different to the way it used to be.   There simply appears to be a performance issue with the IMAP servers - which I escalated this morning. @SeanD 

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: Webmail not working

Hey there @haddock1


Hope you're well. Have you got a load of emails in your mailbox? Usually causes issues when you have a lot in there.


Is there a possibility you could use an email client as well or is that not viable?

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Will Cutforth
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Servers slow today ?

Good grief!

Read what I said: PN HAS removed my ability to delete emails from its server! If you disagree, please explain why you believe that I (and others) try to delete emails from our apps only to get the "unable to move" error and the unwanted emails stay where they were because the facility to resort to webmail to delete has gone. Whether by intent or fault PN has removed that facility. ""Removal" infers a deliberate act...", no it doesn't especially when I made it clear whether by accident or design.

"Plusnet has not removed anything, at the 75% threshold or anything else." Did I say PN has removed the 75% threshold? No, I didn't. I pointed out the possibility that the action threatened in the 75% emails could be invoked if the removal of the ability to delete emails continued.

I note another patronising comment: "Without getting in to the depths of very complex stuff..."; so no-one but you can understand the complexity? FYI my background is (or was) IT, until recently I built my own PCs, I run different platforms, configure email (POP3 & imap) perfectly for myself and others, understand how the various systems are structured and believe it or not have an IQ somewhat higher than an amoeba.

We have a serious problem here as others have noted as well as I. It is better to deal with PN en masse so I will keep trying to get something out of them. Please don't bother to reply.

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Re: Servers slow today ?


This is a pan user issue and has nothing to do with the number of items in a mailbox. One of mine has less than a dozen and webmail takes an age to list the content … if at all.

@Mardler - there’s no winning with some people around here. Explain things in detail and one is accused of spouting gobbledygook - keep it simple and another calls one patronising.

Your comments are not helping move this forwards. Emails can still be deleted using a PC based client as they handle IMAP server timeouts differently to webmail.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎20-06-2016

Re: Servers slow today ?

Any more news on this? It is still VERY hit and miss for me today on both my Android device and PC based e-mail client (Outlook). I missed a message from my Doctor today because something sent at  midday didn't show up on either device until I did a manual sync this evening Sad


I also have a mail stuck in one of my inboxes which I could not delete using the PC client but could using Android.


E-mail seems to be well and truly FUBAR'ed right now...