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Totalise email problem

Community Gaffer
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Re: Totalise email problem

Hi Anthony,

I'm afraid when we change your password, we can't tell you what it is unless the person changing it is speaking to you over the phone, as we're not going to be able to write it down, due to security reasons. 

Our NetOps folk along with the the people who monitor our mail platform aren't what's known as customer-facing, which means they won't be able to call you.

However, looking at this again, let's hold off with providing the team permission to change your password, as I'd like to check with them an accurate size of the mailbox from what we can see in the backend system. 

I'm also checking if all your mailboxes have to be under 250MB, or if that's per mailbox. I know for a Plusnet account, the 1GB quota applies for all. Not entirely sure for Madasafish (Totalise) but I'll find out. 

I'll update you as soon as I know more, which should be within 3 working days at the latest, but this is normally quicker. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Totalise email problem

Hi Anoush,

Thanks for your message, I understand about the password, all I would ask is that if they do change it could someone please let me know, so that I can reset it.

I have again, rechecked all three of my email boxes, and they are empty nil storage is being used, my web space is only using around 6mb of data.

What would happen if I deleted my sales email box and then recreated the same? Could this possible fix the issue?



Community Gaffer
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Re: Totalise email problem

Hi Anthony, thanks for getting back to me.

No problem, if we do need to change your password I'll let you know and you can reply to the ticket to confirm you're happy with this, on the basis that we're not able to tell you the password (Just to keep things logged on your account). I can though absolutely let you know after they've done what they need to do, so you can reset it. 

Deleting the mailboxes and recreating them may potentially fix the issue, so you could try that. Normally I'd say make sure you back up your e-mails first, but if they're empty and there's nothing you want to keep, feel free to give it a go. Smiley 

Also, for those times that you don't receive e-mails, is the bounceback that the sender receives always a "mailbox full" or do they get any other types of bounce-backs? 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎30-03-2019

Re: Totalise email problem

Hi Anoush,

Thanks for your message, thank also for the update.

I've deleted the email and also recreated the same, although it did take a few minutes to be recreated on your system, which makes me a little uneasy about deleting my sales email.....

Some customers say they get the message saying mail box full while other's get no message at all, when I send test emails to myself I receive no message at all.

Thanks for you assistance so far.



Community Gaffer
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Re: Totalise email problem

Hi Anthony,

If you've been having issues receiving mail with both those e-mail addresses, I agree, actually let's not delete your sales mailbox in case it takes longer than a few minutes to recreate as sometimes it can take up to 4 hours.

I'll see what our NetOps guys come back with once they've checked the size of all the mailboxes. Appreciate though from what you can see they're showing as empty, but I've known webmail to deceptive at times when checking the size. 

In the meantime, let me know how it goes. Cheers

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 21
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Re: Totalise email problem

Hi Anoush,

Thanks for your message, I also agree, best left alone for now, look forward to hearing from you.



Community Gaffer
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Re: Totalise email problem

Hi Anthony,

I hope you've had a good weekend.

No problem, I'll be sure to let you know once I've got a response back, at the latest on Wednesday next week.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Community Gaffer
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Re: Totalise email problem

Hi Anthony, I've pasted onto the ticket ref 221800587 a breakdown of your mailbox.

It looks like the majority are within a "Sent Messages" folder, which is bringing it above the 250MB quota.

If you're unable to find this folder in webmail, while I can't personally change your secondary mailbox password to have a look (It's not a permission I have, I can only change the account password), I'll be happy to call you back to help.

My thoughts are, I could use what's known as Rescue Lens, which can allow me to see your computer through your phone's camera. If you're happy to go ahead, could you reply to the ticket with a contact number I can reach you on and when you'd be available for me to ring? I'm generally flexible and here until 6:30pm tonight.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Posts: 21
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Registered: ‎30-03-2019

Re: Totalise email problem

Hi Anoush,
Thanks for your message, I can see some of those folders and they are showing as empty on my side.
My mobile is 07778 XXXX, I'm available until 14.15 pm, and back at 15.45 pm for the rest of the day.



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Community Gaffer
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Re: Totalise email problem

Cheers for your time on the phone Anthony, it was good to talk with you.

I'm really sorry again to hear of the trouble you've had with your e-mails for such a long time.

Just to post back as the solution may help our other customers in a similar situation. I'm happy I've helped you resolve this as there were a lot of e-mails in a duplicate Sent Messages folder that was hidden from sight. 

There was also a Deleted Messages folder which was hidden, but there wasn't anything in that folder to cause an issue. This is normally due to a mail client setting up extra folders by itself and then copying the folders across to the server.

You've ticked those folders through the settings of webmail so you can see them through the normal view, and you've deleted all e-mails from Sent Messages, which should allow you to receive mail normally.

I also forgot to mention that the 250MB quota for your e-mail service is for all mailboxes combined, rather than per mailbox.

Finally, I've arranged the gesture of goodwill we've spoken about and added the details to the ticket. 

If you have further issues or there's anything else you need help with, feel free to get back to me and I'll be happy to help.

P.S. I've seen your latest response on the ticket and I'll take a look to reply shortly. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Totalise email problem

@atmitch wrote:

I can see some of those folders and they are showing as empty on my side.

What do you mean by "on my side"?

There is room for trouble here if you are referring to what you see as the sent folder on a device based IMAP email client UNLESS you have ensured that the client has subscribed to ALL folders.

Different email clients (left to their own devices) can make a right royal mess of some "system" folders in an IMAP account set-up.  For example the "quality" version of MS Outlook (e.g. Outlook 2016) will when setting up a mail account LOOK at the server to see if there is already a folder for sent emails and then use it for sent items.  The shabby excuse for an email application Win10 mail (aka "Outlook") will just created a folder called "Sent Items" regardless of what already exists and use it.

Thereby it is possible to have two (or more folders) called sent (something) which different IMAP applications will use for email sent by that application.  Only be ensuring that all IMAP folders have been subscribed to can you be confident of seeing the whole picture.

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